Ascension Pathway
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Healing & Meditation
Ascension Healing
What is Ascension Healing?
How does Ascension Healing work?
How is Ascension Healing different from Reiki distance healing?
Who sends the Ascension Healing energies?
When are the Ascension Healing energies sent?
How do I receive the Ascension Healing energies?
What can I do to improve my Ascension Healing results?
Do I need to reactivate my subscription to Ascension Healing?
How do I unsubscribe from Ascension Healing?
What is Di-Ascension Healing and Tri-Ascension Healing?
Should I 'tune in' to receive the Ascension Healing energies when they are sent?
How can I start receiving the monthly Di-Ascension Healing energies early on in my Pathway, via Ascension Healing Boosters?
Choosing The Right Healing System
Which healing system is right for me?
Are there any similarities between your healing systems?
Are these healing systems complementary?
Can I learn many things at once?
Can you recommend a healing system for a total beginner?
I am practising with Usui Reiki -
which healing system
is best for me?
The Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway
(The Unified Pathway To Light / Pathway To Light)
What is the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway?
Which Ascension Pathway should I choose?
- Is the Ascension Pathway different to our other energy based healing systems?
Can I do both Ascension Pathways?
Can I take other courses whilst doing the Ascension Pathway?
Is the Ascension Pathway good for beginners?
Do I need to follow the prescribed timeframes given in each Ascension Pathway ebook?
Is it important to complete the resting days in between the Ascension Pathway practices?
What should I do on my Ascension Pathway 'rest' days?
On my Ascension Pathway I need to take attunements - what is an attunement?
What will happen during my Ascension Pathway attunements?
What should I do during my Ascension Pathway attunements?
What should I do if I fall asleep during my Ascension Pathway attunement?
Do I get a certificate for completion of the Ascension Pathway courses?
I feel odd after taking an Ascension Pathway attunement - is it a Healing Crisis?
How can I help to ease a Healing Crisis?
What are the symptoms of a Healing Crisis?
What other things should I be aware of when healing through my Ascension Pathway?
Positive indications that you are making progress on your Ascension Pathway.
Negative indications that you are making progress on your Ascension Pathway.
Are there any dietary restrictions when taking the Ascension Pathway?
How does Pure Nourishment evolve on the Ascension Pathway?
Is it important to complete the prerequisites for each Ascension Pathway ebook?
What if I require additional support during the Ascension Pathway ebooks?
What videos do Love Inspiration offer for the Ascension Pathway?
Why is accumulating karmic merits so important for the Ascension Pathway?
Will it really take me 50+ years to complete the Ascension Pathway?
Why are the ebooks for the advanced levels of the Ascension Pathway not available for download?
How does my energy healing work & ascension on the Ascension Pathway affect those close to me?
I stopped the Ascension Pathway a while ago and now I wish to return - can I start from where I left off?
Ascension Pathway Acceleration
Ascension Healing Boosters
Please visit the individual Ascension Healing Booster webpages for their respective FAQs:
Main AHB Page
Golden Ascension Healing Boosters
Please visit the
Golden Ascension Healing Boosters
webpage for the FAQs.
STAR Ascension Gateway Portals
Please visit the
webpage for the FAQs.
Healing & Meditation
What do you mean by 'energy'?
What is energy based healing?
How does energy based healing work?
How long does energy based healing take to work?
What do you mean by 'healing'?
How can I improve my practice?
Do I need to follow the prescribed timeframes given in each ebook?
Is it important to complete the resting days in between the practices?
What should I do on my 'rest' days?
What kind of things can I feel from my practice?
What are my options here for energy based healing?
Is it important to complete the prerequisites for an ebook?
I am concerned about 'less than light' energies, what can I do?
Introducing Reiki
What is Reiki?
What is Usui Reiki?
Are there other forms of Reiki?
Does Love Inspiration offer Karuna Reiki?
How do I practice Reiki?
What will I feel when practising Reiki?
Is Reiki a form of meditation?
How long does a Reiki session take?
Can I still learn Reiki if I am practising other meditations?
Is Reiki a religion?
Can you explain about the Love Inspiration Usui Reiki lineages?
Do I need permission to send distance healing?
Do I need to complete the full 21 consecutive days of self healing practices (for Usui Reiki Level 1, 2 or 3)?
Can I give healing sessions to others during my 21 days of self healing practices (for Usui Reiki Level 1, 2 or 3)?
