May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Pathway To Light
These can also help to complement your Ascension Pathway Journey:
Our Pathway To Light journey starts with the Universal Love Attunements - a series of 33 healing attunements which help to unlock a vast array of love, healing & purification. These healing attunements can be completed within around 12 months with each attunement helping to open our energy up to receiving a beautiful new universal love vibration.
These universal love energies are very important foundational energies for your Pathway To Light journey and will help you to clear away a vast array of healing issues, physical & mental impurities as well as many other types of energetic imbalance from within. These attunements are received over four main growth phase and at each phase, you will be guided towards releasing & letting go of more energetic debris from within; thus helping you to more easily move into the higher levels to come. |
Version 17 - 20.09.2024
Having now built the foundations through The Golden Mile, The Silver Line continues the ascension process with the Universal Peace Attunements. This is a truly wonderful series of 24 healing attunements which help to unlock a variety of different ascension energies in around 6 months.
The Silver Line attunements are particularly helpful for bringing a deeper sense of inner peace, love & harmony into your life as you open up to new understandings & new perspectives. The finale to this series grants us access to a wonderful suite of new energies known to us as 'the love abundance' which is the well earned reward after such a significant period of healing & purification. For those of you reaching this level, we wish to offer you our sincerest congratulations - may these new energies help you to move to states of peace, inner joy & love in your life! |
Version 15 - 20.09.2024
Having now moved through a very significant amount of healing & purification through the previous two ebooks, this New Blue Moon series of healing attunements now helps us to access the Universal Truth Attunements in what can be a rather challenging yet deeply rewarding 9 months. The New Blue Moon energies helps us to grow, expand and ascend to much higher levels than previously felt before.
At the finale of these New Blue Moon healing attunements, we are guided through another beautiful ascension process in what is a deeply sacred, peaceful & love filled experience. These deeply enriching ascension energies now help us to move to an entirely new plane of existence in what may be felt as a subtle contentment, personal achievement & inner peace. We again wish to pass on our deepest congratulations to all those reaching this abundance of peace and may you now start radiating out this beautiful vibration for all to benefit from! |
Version 14 - 20.09.2024
After receiving the Universal Love, Peace & Truth attunements (through the first three volumes) the Guides will now be introducing the higher energetic frequencies of 'The Elementals' over the next 5 volumes (from volumes 4 - 8). And to start with, The Red Fire Fox energies will be helping you to connect and assimilate the 'Elemental Fire Attunements' over a period of 5 months.
In the words of our Guides: "The Elemental ‘Fire’ is a vast and wide-spectrum energetic frequency that encompasses many fire energies; first and foremost the element of purification (burning up impurities), however also combining a new understanding of the power of the fire energy and it’s use in providing strength for driving out negativity and powerfully radiating out the love intention." We trust that you will enjoy connecting with these deeply healing & purifying energies and may these new fire energies help you to bring benefit to the collective consciousness. |
Version 9 - 20.09.2024
The Emerald Stone introduces the very profound 'Elemental Earth Attunements' into your energy field and throughout these10 months, you are being guided towards a deeper understanding about how you can co-exist in divine harmony with the Earth. These uplifting and attunements will also be helping to raise your love vibration significantly as you learn, heal and purify so that you can enjoy a deeper state of harmony, inner peace & love in your life.
As the Guides explained to us during this level: "The Emerald Stone pathway of eight attunements takes us on a journey of Earthly rediscovery, both within our heart centres and within our physical environment. All care and nurturing starts at the heart centre and there is no difference here for the Earth care centre also. Radiating the energies of The Emerald Stone will re-instill the correct patterns of behaviour that stem from love and infinite care for all beings, not just the self or egoic identity." |
Version 8 - 20.09.2024
As explained to us by Higher Consciousness: "Here at this new advanced level of Elemental energies, we aim to bring the Blue Canal energy system into the energy field. This soul purpose of energies acts like a literal water channel or canal and enables your frequency to purge and clear more energies than before. Opening up the flow of energy between the chakras and around the entire energy body, the Blue Canal functions as an overwhelmingly efficient provider, carrier and extractor of energies. In this way the Blue Canal speeds up the level of purification at each intricate moment in one’s evolution to liberation.
These 'Elemental Water Attunements' are received into your consciousness over 7 months and are effectively providing your entire energy system with a very significant upgrade over this period of time. We hope that you will enjoy these new energies and may they help you to heal & purify faster so that you can find those beautiful & deep states of love, peace & divinity that lie within. |
Version 9 - 20.09.2024
Having now moved through the elemental attunements for fire, earth & water, you are now ready to again take another significant upgrade in your energetic vibration as you open up to receiving the'Elemental Wind Attunements'. And it during this next 6 months that your energy field will be fortified and strengthen as you open up to receiving these very critical & uplifting energies.
As we were told: "The Wind Elemental, or Air as some may call it, brings to the table a great force or strength of energy. It opens the doorway to transitional changes within your frequency allowing deep and stirring progress to be made ... The Wind element brings the ‘flow’ of movement into the energy system and helps to keep it clear along with rejuvenating and refreshing at the same time." We these powerful and fortifying wind energies help to strengthen your energetic vibration and may you enjoy the process of being uplifted and rejuvenated during this level. |
Version 7 - 20.09.2024
At this stage of your Pathway To Light journey, you have now been guided through a series of energies, attunements and energetic upgrades that has not only raised your energetic vibration significantly but has also helped you to enhance and accelerate your energy channels & circuitries. During The Grey Smoke, you will again be receiving a series of energetic upgrades & uplifts in your consciousness as you open up to receiving the 'Elemental Ether Attunements' over a period of 8 months.
As it was explained to us by Higher Consciousness: "Bringing into focus each of the four elements previous, you have undergone great healing and expansive changes. At a cellular level, every part of your being has now manifested great capability and capacity to heal and rejuvenate itself more than ten times faster than before Your accelerated energetic frequency now brings more energy faster and more frequently into, and out of, your body. This in itself deserves great congratulations." |
Version 12 - 20.09.2024