Yes - there are now many other types of Reiki being available to us here on the Earth and these newer types of Reiki, such as Celestine Reiki, do not originate from Dr. Mikao Usui (as discussed in 'What is Usui Reiki' FAQ). In the same way as Dr. Mikao Usui 'brought through' the recipe of the energy healing based practice known as Usui Reiki, there are now more people who are doing similar work and are 'bringing through' additional healing frequencies that we can also draw on for healing.
In this way, we can see that within the Reiki brand-name there are now many sub-categories of Reiki. Two such examples of these are Karuna Reiki, as developed by William Lee Rand and Kundalini Reiki, as developed by Mr Ole Gabrielsen. Both of these practices are very genuine and wonderful forms of energy based healing and help to provide a new range and variety of divine healing vibrations for our practice.
In the same way as we've just mentioned here, there have been two main systems of energy based healing come through to us at Love inspiration as well as a few other smaller healing systems. These energy based healing systems all focus around the idea of bringing an individual to a higher vibration of love; to help in bringing us all towards the vibration of 'the new consciousness'.
And this is exactly why Love Inspiration has been created - to help as many people as possible to transition into this new vibration of love & light. We are realising more and more in recent times that this is indeed the reason why we are here on this earth - to help others learn the lessons of healing so that we can all move towards the new consciousness of love, light and one-ness.