Love Inspiration offers a wide variety of unique content in a wide variety of different formats. For example, on the Love Inspiration website, you can find over 100 ebooks, 50 videos & 20 audios which are all offered in addition to our 100+ webpages. We lovingly invite you to use all of this information to help you feel more peace, joy & happiness in your life and of course, we are delighted to share these beautifully free healing resources, in the hope that we play our small part in creating a happier, healthier & more loving world.
With so many different teachings available to the public, it is also important that we try our best to ensure that these teachings are shared in the spirit in which they have been received. For example, we want to make sure that the Love Inspiration teachings are always being offered FREELY to the world. We also want to make sure that these teachings are always shared in a way that maximises the benefit to each recipient AND to the person sharing. And it is for this reason that we use copyrights, to help protect the integrity & purity of these divine healing systems.
For example, if someone was to copy a portion of the Love Inspiration course material and then share this with another person, without sharing all of the various techniques, teachings & activation codes - it is possible that the recipient will not gain the maximum possible healing benefit from the course material. Therefore, it it very important to try to prevent this from happening. Equally so, if someone chooses to take our free course material to turn them into paid courses (with an intention to profit) then this can be karmically detrimental and so again, it is important to try to prevent this from happening also, as best we can.
So this is why using copyrights helps to protect & preserve the purity & integrity of the Love Inspiration healing systems. It helps to ensure that these beautiful love based healing energies can continue to be be offered freely to the world, in a way that is divinely uplifting for each recipient and karmically enriching to those who are sharing this content with others. With much love, we thank you for your understanding and should you have any questions about any of this, then please feel free to post your questions in the Love Inspiration Community Facebook Group.
Understanding Basic Copyright It is important to understand that when an author (i.e. a person or an organisation) creates original content (i.e. written content, audio content or video content) - all of the material is automatically protected by copyright law as soon as it is published. Therefore, if someone then copies, republishes or redistributes this material, or any portions of the material, without gaining permission from the author, then this breaches copyright law and certain legal actions can then be taken by the author, should they wish to.
Copyright for Love Inspiration Website All content offered on the Love Inspiration website is protected by copyright. Therefore, it is a breach of copyright law for anyone to copy, duplicate or republish any of the content, from any webpage, in whole or in part, without written permission from Love Inspiration.
Copyright for Love Inspiration Ebooks The Love Inspiration ebooks are also protected by copyright. Therefore, it is a breach of copyright law for anyone to republish (including translate), redistribute any of the content, from any ebook, in whole or in part, without written permission from Love Inspiration. Please note here that in some of our courses, we offer Master Teacher levels in the ebooks and to help people teach these systems to others more effectively, Love Inspiration does give permission to Love Inspiration Master Teachers to use the Love Inspiration ebooks in their own teaching processes, provided that the Love Inspiration Master Teacher Criteria are satisfied, at all times.
The Love Inspiration ebooks are also protected by copyright. Therefore, it is a breach of copyright law for anyone to republish (including translate), redistribute any of the content, from any ebook, in whole or in part, without written permission from Love Inspiration. However the following exceptions apply:
1. For some of our courses, we offer Master Teacher levels in the ebooks and to help people teach these systems to others more effectively, Love Inspiration does give permission to Love Inspiration Master Teachers to use the Love Inspiration ebooks in their own teaching processes, provided that the Love Inspiration Master Teacher Criteria are satisfied, at all times.
2. We lovingly give permission for people (individuals) to use online tools to translate an ebook for personal usage, which includes sharing it for free with anyone you think will benefit. Please note that Love Inspiration remains the owner of all translated content and that commercial usage of translated ebooks is strictly prohibited (this helps to ensure that the ebooks are always being shared for the highest possible good of all).
When Can You Use The Love Inspiration Ebooks? We want to help everyone understand exactly how and when to use the Love Inspiration ebooks in line with copyright law, so we have put together a series of examples below to try to help clarify this. Firstly, you will see that all personal usage is always acceptable. Personal usage is very important because it helps each person to receive the courses in a simple, easy & effective way. For those who wish to share these ebooks as a Master Teacher, you can also use the Love Inspiration ebooks, provided that the Love Inspiration Master Teacher Criteria are satisfied, at all times. Here are some examples of how to use the Love Inspiration ebooks and how not to use the Love Inspiration ebooks:
YOU MAY use the Love Inspiration ebooks in the following ways:
Read & use an ebook electronically (online or on your device)
Print an ebook for your own personal use
Translate an ebook digitally using an online tool, for your own personal use
Share a link to any of our webpages / ebooks (i.e. personally or on social media)
Give an ebook (in digital or hard copy form) to another person for them to use, in English or digitally translated online) to another person for their own personal use, provided that it is in full (i.e. not a part thereof or edited in any way)
Use an ebook (electronic or hard copy) to teach a person or group (with or without payment for doing so), provided that you are a Mater Teacher and that you abide by the Love Inspiration Master Teacher Criteria.
