Ascension Healing is a series of divinely guided distance healing energies that are lovingly & freely offered each month to those who sign up to receive them. The energies are sent with the intention of helping people ascend into higher levels of consciousness by helping to clear away any inner debris, energetic blockages, healing issues or other physical, mental or emotional ailments. In doing so, the energies help people to ascend into higher and higher levels of love, light, peace, harmony, benevolence and unity, in the quickest, easiest and smoothest way possible.
The Ascension Healing energies are sent three times per month, completing a full-scale cycle of healing for anyone who signs up to all three. Information for the three monthly Ascension Healing energies is shown below:
In order to understand what these Ascension Healing energies are offering each person, it is important to firstly understand that the world is currently moving through a very significant shift in its energetic vibration. As part of this energetic shift, the world is being divinely invited to transition from an old, egoic, separative and suffering based consciousness into something entirely new; something that we refer to as The New Consciousness.
Once we can understand, accept and embrace the idea that the world (and all of her inhabitants) are being lovingly asked to expand, grow, evolve and transform very significantly at this time, it can then help us to understand the general nature and purpose of what these beautiful Ascension Healing energies are offering for our journey forwards into this new light.
For example, as each of us continue to be guided through our own divinely unique ‘ascension’ process, it is likely that we will be asked to release a great many impurities, inner darknesses, old traumas, past hurts and ego based obstacles. This ‘release of the old’ is very often a by-product that comes from being showered in this beautiful new light, as we are lovingly invited to ascend into more loving, peaceful and joyful states of being, in line with our karmic circumstances.
With all this in mind, we are truly delighted to offer the Love Inspiration Ascension Healing energies to all who wish to receive these wonderfully divine healing energies. The Ascension Healing energies have been made available to the world due to the continuing development, progress and evolution of the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and we are delighted that such beautiful and divine fruit has now ripened from the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway tree.
Furthermore, the Ascension Healing energies are all endorsed, blessed and offered by a series of ‘Higher Consciousness Beings’ and because of this, these ascension based healing energies can be of great benefit to all those who would like to receive some Higher Consciousness assistance for their journey forwards.
Finally, it may helpful to know that the Love Inspiration Ascension Healing energies are quite different to other kinds of healing systems and healing sessions that you may have been offered. The Ascension Healing energies are divinely unique to Love Inspiration with the intended benefit for all beings to attain freedom & liberation. It is for these reasons that we have tried to put together a series of Ascension Healing FAQ's, so that each interested person can read through them in order to gain a deeper understanding about these profound healing energies. Enjoy!
The Ascension Healing energies are offered freely and with love and if you would like to sign up for the 11th of the month Ascension Healing energies, please click here. Please note that the Di and Tri-Ascension Healing energies are only available to those who progress on their Ascension Pathway journey and the links to these higher level healing energies are available in the ebooks at the applicable levels.