In the previous FAQ’s, we have introduced the basic information for the Love Inspiration Ascension Healing service. This is a totally free healing service that is lovingly offered to the world in order to help people ascend into higher and higher states of being.
In addition to the ‘Ascension Healing’ energies sent on the 11th of the month, Love Inspiration has also received two additional sets of Ascension Healing energies known as ‘Double Intensity Ascension Healing' (Di-Ascension Healing) and ‘Triple Radiant Intensity Ascension Healing’ (Tri-Ascension Healing), as outlined in the table below:
The Di & Tri-Ascension Healing energies are lovingly offered to those who:
Are progressing on their Ascension Pathway journey and who have reached the necessary Ascension Pathway prerequisites. For example, once a person reaches the The Unified Pathway To Transcending The Light - Volume 1 or the Pathway To Light - Volume 6 ebook, they will be lovingly invited to sign up for Di-Ascension Healing.
Have received two (Level 1) Ascension Healing Boosters. [In 2021 Higher Consciousness brought through the very special ability to sign up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies (without needing to complete the Ascension Pathway prerequisites) simply by receiving two (Level 1) Ascension Healing Boosters. This is an extraordinary opportunity to start receiving the Double Intensity (Di) energies as soon as possible, even right from the very beginning of your Ascension Pathway, and highlights Higher Consciousness’ wishes to have as many people as possible start receiving the Di energies as soon as possible on their pathway. For more information, see this FAQ.]
At that stage of their journey, they will then be able to receive Ascension Healing (on the 11th of the month) AND Di-Ascension Healing (on the 21st of the month). And of course, both of these sets of healing energies will be divinely complementing each other as well as the Ascension Pathway journey of each recipient.
After receiving the Di-Ascension Healing energies for three consecutive months, these practitioners will then become divinely ‘qualified’ to begin sending Ascension Healing (on the 11th of each month), should they wish to. (Please note that this is only available for those who have completed the Ascension Pathway ebook prerequisites, and not for those who are receiving the Di-Ascension Healing energies early through the AHBs). One of the main benefits of sending the Ascension Healing energies (other than being able to benefit others in the Love Inspiration Community) is that each sender will receive a small acceleration opportunity for their own Ascension Pathway journey, each time they send out the healing energies on the 11th of the month.
As people continue to progress on their Ascension Pathway journey (into the Diamond Pathway ebooks) they will then be invited to start receiving the Tri-Ascension Healing energies which are sent out on the 1st of each month. At this stage, all three sets of Ascension Healing energies will be available to the practitioner and this triple suite of healing energies now becomes very important and beneficial to the ongoing Ascension Pathway journey.
Each set of Ascension Healing energies that are sent on the 11th, 21st & 1st of each month will divinely complement each other and all of these energies work in conjunction with the Ascension Pathway levels that are being received at the same time, in order to help bring about an easier and smoother transition into higher levels of expansion & transformation.
The format for receiving the Di & Tri-Ascension Healing energies is almost identical to the Ascension Healing system in that you simply submit a sign-up form and then start receiving (once you have completed the necessary prerequisites). The Di & Tri-Ascension Healing energies are also received in direct proportion to the amount of karmic merits that the recipient has accumulated. Therefore, the more karmic merits one is able to accumulate on their own unique pathway, the more ascension based healing energies that they will draw down on. And of course, the more Ascension Healing energies that are drawn down, the easier, faster, smoother and more successful the Ascension Pathway journey is, as they continue to transition into the beautiful new consciousness light for the highest benefit of all beings.
In addition to the above information, Higher Consciousness has lovingly offered several diagrams to help describe Ascension Healing. With much love, these diagrams are offered below so that you can see the comparison between Ascension Healing, Di-Ascension Healing & Tri-Ascension Healing, as well as how each set of energies works to clear away inner debris and karmic obstacles.
And lastly, for further information about Di-Ascension Healing and Tri-Ascension Healing, you will need to advance on your Ascension Pathway journey. For example, once your have satisfied the necessary prerequisites, you will be given all of the necessary links and information required in each of the applicable Ascension Pathway ebooks. These links and information will help you to firstly sign up for Di-Ascension Healing and Tri-Ascension Healing and then secondly start sending out the Love Inspiration Ascension Healing energies each month, should you wish to. (If you are wishing to sign up to Di-Ascension Healing early on in your pathway through the AHBs, then you will receive your Di-Ascension Healing sign-up link in the AHB email, once you have received the second AHB. For more information, see this FAQ.)