When we are learning about energy based healing, it is very natural that we will be introduced to the idea of sending healing energies ‘by distance’. This is a very important principle and it allows the practitioner to send healing energies across both time and space so that these beautiful Higher Consciousness healing energies can help to cleanse, replenish, purify or re-balance what is needed in any given moment, regardless of physical location or time.
When we start learning about distance healing, we are often taught that ‘permission’ should always be gained from the recipient prior to sending the Higher Consciousness healing energies. The reason why this is commonly taught is because light workers honour the principle of ‘free will’ which means that we always respect the ‘choice' of other living beings about whether they wish to receive (or not receive) what we are offering. So this is a very important teaching that accompanies the concept of distance healing and it is very important that each practitioner digests this teaching when they are introduced to distance healing.
As a practitioner starts to become a little more experienced in their healing work, the concept of gaining permission starts to evolve somewhat as the practitioner is normally presented with certain situations where gaining permission might not be as straight forward as first thought. For example, if we would like to send healing energies to an unborn baby or to a person in a coma or to an animal or plant, gaining permission can be a little tricky. In these cases, 'gaining permission’ in the traditional sense is not really possible and so more clarification and/or techniques are often needed for these kinds of situations. Also, if we are wanting to send healing energies to a specific location or to the Earth (and/or all living inhabitants), then again, these kinds of situations are good examples where gaining permission may not be possible using traditional methods.
So, whilst gaining permission is indeed a very important principle that forms the foundation of our distance healing work, it is also true to say that as we progress on our journey, we are often presented with situations where there may be some exceptions to the concept of gaining permission. With this in mind, we would now like to offer some possible techniques that can be used for these types of healing situations. By sharing these with you here in this FAQ, it is our aim to promote the idea of gaining permission for all kinds of distance healing work in the hope that you can start implementing these understandings & techniques into your practices to ensure that you are always sending distance healing for the highest possible good of all beings.
So before we share the actual techniques, we would just like to share a word of caution about sending distance healing without permission. For example, there may be times when a practitioner wishes to send healing to another living being and they have gone ahead and asked them for permission. The potential recipient tells them that they do not want to receive healing energies but the healing practitioner still wants to send healing to them. In these kinds of situations, we lovingly ask that you please check your intentions and check within yourself, as you enquire about why you are wanting to send healing to someone who does not wish to receive.
In other words, we lovingly suggest that you just double check that your intentions are coming from a genuine feeling of 'maitribhav' (a deeply loving and benevolent space that wishes to serve and help this living being) and not coming from a place of egoic gratification or any kind of selfish motives. These kinds of egoic gratification motives can often be hidden from ourselves and can often be quite difficult to see, so it is with much love that we share this information here, in order for you to more deeply understand your healing intentions prior to sending distance healing without permission.
Generally speaking though, we are of the opinion that any and all love based intentions are beneficial, both to oneself (through karmic merit accrual) and to other living beings (as a way of helping, healing and nourishing their energy field). We will talk a little more about this a little further down but for now, let us share the above mentioned techniques so that you can send distance healing where gaining permission isn’t traditionally possible.
Technique 1 - Gaining permission 'by intuition' Ok, so if we are faced with a situation where we cannot gain permission in a traditional way, there is one simple technique that we can use for sending distance healing. Here, we will be gaining permission 'intuitively' i.e. we will be allowing ourselves to ‘feel’ whether we are being given permission to do our healing work, prior to sending the distance healing. For example, there is a common technique taught in Usui Reiki which allows a Reiki practitioner to ask for permission intuitively from either the recipient's higher self or their spirit guides. The Reiki practitioner will go into a meditative state and just take a few moments to connect in. Once they feel ready, they would then imagine the recipient sitting in front of them and would then ask the recipient's higher self or their spirit guides whether it is ok to send distance healing at this time. Once they have asked this question intuitively, they will then take a few moments to feel any ‘yes or no’ type responses that come from this question and by doing this, they are effectively ‘asking for permission’ through intuitive communications. Once they feel that permission has been granted, they would then begin their distance healing work.
Another technique that can be used for gaining permission ‘intuitively’ is to let yourself sit in a meditative or connected state and then ask your own higher self to send you a clear signal about whether it is ok to send distance healing to the recipient. When you are asking this question to your own higher self, you can ask that a very clear signal be sent to you immediately, or over the coming days ahead, and then you can just go about your normal daily routines until you are presented with some sort of inner feeling or sign conveying a yes or no to send the distance healing.
Please know here that when we say the word ‘signal’ or 'sign', this can often come in the form of a very subtle inner feeling however it can also come in the form of some very obvious physical sign i.e. something you are reading or watching might suddenly jump out at you as it relates to the healing situation that you are asking about, or an idea might just pop into your head or in some cases, the person who you intended to work with might just pop into your thoughts. When applying this technique, it will still be important that you trust in divine guidance and in your own divine intuition. These kinds of signals are normally not ‘concrete' but rather, they are more fluid, as you are being guided towards a deeper understanding about whether or not it is appropriate to send distance healing at that time.
Ok, so these are two of the more common ways of gaining permission ‘intuitively' and we hope that these can help you in situations where gaining permission from the recipient is not possible through traditional ways. Of course, there are a few other ways that you can approach the concept of gaining permission intuitively and we would lovingly suggest that you simply apply a technique that works for you. Also, please keep in mind that if you are unable to check for permission physically from a recipient and you are using any of the above techniques, it may be helpful to remember that you also have the opportunity to 'double check' for permission when you actually begin sending the energies.
