May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Maitri Dharma Meditations
For those who are walking on the Maitri Dharma Pathway, meditation is something that can help to create a deep sense of peace, bliss, love & joy. When meditating, Maitri Dharma practitioners are able to connect directly with the Source / Creator / Paramatma Guru energies, through the divine blessings & spiritual accomplishments of Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru.
In Chapter 7 of the Maitri Dharma Book, the Maitri Dharma practices are explained in more detail and this includes describing the ways that we can meditate. As part of this explanatory chapter, there are 3 main heartsets that are introduced and these are said to be very beneficial for us to meditate on. Heartset 1 - Merging With Guru Heartset 2 - Releasing Suffering For All Heartset 3 - Mukti-Moksha Transcendence For All For example, a person may take some time to move through each of these three heartsets and this would be a very beautiful meditation practice. When connecting with each of these heartsets, there are certain things that we can visualise, imagine or think about, to help us connect more deeply to the Source / Creator / Paramatma Guru energies and to help you learn these more easily, we have created a few guided meditations (shown below). |
Throughout these guided meditations, we introduce terms like Paramatma Gurus, Paramatma God Bhagawan Gurus, Mukti-Moksha & Lokas and we understand that these Maitri Dharma terms will likely be quite new or foreign to many people.
So for those who are wishing to learn more about these terms (or about the Maitri Dharma more generally) we lovingly recommend reading through the Maitri Book, as this will help to explain the important context & background about why we are using these terms & why these terms are so important in the Maitri Dharma. Also, you can visit the online glossary which accompanies the Maitri Book so that you can further understand the different terminologies used. And if you are someone who would prefer to focus on purely meditation, then this is also fine. You might like to focus your attention on Chapter 7 of the Maitri Book so that you can gain a deeper insight into the Maitri Dharma practices specifically, which can then help you to more deeply connect with these beautiful energies. |