What criteria do I need to satisfy in order to teach the Love Inspiration courses?
As a not for profit organisation, Love Inspiration is delighted to share a variety of Higher Consciousness teachings which help to accelerate the ascension process that is currently taking place on Earth, so that people can reach very elevated states of consciousness quickly and effectively. With this in mind, it is very important that all of the Love Inspiration energies, attunements and courses are always offered in the highest possible way and to help us achieve this, we have set up a number of ‘Love Inspiration Master Teacher’ criteria. We lovingly ask that each Love Inspiration Master Teacher satisfies all of these criteria when teaching any of the Love Inspiration based healing courses to others.
From a bigger picture perspective, this list of criteria helps to ensure that all of the Love Inspiration healing courses are being offered in an ‘energetically beneficial’ way, both for the Master Teacher who is sharing the energies and for the recipient who is receiving the energies. And when we break this criteria down into different categories, we can more clearly see that this set of Love Inspiration Master Teacher criteria help to ensure that:
1) The correct courses are being taught, 2) The person teaching these courses has received the appropriate training, 3) The courses are being shared for the highest possible benefit of the recipient, 4) The ebooks are being used in the correct way, and 5) All translated ebooks are used in the correct way.
Within each of these categories, Love Inspiration has been guided towards creating a series of criteria (shown in red below), as well as some helpful information for those wishing to teach the Love Inspiration healing systems. Again, we lovingly ask that each Love Inspiration Master Teacher satisfies ALL of the below criteria, within each category, prior to teaching any of the Love Inspiration based healing courses.
And let us just say here that in this context, when we use the word 'teach', 'teacher' or 'teaching', this can be defined as those who are either activating or giving attunements or anyone who presents themselves as a ‘Master Teacher’ of a Love Inspiration healing system. With all this in mind and with much love, we now wish to share these five main categories, as well as the various criteria that need to be satisfied within each category, for those who are wishing to teach any of the Love Inspiration courses.
ALL of the below criteria need to be satisfied in order to teach/attune our courses:
1) The correct courses are being taught For those wishing to 'teach' others, please note that Love Inspiration only offers a Master Teacher level for certain courses (see these courses in this FAQ). For example, it is only possible for a person to ‘teach’ The Unified Pathway To Light, Usui Reiki, Advanced Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and Advanced Kundalini Healing (as these are the only healing systems that we offer Master Teacher levels for). Love Inspiration does not offer any Master Teacher levels for any of its other courses, including Universal Reiki, Pathway To Light, Master Levels Symbols, Divine Cleanses or Divine Light Meditation and therefore, people are not able to 'attune' other people to these energies. For those wishing to share these 'non-teacher' systems with others, we lovingly invite you to simply share links to the ebooks / the relevant webpages and/or help to share the information with people about how they can self-activate these energies, so that they can then receive beautiful healing into their life.
For those wishing to ‘teach’ please ensure that you are only teaching/giving attunements for the below courses: 1.1 The Unified Pathway To Light (Volumes 1 - 4) 1.2 Usui Reiki (Levels 1 - 3) 1.3 Advanced Usui Reiki (Levels 4 - 9) 1.4 Kundalini Reiki (Levels 1 - 3) 1.5 Advanced Kundalini Healing (Levels 4 - 9)
2) The person teaching these courses has received the appropriate training Before teaching any kind of course, it is vital that the teacher has moved through the necessary training themselves, correctly and successfully. In the previous section, you can see the courses that a Love Inspiration Master Teacher is able to teach and with this, we lovingly invite each Master Teacher to please ensure that they have completed the necessary Master Teacher training, for the course that they are wishing to teach.
For all of the courses shown in section 1 (i.e. 1.1 - 1.5), please ensure that you satisfy all of the following criteria: 2.1 You have completed the necessary Master Teacher training for the course you are wishing to teach. 2.2 You have adhered to all of the timeframes, including resting timeframes, throughout the entire healing system that you are wishing to teach. 2.3 You have completed all of the prerequisites for the Master Teacher course, including all Ascension Pathway prerequisites, and you have adhered to all of the timeframes & resting timeframes for each of these prerequisites.
