May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
The Maitri Dharma Practices
The Maitri Dharma practices are a very important part of the Maitri Dharma Pathway because they can help to connect us with the Paramatma Gurus. In this context, Paramatma Gurus is a term which is used to describe a number of 'Great Beings' who reside in the highest parts of the collective consciousness.
Therefore, if we continue to work with the Maitri Dharma practices, it can help to connect us with these very pure and divinely uplifting energies so that we can be more easily guided towards feeling a deeper sense of 'Maitri' in our life. For those who are already walking on the Maitri Dharma pathway, they often describe a beautiful awakening of this new 'Maitri feeling' within them, something which is often felt internally by a deepened sense of love, kindness, faith, devotion, surrender, gratitude, purity, peace, wisdom, truth and unity. We hope that you will enjoy this short overview of the Maitri practices and we invite you to open up to any or all Maitri practices, as you feel guided to. |
By far the best way to learn about Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru and the Maitri Dharma pathway is to read through the Maitri Book. The Maitri Book offers a comprehensive introduction to the Maitri Dharma and it can help you to learn all about Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha and the teachings of the Maitri Dharma.
In addition to reading the Maitri Book, some people also like to read through the speeches that have been given by Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru over the past few years. This can help to offer a deepened perspective about who Guru is and about why He is here on the Earth at this truly evolutionary time. Speeches given by Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru |
Mantras are often taught to spiritual aspirants as a way of helping them to connect with a range of 'Higher Consciousness' energies and in the Maitri Dharma, the concept is the same. Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru has given the world some very special mantras that can help each practitioner to connect with the energies of the 'Paramatma Gurus'.
For those who are interested to start practicing with the Maitri Dharma, reciting the Maitri Dharma mantras can be a great place to start. If you wish to, you can recite the mantras (silently in meditation) or you can also recite the mantras as you go about your daily life. Using a 121-bead mala can also be used to recite the mantras (this is called 'mala' meditation). Listen to the Maitri Dharma Mantra Music |
For many Maitri Dharma practitioners around the world, meditation has become a very important part of their Maitri Dharma practice i.e. as they open up to receiving the infinite light blessings of Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru & all of the Paramatma Gurus, in a way that feels right for them and their own heart.
For those wishing to learn how to do a Maitri Dharma meditation for themselves, we lovingly invite you to read through chapter 7 of the Maitri Book, which provides more detailed information about the kinds of mindsets that we should be cultivating in meditation. And if you are someone who would prefer to listen to a guided meditation, Love Inspiration has created a few Maitri Dharma based guided meditations to help you with this. |
Perhaps one of the easiest ways to 'practice' the Maitri Dharma is to start making offerings to the Paramatma Gurus. The Paramatma Gurus reside in the highest realms of consciousness and as such, when we make offerings to Them it can help us to connect with Their truly profound energies, whilst at the same time helping us to accumulate a wonderful array of karmic merits for our own journey forwards.
In this context, when we speak about 'making offerings' we are talking about offering water, flowers, fruit, candles and incense. Typically, these types of offerings are made on a 'Maitri Altar' and for more information about how to set up a Maitri Altar, we lovingly invite you to read chapter 7 of the Maitri Book, which provides in depth instructions on how to set up a Maitri Altar as well as how to do the Maitri Dharma offerings. |
For those who are walking on the Maitri Dharma pathway, chanting prayers can be another very important part of a daily Maitri practice. The Maitri prayers are expressed in the Maitri language and when we chant them regularly, it can help to connect us with the energies of the Paramatma Guru's whilst giving us the chance to accumulate many karmic merits.
The Maitri prayers can be chanted once (or twice) per day i.e. from 5-6am or 5-6pm. They take around 60 minutes to chant and they are a great prequel to any type of Maitri meditation. The Maitri prayers are available here (with English transliterations and an accompanying audio) which means that anyone who wishes to start chanting the Maitri Prayers can now enjoy the delightful karmic merits that come from this divine practice. |
The final Maitri Dharma practice that we would like to introduce here is a little different from the previous practices outlined above. Within this precepts practices, it is recommended that we do our best to live in alignment with The Maitri Precepts as we go about our daily life. And by doing this, we are more easily able to transform our daily thoughts, intentions and actions into those that are based in loving kindness, peace, non-discrimination, humility and unity.
Reading the precepts daily can also be a great way to continually immerse ourselves in the profound teachings of the Maitri Dharma. As part of this ongoing practice, we also lovingly suggest that each practitioner be loving, gentle and kind with themselves as they continue to progress; for it is normally through a 'step by step' approach that can helps us to move more easily, lovingly and gracefully into the inner depths of the Maitri Dharma. |