May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Free Music & Relaxation Tools
,We are truly delighted to be able to offer such a wonderful selection of free music, relaxation and healing gifts here, in the hope that these can help to bring more peace, harmony and love in your life.
To help you find what you are looking for more easily, there are five main categories set up on this page: Reiki Healing Music Maitri Dharma Mantras Solfeggio Frequencies Binaural Beats Music Subliminal Affirmations Within each category, there are a number of different offerings that are all available on their own separate webpages. All of this music (except the Maitri Dharma mantras) has been designed by Love Inspiration to help you bring more relaxation, peace, love & happiness into your life, for the benefit of all. Enjoy! |
Reiki Healing Music
We are delighted to offer you a number of both free & fundraising-based Reiki Healing Music options here, with much love & light. It is our intention to provide a very relaxing, peaceful and soothing set of healing sounds to aid both yourself and your recipient in your Reiki sessions. When creating this music, we have been sure to create soundtracks that are very helpful for giving and receiving Reiki. For example, many of our tracks include a 'chime' at specific intervals to help you keep track of your timing for each hand position. We hope that you enjoy using our Reiki music and may it help to bring myriad benefits to you and all whom you are sharing Reiki with.
Maitri Dharma Mantras
The Maitri Dharma mantras are a very powerful way of healing, purifying and expanding forwards on your journey into the light. Therefore, we are truly delighted to share these beautifully upifting and deeply purifying mantra songs with you here. With much love, we hope that you will enjoy these peaceful & deeply sacred sounds of these beautiful mantras and may you enjoy feeling the love, light and peace washing over you with this music. Once you click through, you can read more information about how you can use these mantras, so that you can open yourself up to receiving a significant amount of deep inner healing, spiritual expansion & love for your journey forwards.
Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio frequencies can offer you a series of harmonic / healing frequencies that date back many thousands of years. These energetic frequencies are said to be very beneficial for internal healing & spiritual growth and as such, we feel that this is another important category of healing music that we are delighted to share here, with much love. Simply listen along to these Solfeggio Frequencies and enjoy digesting them into your energy system to help you with any healing issues that may be arising within you at this time. We often like to listen to these frequencies in times of physical or emotional imbalance or for spiritual re-alignment and we normally like to listen to these on a low volume.
Binaural Beats Music
Our binaural beats music tracks have been designed specifically to help your mind relax & unwind, as your mind is softly & gently guided into an alpha, theta or delta brainwave-frequency. This means that you can now enjoy feeling a deeper state of relaxation, just by listening to the sounds and frequencies that are embedded into these audio tracks. This is the beauty and power of binaural beats & brainwave entrainment and we are delighted to offer you our very own relaxing and deeply therapeutic binaural beats music & brainwave relaxation audios. For us, we often like to listen to binaural beats during meditation or at any time where we just want to switch off, relax or unwind.
Subliminal Affirmations
These audios have been beautifully designed to use subliminal messaging (some in conjunction with binaural beats) so that you can receive many types of happy, positive and loving affirmations, just by listening. Each audio track plays for 30 minutes and contains a number of uplifting affirmations, which are being repeated over and over again within the music & other background noise. As you listen along to these tracks, even if they are just playing in the background, you are opening yourself up to receiving lots of wonderfully happy, positive and loving affirmations and the best part is, your sub-conscious mind is actually better able to absorb these affirmations because these tracks are designed to bypass any doubtful, fearful or other conscious mind barriers. Enjoy!