Do I need to complete the full 21 consecutive days of self healing practices (for Usui Reiki Level 1, 2 or 3)?
During each of the traditional Usui Reiki levels (Levels 1, 2 & 3a), Love Inspiration lovingly recommends that each recipient completes 21 consecutive days of self healing practices. During these 21 days, the practitioner undergoes a process of deep inner healing, cleansing and purification, as they connect to, and assimilate, the new Reiki energies. Each self healing practice builds on the energies of the previous day’s practice, compounding the energies and bringing about the optimum absorption, connection & assimilation for that level of Usui Reiki. In this way, the 21 days of self healing practices are a very necessary and important part of each course and we do humbly recommend that all recipients complete the 21 consecutive days of self healing practices as part of their learning.
Having said this however, we do understand that there can sometimes be instances when completing the 21 days may not be possible. For example, you miss 1 or 2 (or several) days due to unforeseen circumstances.
In these instances, the type of answer that you will receive in response to these situations will often depend on the Reiki Teacher and/or the Reiki lineage. For example, there are some Reiki Master Teachers (and some lineages) that are quite strict in their approach. These teachers will explain that if you missed even one day of practice during the 21 day period, then it is better for you to start again (i.e. do another 21 consecutive days of practice, regardless of where you had reached before you were interrupted). In contrast to this, there are other Reiki Teachers who don’t actually prescribe any kind of self healing practices at all during their courses. Instead, they choose to leave it up to the recipient to decide on what feels right for them as they walk forwards on their Usui Reiki journey.
For Love Inspiration, our approach is that it is optimal to complete the 21 days consecutively, however if that is not possible, the next best option is to complete 21 days in total (not necessarily consecutively). But as always, when encountering situations like this on your healing journey, it is always important to follow your heart & trust your intuition, doing what feels right for you.
Overall, there are two main purposes for completing the self healing practices. Firstly, the practices help the practitioner to connect to and assimilate the new Reiki frequencies, making them a ‘tuned’ conduit for the energies to flow through. And secondly the practices are an important part of the overall learning process. This is a time when the practitioner can feel and experience many things making the self healing practices immensely valuable.
If someone chooses not to do the self healing practices, it is almost like getting a brand new car and then not taking the time to drive it! So for the Love Inspiration courses, we have chosen to include the 21 days of self healing practices in all of our traditional Reiki courses and we do lovingly recommend that these be completed by each recipient, for each level of learning.
For anyone who has a situation arise in life that prevents them from doing their self healing practices on one or more days (i.e. you miss a day here and there within the 21 day period) we would lovingly suggest that you simply add whatever days you missed (during the 21 days) onto the end of your practice period.
For example, lets assume that you started your self healing practices on the 1st of the month and you were due to finish your practices on the 21st of the month, but you had something come up on three separate days that prevented you from doing your daily practice. In this case, you could just add on three more days and finish your self healing practices on the 24th of the month. In this way, you would have still completed the 21 days of self healing practices and you would have successfully assimilated all of the new energies that were being offered to you. Alternatively, if you had started your self healing practices and then something came up a few days later which meant that you missed out on say a whole week of practice (i.e. 7 days in a row), then it might be a good idea to simply start again and do another 21 day period of practice, once you are able to get a clear schedule. (In this case, the practitioner can choose whether they would like to re-attune themselves as well or whether they would just like to re-complete the self healing practices for the course).
So basically, the general idea here behind the self healing practices is to give each practitioner the chance to connect with the new healing energies for a full period of 21 days, ideally a full consecutive 21 days, but if that is not possible then a full 21 days. In this way, each practitioner will be giving themselves the best chance to fully assimilate the new energies whilst also giving their bodies the necessary time to move through the inner healing processes that often take place during each level. At each level, this 21 day period can often be a wonderful time where we are guided to connect with these new energies in a very beautiful way, in what is often described as a very inspiring and uplifting time by many Reiki practitioners.
So again, if you do happen to miss out on some time here and there during your 21 days of self healing practices, then you can either add on the days at the end or you can start over with your 21 days. Here, we wish to offer each practitioner some flexibility about how they wish to proceed because there can be a number of situations that can arise. Above all, we lovingly recommend that you follow your own inner feelings and simply do what feels right for you whilst trying your best to satisfy the 21 day period of self healing for each level of learning.
Finally, we just want to reiterate here that if you can indeed complete the 21 consecutive days of self healing practices, then this is the ideal scenario. With this in mind, it is therefore best not to simply skip a day here and there because we are 'not in the mood’ or we are ‘feeling a little lazy’. Instead, it is best to try to be a little disciplined in our practice, wherever possible, trying to complete the self healing practices for each level as best we can. For some added motivation, we can think to ourselves that these new energies are here to help us energetically and to help us feel more relaxed, peaceful, happy and joyful. We can think that this is our time to ourselves, our time to open up and receive divine healing energy so that we can be recharged, rejuvenated and nourished for our journey forwards.
In this way, the self healing practices that are prescribed during each level can lovingly offer us the ability to reconnect with a deepened version of ourselves, re-awaken to our own divine essence, help us feel more love, light & happiness in our life and of course, they will always be very beneficial and helpful for our journey forwards. Wonderful!