I have learnt Usui Reiki elsewhere, do I need to repeat those same levels again with Love Inspiration?
Why does Love Inspiration not offer Usui Reiki Level 3b?
Why are the Usui Reiki Gold levels not available for download?
- Can I take Usui / Kundalini Reiki alongside the Ascension Pathway?
The Attunement Process
What is an attunement?
What happens during an attunement?
How long does an attunement take to receive?
What should I do during an attunement?
What should I do if I fall asleep during my attunement?
What happens after an attunement?
Can I receive an attunement by distance?
Which healing systems require that an attunement be received?
The attunement is a deeply sacred ceremony. Is this true?
What are the steps for receiving an attunement successfully?
Can I repeat an attunement?
The Self Activation Process
What are activation codes and how do they work?
Why does Love Inspiration use activation codes?
Activation codes and prescribed timeframes
How do I know if my self activation has been completed successfully?
The Chakra System
What are the chakras?
How do the chakras relate to our health & wellbeing?
What do each of the chakras represent?
Are there more than seven chakras?
Learning 'By Distance'
What do you mean by distance learning?
Why do you offer your courses by distance?
What information do you provide in your courses?
Do I also receive the healing energies by distance?
What is the process for requesting courses and materials?
Do I get a certificate for completion of your courses?
What if I require additional support during your course?
Using 'Symbols' In Healing
What are symbols?
Why do you use symbols in healing?
Are all symbols the same?
How many symbols are there?
Can I start working with symbols in meditation?
Can different symbols be used to treat different ailments?
How should I use symbols when giving healing sessions?
How accurate do I need to be when using symbols?
I am already using the Usui Reiki symbols, are there more?
Are symbols supposed to be kept secret?
Are all symbols complementary to each other?
What are some techniques for remembering symbols?
How do I place a symbol into my chakra for x number of minutes?
The Healing Crisis
What is a healing crisis?
What are the symptoms of a healing crisis?
What other things should I be aware of when healing?
How can I help ease the healing crisis?
Post Healing information sheet (free download)
Pure Nourishment
What is Pure Nourishment?
How does Pure Nourishment evolve on the Ascension Pathway?
Are there any dietary restrictions when taking any of the Love Inspiration courses?
Am I Making Progress?
Positive indications that you are making progress
Negative indications that you are making progress
The New Consciousness
What is the New Consciousness?
What do you mean by the word 'ascension'?
What do you mean by the word 'liberation'?
Why do you talk about the New Consciousness on your website?
When will this shift in consciousness start to happen?
Do I need to receive your healing systems to move into the New Consciousness?
How do your healing energies help me to move into the New Consciousness?
Becoming A Master Teacher
Which courses can I teach?
How do self activations affect me as a teacher?
Do my students need to follow your prerequisites?
Can I use your ebooks for teaching?
What is the best way to share these healing systems with others?
What criteria do I need to satisfy in order to teach the Love Inspiration courses?
Maitri Foundation
Why do Love Inspiration donations go to the Maitri Foundation?
Ascension Pathway
The Ascension Pathway
Introduction (Start Here)
↪ The Unified Pathway
↪ Pathway To Light
Additional Resources
Pathway Blueprint
Pathway Insights
The Shift In Consciousness
Accelerate Your Pathway
Introduction & Overview
Ascension Healing Boosters
Golden AHBs
STAR Acceleration Portals
Acceleration Retreats
A.E.I. Retreats
Golden Ticket Retreats
Support Your Pathway
Free Ascension Healing
Sign Up
Boost The Energies
Free Reiki Courses
Usui Reiki
Kundalini Reiki
Universal Reiki
Divine Light Meditation
Master Level Symbols
Divine Cleansing
Learn In Other Languages
Free Meditation Courses
Introduction To Meditation
Free Spiritual Teachings
We Are All One
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Virtuous Actions
Accumulating Karmic Merits
Love & Compassion
Understanding Suffering
Pure Nourishment
Helping Our Earth
Free Dharma Offerings
About Guru
Maitri Precepts
Maitri Dharma Practices
Maitri Dharma Meditations
Free Music & Relaxation
Reiki Healing Music
Maitri Dharma Mantras
Rhythmic Affirmations
Solfeggio Frequencies
Binaural Beats Music
Subliminal Affirmations
Free Natural Living Ideas
Pure Food Inspiration
Eco Living Inspiration
Wellbeing Inspiration
Maitri Centre
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