All of our ebooks and courses include everything that we have received from the Guides as well as many other additional insights that were gained by Marty & Gerry as they moved through these energies. We therefore lovingly ask that you please read through all of the information in your ebook thoroughly and with care prior to contacting us.
Step 2: Check out the Healing FAQ pages
There is lots of important information being made available to you on our Healing FAQ's webpages which can help you progress through our courses, healing energies and attunements. We have answered many different kinds of frequently asked questions under the following categories:
Step 3: Ask your question in the Love Inspiration Community Facebook page
With more and more people ascending into higher and higher vibrations through the Love Inspiration courses, we have set up the Love Inspiration Community Facebook Group as the main communications platform for people to ask questions, share insights and to connect with one another. Marty & Gerry regularly review the Love inspiration Community Facebook posts and will respond to queries that require additional clarification or guidance. By setting up the Love Inspiration Community, it also allows Marty & Gerry to continue working for the highest possible good of all beings whilst providing a loving space for people to connect & share with each other for the infinite benefit of all beings.