There are several things that you may do to help yourself through a 'healing crisis' and with this FAQ we wish to share some of the techniques that we have found to be useful on our own healing journey. Generally speaking, the healing crisis will typically last for only a few days and it is important to understand that this is required so that you can safely release old or unwanted energies from your system.
Please be patient with this healing process and please allow your body and mind do what it needs to do at these times. If you feel tired, then rest. If you feel hungry, then eat. If you feel like crying, then cry. And to help with your energetic adjustment process (aka your healing crisis), you may also wish to do some of the following:
Drink plenty of water! One of the most important pieces of advice about helping yourself flush toxins out of your system. This also includes juices, herbals teas and other natural liquid remedies that will help to release the toxins from your body.
Acknowledge and accept that what you are going through a healing crisis is often enough. Please understand that this is a temporary moving through of old or unwanted energies and this is a really great sign that very deep and necessary healing is taking place from within your body. This is a very important point because without this acknowledgement, you may feel like you are going through a downturn in your life when it is actually the opposite!
Understand that the moon cycle can play a part in your healing crisis. For example, usually around the time of a Full Moon the healing and ascension energies are very strong and this can mean that in the days leading up to a Full Moon, your healing crisis energies may be peaking and you may feel very squeezed. Particularly the day before the Full Moon, and the day of the Full Moon where a climatic energetic crisis point may be reached and you may feel like you are going to explode, or that you simply cannot take any more. If you are aware of the Full Moon dates & times, then this can help you to know and ‘expect’ a heightening in energies - and when you understand this, coupled with knowing it is only temporary, this is most helpful (rather than being unaware). In addition, it is helpful to know that the energies will often quickly resolve after the Full Moon and you may feel a very quick return to ‘normal’ (or a new level of ‘normal’) once again.
Listen to yourself: If you are feeling fatigued, or sleepy, your body is talking to you, and telling you to rest. Be kind to yourself, and get the rest that you need - you deserve it and it will help you to heal more effectively.
Accumulate Punya: One of the very best things you can do when experiencing a healing crisis is to do any activity that will help you to accumulate punya (karmic merit). This may help to speed up the healing process and may even reduce the suffering extent of your healing crisis. Not to mention it can sometimes help shift your mind from your own suffering! Remember that the energies are purging out of your body due to your rise in vibration, so if you can continue accumulating merit, the whole process may be faster and easier. (You may like to visit our Accumulating Karmic Merits In The Highest Possible Way webpage for further information).
Exercise: this can help connect the breath and is a form of meditation in itself.
Breathing exercises: such as Pranayama and connected breathing. This helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and is a great way for you to activate your 'rest & digest' state (which helps you heal!).
Sound Therapy: such as singing bowl, tuning fork or drum sound healing.
Creative expressions: such as gardening, singing, dancing, art, writing, cooking - anything creative you enjoy doing.
Do "feel good" classes: classes which make YOU feel good, e.g. Groove Movement or Laughter Yoga.
Meditation: either on your own or with a class/group.
Help others: when we help others we create karmic credits which can help to move us through our own "stuff" faster.
Laughing: this is a powerful expressive way to move energy quickly.
Other natural therapies: things like life-coaching, reflexology, aromatherapy, massage, colour therapy etc.
Self Healing: either through hands-on healing, meditative healing or other forms of healing practices.
Do a cleanse: either your own form of detox or the energy cleanses offered by Love Inspiration.
Additional support: You may want to let your family or friends know whats going on so that they can support you. Often an outside party is much better at seeing the long-term goal than you are where things are tough.
Ensure that you are properly 'grounded': - Please refer to the below notes about being ungrounded
An important note about grounding
Sometimes after healing work (immediately, or in days to come) you may experience what is called being "ungrounded". This simply means that your energy is not earthed and you may experience sensations such as feeling "floaty" or "airy-fairy", being clumsy (dropping your toast, tripping over etc.) or just generally feeling like you are not quite "with it". This is a very natural occurrence after healing work as your energies are processing the changes that have happened in your body. There are some simple remedies for this including:
- Walking barefoot on the earth/grass - Gardening or digging in the garden with a spade - Hugging a tree (yes it really does work!) - Follow along with the below grounding exercise
And exercise for helping to 'ground' yourself:
Stand with both feet flat on the floor and imagine yourself as a tree. Visualise big, strong tree roots growing out of your feet and deep into the earth. Imagine them growing downwards and outwards as far as possible, to ensure you are firmly "rooted" in the earth. Feel your energy change as you draw up the earth's energy through your roots and allow it to fill your body. You can do this exercise anywhere, at any time you feel you need it.