Why is accumulating karmic merits so important for the Ascension Pathway?
The Love inspiration Ascension Pathway offers people the ability to ascend into very elevated and pure states of consciousness over a period of many months and years. At each step of the way, through each of the Ascension Pathway ebooks, those receiving the Ascension Pathway energies are lovingly guided towards releasing a great many karmic obstacles, energetic debris and inner darknesses, as they continue to ascend into higher and more profound states of love, peace and unity.
And whilst the Ascension Pathway ebooks and teachings are easily accessible on the Love Inspiration website, Higher Consciousness has explained, on several occasions, that the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway journey is certainly not an easy one. For example, there may be times when a recipient is guided towards releasing karmic obstacles that can often result in healing crises that can be intensively difficult.
For Marty & Gerry, they found that their own impurities, karmic obstacles and past life hurts did indeed result in extremely difficult challenges in their life, so much so that they would sometimes think that might not even make it through the challenges that were being presented! However, whenever they were facing these kinds of extreme difficulties, Higher Consciousness would often remind them that one of the best ways to make the journey easier was to continue accumulating karmic merits.
As we understand it, when a person accumulates karmic merits, it has the ability to help ease the suffering (and any potential future suffering) that one may have to endure. In addition to this, when we accumulate karmic merits, it also helps us to remove, reduce or eliminate our karmic obstacles so that we can move through the Ascension Pathway teachings and energies (and life in general) more easily and effectively.
For example, for those who have been guided towards finding the Love inspiration Ascension Pathway teachings, even perhaps through some ‘random’ occurrence, this has been made possible because of your positive karmic circumstances. In previous communications with Higher Consciousness, it has been explained that each person who finds their way to the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway has accumulated a very significant amount of karmic merits, just in order to even find their way to the Ascension Pathway energies. In other words, because of their accumulated karmic merits, these people are now being given the opportunity to benefit from the very profound and transformational Ascension Pathway energies for the highest benefit of all beings.
For those who are currently walking on the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway journey, Higher Consciousness has also reiterated the importance of continuing to accumulate karmic merits on this journey. In this way, for those who do choose to continue accumulating karmic merits on their journey forwards, they are more likely to move more easily & effectively throughout their Ascension Pathway journey.
For example, let’s assume that someone has found their way to the Love Inspiration teachings. Perhaps they have taken a Reiki course and they are now interested to start out on their Ascension Pathway journey. Great. They step forwards into the Ascension Pathway energies and as soon as they start to receive these attunements, they are intending to clear away old pains and hurts for the benefit of all beings and straight away, this is helping them to accumulate a wonderful array of karmic merits.
As they continue to progress on this journey, they may start to notice that there is some suffering being experienced, as the process of releasing, purifying and healing continues for them. They understand that this is very natural part of the ascension process and that these Ascension Pathway energies are helping them to clear away old hurts, past life traumas, karmic obstacles, energetic blockages and inner debris. They understand that this type of energetic cleansing is normally a prequel to the next layer or level of ascension (into a higher level of understanding) and so, with a sense of gratitude and joy (where possible) they are happy and willing to bear the temporary suffering, because they know that this will ultimately be beneficial for themselves and the collective in the long run.
So now, let’s assume that this same person also understands the immense value and benefit that comes from accumulating karmic merits on their journey. They understand that accumulating karmic merits can help to soothe and soften their ongoing sufferings. Because of this understanding, this person decides to try their best to focus on thoughts, practices, actions and activities that will help to uplift their consciousness more quickly, easily and effectively. In other words, they are trying their best to focus on doing things that help to bring them more and more ascension as their journey continues to unfold.
This is a very nice way to think about how to approach the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and so now, let us talk a little more about the benefits of accumulating karmic merits in more detail.
Firstly, we already know that accumulating karmic merits can help to soften the suffering so this is the first very important benefit of accumulating karmic merits. Also, Higher Consciousness has explained that when we accumulate karmic merits, it can also help to create the right energetic circumstances for our continued progress into higher and higher levels and this is another wonderful benefit.
For example, if we can accumulate the right amount of karmic merits, it means that we are more likely to continue into the next Ascension Pathway ebook without any seemingly random ‘interruptions’ (otherwise known as karmic obstacles). This is a very important benefit which comes from accumulating karmic merits because what we are saying here is that these merits are basically helping to create the right energetic circumstances for us to be successful on our continuing journey forwards into this new light.
In addition to this, if we are able to accumulate the right amount of karmic merits on our journey, Higher Consciousness has also explained that this can help to create the right energetic circumstances for us to be offered an acceleration opportunity, at some stage in the future. For example, Higher Consciousness has explained that a person needs to accumulate a very significant amount of karmic merits in order to be offered the chance to stay at a Maitri Centre. And given that these Maitri Centre ‘stays’ are now being slowly integrated into the acceleration (fast-tracking) options for the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway, the idea of accumulating karmic merits will now start to become very important for those who are more advanced in their Ascension pathway journey and who might wish to accelerate through (fast-track) some of the ebooks.
In all of these cases then (soothing or softening suffering, helping us move into each new ebook without obstacles and helping to invite us into the the acceleration opportunities) the central theme here is always the same. It is paramount to try our best to focus on thoughts, practices, actions and activities that are helping to accumulate karmic merits so that we can benefit ourselves and others in the highest possible way. This is truly the best way to have success on the Ascension Pathway journey because it means that we are always doing our best to create the right energetic circumstances for an easier, quicker and smoother ascension journey forwards.
Once we start to understand the importance of accumulating karmic merits, it is quite natural that we will want to find out the best ways to do this for our journey forwards. As part of the Ascension Pathway journey, Higher Consciousness has been sure to introduce these at each step of the way and much of this information has been included in each of the ebooks. However in addition to this, Higher Consciousness has also offered Love Inspiration a very profound teaching about accumulating karmic merits which can help everyone to understand some of the excellent ways that we can accumulate karmic merits for our continuing journey forwards.
Given that these Higher Consciousness based teachings are so significant, we wanted to make sure that everyone has access to them at any stage of their journey. Therefore, we have set up a dedicated webpage on the Love Inspiration website which helps to explain how to accumulate karmic merits in the highest possible way for your continuing journey forwards. We hope this can help you to have a wonderfully smooth, loving and uplifting Ascension Pathway journey for the highest possible benefit of all beings.