For those who wish to receive the Love Inspiration Ascension Healing energies (sent on the 11th of the month), all you need to do is sign up here and start receiving. This is a totally free service and you just need to fill in one very simple form to sign up. You can also sign up others to receive the energies as well (with their permission). Wonderful!
(Please note that if you are interested to sign up for Di or Tri Ascension Healing, it is important to firstly satisfy the necessary Ascension Pathway prerequisites. Once you reach the applicable Ascension Pathway levels, all of the necessary links and information will be shared with you through those ebooks and you can then sign up to Di or Tri Ascension Healing at that time).
Once you have filled in the submission form on the Love Inspiration website and you click on the submit button, you will be taken to a ‘congratulations’ page. When you see this, it means that you are now signed up. Please note that due to our basic website plan, we are unfortunately not able to send you a confirmation email when you sign up. Therefore, it may be helpful to make a note of the date that you have signed up, so that you can re-sign up after the appropriate time, as outlined in the table below:
As an example, if you sign up for Ascension Healing on the 13th of the month, then you will start to receive these healing energies on the 11th of the following month (for the next 18 months). If you sign up for Ascension Healing on the 9th of the month, you will start to receive the Ascension Healing energies from the 11th of that same month (again, for a total period of 18 months).
After you have signed up for these free Ascension Healing energies, you can then simply go about your day knowing that you will be divinely & automatically drawing down on the Ascension Healing energies in direct proportion to the amount of karmic merits that you are accumulating on your journey. And that’s it!
There is no need to do anything at all to ‘actively receive’ the Ascension healing energies on any of the Ascension Healing days. Instead, the main idea here is to focus on accumulating the highest levels of karmic merits so that you can draw down more and more Ascension Healing energies, as each month unfolds, so that you can continue to be guided into higher and higher levels of light in the smoothest and easiest possible way.