The Love Inspiration Ascension Healing energies are sent three times per month:
Ascension Healing is sent on the 11th of the month and anyone can sign up for this, whether you are taking a Love Inspiration course or not. You may also sign up other people (with their permission) when you register.
Di-Ascension Healing is sent on the 21st of the month and is available only to those who are on the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and who are commencing The Unified Pathway To Transcending The Light - Volume 1 or Pathway To Light - Volume 6. (Approximately 18 months into the pathway).
Tri-Ascension Healing is sent on the 1st of the month and is available only to those who are on the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and who are commencing The Diamond Pathway - Volume 1. (Several years into the pathway).
As per the instructions received from Higher Consciousness, the Ascension Healing energies are only available (noting that these energies are facilitated and endorsed by Them) on these three days each month.Outside of these dates, the Ascension Healing energies are not accessible for sending.Once the Ascension Healing energies have been sent, they are instantly available for all recipients to ‘download’ or ‘draw down on’ throughout the month, in line with their own karmic circumstances.
The Ascension Healing energies are sent by Love Inspiration (Marty & Gerry) and also by those practitioners who have reached the necessary Ascension Pathway prerequisites and who have chosen to offer the energies. For further information about this, please have a read through the "Who sends the Ascension Healing energies?" FAQ here.
Because the energies are sent by a number of different people, in different countries & in different time zones, it is not possible to give any specific time for exactly when the energies will be sent on the Ascension Healing days. Additionally, for Marty and Gerry, sometimes they are drawn to send the energies once, twice or more throughout the day, depending on what is happening energetically for them. For example, sometimes they need to undergo their own healing before being ready to send the energies. And this may also be the case for others sending the energies too. All in all, the energies are divinely & intuitively guided, so it’s important to remember that you will always receive exactly the right proportion of healing energies that are divinely appropriate for you at any given time.
Furthermore, it may be helpful to understand that knowing what times the healing energies are being sent is not highly consequential to the recipient. Due to the significant nature of the Ascension Healing energies, it is not important for any recipient to ‘actively’ receive these healing energies in any way because they will be divinely, automatically downloaded as each recipient is ready to receive them, as the month unfolds, in line with their accumulated merit and ability to assimilate them.
Having said this, it may be helpful to understand that you may undergo healing crises in the days surrounding the Ascension Healing day. Therefore understanding that at the time of the 10th, 11th & 12th of the month, it may be a good time to be loving & gentle to yourself! Additionally, if you are receiving the Di or Tri Ascension Healing energies, this same concept would apply to the 20th, 21st & 22nd (for Di-Ascension Healing) and the 30th/31st, 1st & 2nd of the month (for Tri-Ascension Healing).
Very naturally, there may be many recipients who may want to ‘tune in’ to the energies at the exact time that they are being sent, however this is simply not necessary. Here, we would instead like to encourage all Ascension Healing recipients to take some time to really reflect on & understand what these Ascension Healing energies are offering and how they work. From here, the focus can very importantly be shifted instead to accumulating the highest amounts of karmic merits, in order to facilitate the best Ascension Healing result possible.
In this way, by focusing on the things that really make a difference to the overall healing result, we are better able to maximise and harness the healing power and healing opportunities that are being offered by these Ascension Healing energies.