Here you can just feel how the energies are flowing whilst you are sending the healing. For example, if the recipient does not wish to receive the energies, you may feel that the energies simply won't flow, or that they come back to you. You may feel some sort of resistance or perhaps have the feeling that it's not the right time. Or perhaps, spontaneously your intention may change to a more broader 'group' of recipients (for example, you go to send cancer healing energies to Mary and then your intention suddenly changes to send cancer healing energies to all beings suffering from cancer). Follow the signs and as always, trust your intuition and do what feels right in your heart at the time.
Technique 2 - Sending distance healing energies ‘up into the aether’ In addition to gaining permission intuitively, there is another technique that we would like to share here which is great for those who feel that their intuition is still developing or for those who are just starting out on their journey. This technique can be used to send distance healing to any living being, any situation and/or any other healing issue that you may encounter in your distance healing practices. It is a great technique to have in your divine toolbox and it works on the idea that the recipient can simply draw on the energies you are sending, if they need them or if they would like to, at any time.
The basic idea here for this technique is that we will be sending the distance healing energies ‘up into the aether’ and we will be setting our intention that these healing energies are being sent for xxx person or xxx living being to then intuitively draw down on, should they wish to. There are a few different ways that you can approach this type of technique, however we will now outline one simple way to help you kickstart your practices. This technique can be used without any need for pre-organising anything and without any need for the recipient to actively do anything. Simply send the healing energies up into the aether and then the recipient will very naturally draw down on these, if they wish to, without needing to apply any conscious thought processes to receiving the energies. This is the beauty of divine guidance in action!
To use this technique, you would firstly start by preparing for your distance healing session in a way that feels right for you. When you are ready to start, just be sure to set your intention like you normally would, but you want to add in the intention that these distance healing energies will be sent up into the aether and will be made available for xxx recipient for their highest possible good and for the highest possible good of all beings. Now, as you send the distance healing energies, you can imagine that you are sending the healing energies up into a white ball of light. You can visualise sending whatever healing energies you wish to into this ball of white light and visualise it filling, filling and filling until it is beaming with love & light. As you continue to send these healing energies into this white ball of light, you can again reinforce your healing intention that these healing energies are intended for xxx recipient to then draw on, as they wish to, for their highest possible good and for the highest good of all beings. You can complete your distance healing session after 10 - 15 minutes or alternatively, wait for the energies to naturally drop off themselves.
By using this simple technique, you will be able to send healing to any person, living being or situation in a way that is preserving and honouring the principle of free will. Of course, we do still recommend that physical permission be received wherever possible however equally so, this simple technique can be used as a way of sending distance healing energies to those situations where gaining permission is not possible through traditional means.
As an extension to this technique, you can also try sending up healing energies into the white ball of light so that all living beings on Earth can draw on these healing energies. You might send up some distance healing energies for anyone suffering with cancer at the moment or for anyone who may be suffering with mental ailments (or any kind of imbalance). Or, you might like to dedicate these healing energies to the Earth so that she can be rebalanced, nourished and replenished where needed. In this way, within this one technique, you can send healing energies with a wide range of altruistic intentions for the benefit of others. As you progress further still, you may even become this white ball of light, as you shine radiantly and lovingly for all to draw on, as they need to. And so the evolution of your distance healing practices continues to develop and unfold, with much love.
Expanding our perspective of distance healing When we reach a more advanced level of learning, it is very natural that we will start to move closer and closer to understanding that distance healing is actually very similar to a simple sharing of love, as we radiate these beautiful vibrations for any and all to draw on, should they wish to. And as we continue to do our distance healing practices, we can also merge our Higher Consciousness healing practices into other spiritual practices such as intentional based well wishing, prayers or mantras. All of these can be combined with your symbol based practices so that you are working with a beautiful range of positive & benevolent intentions as you go about your distance healing work. There may also be other times when you are in meditation and you suddenly feel the urge to send some love based healing energies to another living being and of course this would be wonderful.
For example, you may be in meditation and you might feel that you would like to bring someone into your mind and wish them all the love in the world for their journey forwards i.e. from this connected space of love. In many cases, this will often be a divinely guided phenomena and it also links into our concept of intuitive permission as well. As another example, you might find that a thought suddenly arises about someone who is suffering at the moment and you feel like it is appropriate to just take a moment to wish that this person be free from this suffering and/or send some healing energies to that person. Of course, this would be done with a deeply loving heart and with a benevolent / altruistic mindset and this is always a very beautiful thing. May every single living being enjoy happiness, peace and joy!
When we are doing these kinds of practices, they will typically be founded upon the idea of using our intuition and just doing what feels right in any given moment. In this way, we can see that these types of advanced distance healing practices will tie back to the concepts of divine guidance and intuition which are two very important principles in energy based healing. In other words, if you are sending healing energies from your heart, with a positive / benevolent intention and in accordance with your intuitive guidance system, you can't go wrong!
In all of these above examples, depending on how broadly or narrowly you define the concept of distance healing, it is fair to say that the idea of gaining permission is a very ‘fluid’ principle which evolves as each practitioner themselves evolves. Above all, we lovingly and humbly recommend that wherever possible, distance healing is sent with the permission of the recipient but of course, as you now know, this can be lovingly done in a few different ways. We now invite you to go about your distance healing practices whilst being sure to follow your own inner feelings, your heart and your divine intuition as you continue to progress. We also lovingly encourage all practitioners to share these Higher Consciousness healing energies with a heart that is steeped in love, kindness, compassion and unity and to use expansive and benevolent intentions for the highest possible good of all beings wherever you can.
We are delighted to share the above techniques with you here and we hope that they can be of some service to you as you continue to move forwards on your healing pathway. May you be guided towards sharing your distance healing energies freely, lovingly and happily, feeling a sense of peace, trust & confidence that you are sending these beautiful healing energies for the highest possible good of all beings.