YOU MAY NOT use the Love Inspiration ebooks in the following ways:
Distribute or sell an ebook
Create derivative works based on original Love Inspiration work or ebooks
Share parts of an ebook, or an edited ebook (all ebooks must be shared in full and in their original form).
‘Copy’ portions from an ebook and then ‘pass this off’ or ‘rebrand’ the information as your own work.
Create ‘video content’ derived from a Love Inspiration ebook to then create or teach 'your own course’.
Translate an ebook for any purpose other than personal use, except if you have our written permission or if you are a Mater Teacher and you abide by the Love Inspiration Master Teacher Criteria.
Copyright for Love Inspiration Videos Videos are also protected by copyright. Therefore, any videos that are shown on the Love Inspiration website (or on the Love Inspiration YouTube channel / other video based platforms) have been created by Love Inspiration and are all protected by copyright. These may not be copied, duplicated or redistributed, in whole or part, by any means, without gaining written permission from Love Inspiration.
Copyright for Love Inspiration Music All music on the Love inspiration website (excluding the Maitri Dharma mantras), whether offered for free or for purchase, have been created by Love Inspiration and are protected by copyright. These music files may not be duplicated, redistributed or used in other projects, in whole or in part, by any means, without gaining written permission from Love Inspiration.
Copyright for Love Inspiration Meditations Any meditations offered on the Love Inspiration website (or as part of the Love Inspiration ebooks) whether offered in writing, video or audio format, are all protected by copyright. These meditations have been lovingly created by Love Inspiration and they are offered freely & with love on our website, for personal usage only. These meditations may not be duplicated, redistributed or republished, in whole or in part, by any means, without gaining written permission from Love Inspiration.
How To Share Copyrighted Materials In The Right Way Firstly, it is important to understand that the Love Inspiration material can ALWAYS be used for personal usage. For example, it is perfectly wonderful for a person to download an ebook, audio file or other course material to help them on their healing journey. As part of this, we also understand that many people may want to share the Love Inspiration materials with others and of course, this is truly wonderful because it means that more people can benefit from these divinely uplifting teachings, energies & resources.
For those who wish to share the Love Inspiration content with others i.e. ebooks, videos, music audio files or meditations, you are lovingly invited to share the relevant web-links with others, in any way you wish i.e. by email, on social media, in online community groups, in person etc. For example, if someone is interested to share a Love Inspiration ebook with a Facebook group, they could simply share the relevant web-link in the group so that everyone can gain access to these free resources. With much love, we thank you for sharing our free courses with others!
Why Do Free Teachings Need Copyrights? Like we mentioned previously, Love Inspiration uses copyrights to help us preserve the integrity & purity of our free healing systems. We use copyrights so that each recipient can gain the maximum possible healing benefit from our free teachings and we also use copyrights to help ensure that everyone who is sharing these materials with others is doing so in an energetically beneficial way.
For example, we use copyrights to help us avoid situations where someone takes our free course material to then turn this into a paid course, with the intention of making personal profit. In other words, this person is trying to pass off the Love Inspiration teachings as their own work, to make a profit. When receiving these teachings from Higher Consciousness, Love Inspiration has been told many times that these energies are to be offered to the world freely & with love and so, we need to do our best to ensure that these energies are always being offered in this way.
As another example, we also use copyrights to avoid situations where someone copies a portion of the material to create their own course (whether free or paid) to then offer to the world. In this case, the Love Inspiration teachings are not being shared in full and therefore, the recipient may not get the maximum possible healing benefit. We have seen this situation arising before where people share the Love Inspiration healing systems without the activation codes or without sharing all of the techniques and so, by using copyrights, this can help to ensure that each recipient can always receive the complete teachings (so that they can gain the maximum possible healing benefit from each course).
With much love, we thank you for your understanding and we sincerely hope that all of the Love Inspiration free teachings can help to bring you a deep feeling of love, joy, peace & happiness in your life. May all beings be guided towards reaching the deepest and most profound states of love, happiness & purity in their life and may we all radiate our love, truth & compassion infinitely, for all beings to benefit from.