3) The courses are being shared for the highest possible benefit of the recipient As we mentioned previously, one of the highest responsibilities that Love Inspiration has is to help preserve the integrity & purity of these healing systems, for all to benefit from. Therefore, it is very important that we have robust systems in place, to help ensure that all teachings are only being shared with recipients in the same loving & benevolent way that they were divinely brought through. This helps to ensure that all recipients can continue to receive these beautiful healing energies and get the highest possible benefit from these teachings.
For all of the courses shown in section 1 (i.e. 1.1 - 1.5), please ensure that you satisfy all of the following criteria: 3.1 Each recipient receiving the energies has completed the necessary prerequisites, (including following the prescribed timeframes & resting timeframes) prior to receiving the course. 3.2 All attunements for the healing system are activated in line with the instructions that were taught during the Master Teacher level. 3.3 All courses must be taught in the same consecutive order that Love inspiration offers them i.e. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 etc.
For 1.1 - The Unified Pathway, 1.3 - Advanced Usui Reiki or 1.5 - Advanced Kundalini Healing courses, please also satisfy this criteria: 3.4 If you are charging for a course, each recipient must be told that there is a free ‘self learning’ version of this course available on the Love Inspiration website. This needs to be communicated prior to payment being received so that the recipient fully understands the options that are available to them prior to signing up for your paid course.
4) The ebooks are being used in the correct way Before we introduce the criteria for how to use the Love Inspiration ebooks, it is firstly important that we understand the basic concept of copyrights, as this is now a very important aspect to consider when thinking about sharing information with others. For example, when someone (or an organisation) creates an ebook, all of the written material that is included inside that book is automatically copyrighted by law as soon as it is written. Therefore, if someone then republishes this material (or portions of this material), without permission, it is against copyright law.
Having said this, Love Inspiration lovingly gives permission for people to use the Love Inspiration ebooks, provided that the ebooks are being shared in full and are not edited in any way. By sharing the full contents of each Love Inspiration course, it means that each Master Teacher is able to share all of the relevant information, with each recipient, so that they can receive all of the information that was divinely brought through and lovingly shared by Higher Consciousness for each course. Love Inspiration does not permit Master Teachers to use portions of our course material and/or ‘rebrand’ this information as their own teachings (this becomes a breach of copyright).
For all of the courses shown in section 1 (i.e. 1.1 - 1.5), please ensure that you satisfy all of the following criteria: 4.1 You are sharing the ebook in full and in its original form i.e. it is not edited in anyway (this includes any translated ebook)x. 4.2 You are not ‘copying’ portions from one of the Love Inspiration ebooks and then ‘passing this off’ as your own work. 4.3 You are not recording ‘video content’ derived from a Love Inspiration ebook to then create 'your own course'.
5) All translated ebooks are used in the correct way Love Inspiration gives permission to Love Inspiration Master Teachers to translate the Love Inspiration ebooks that they are teaching and using in their teaching processes (provided that all of the Love Inspiration Master Teacher Criteria are satisfied, at all times). Translation can be done by hand or using some kind of online tool like Google Translate. Note that any of the Love Inspiration ebooks may be translated for personal usage, but only the applicable ebooks as set out in Sections 1.1-1.5 may be translated for teaching use by Love Inspiration Master Teachers.
Above all, it is important to understand that our main goal here for all translations is to help preserve the integrity & purity of these divinely designed healing systems, so that all may continue to benefit in very profound ways. We also wish to ensure that all translated ebooks are being shared in an energetically beneficial way, both for the person sharing the ebooks and for the person receiving the ebooks.
Overall, we warmly ask that all of these criteria be met for each course that you teach and with this, we lovingly thank you for helping to share the Love Inspiration teachings and energies for the highest possible good of all beings. If you have any questions or concerns about teaching the Love Inspiration courses, we warmly invite you to ask your question in the Love Inspiration Community Facebook Group, for all to benefit from.
Finally, please know that each of these criteria have been designed with the highest of intentions, with the hope that all future recipients can gain the maximum possible benefit from these teachings which are such precious gifts from Higher Consciousness. May these divine healing systems continue to bring infinite benefit to all beings, for a great many more years to come!