On the main Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway webpage, you can see that the Ascension Pathway is completed over a number of divinely guided steps, as shown here below:
The Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway Step 1 The Ascension Pathway Step 2 The Ascended Pathway Step 3 The Crystal Pathway Step 4 The Diamond Pathway Step 5 The Emerald Pathway Step 6 The Golden-White Light Pathway Step 7 The Grand Ascension Pathway Step 8 The Grand New Maitri Consciousness
As you set out on your Ascension Pathway journey, you will notice that the first step asks you to make a choice between completing:
When deciding on which option suits you best, we lovingly suggest that you read through this FAQ and take a look through both of the Ascension Pathway webpages (using the above links). Above all, it is important that you consider the differences outlined on these pages and then choose the option that suits you best.
For example, The Unified Pathway To Light requires you to learn and practice meditation & self healing and promotes the idea of cultivating an altruistic and 'for the benefit of all' intention. It is for these reasons that this pathway is steeper, more intensive and more effective at raising your energetic vibration very quickly.
The Pathway To Light on the other hand offers a series of 'healing attunements' where there is no need for meditation or self healing practices. The intentions and energies on this journey are also somewhat different as they are geared more generally towards healing 'the self'. As such, the Pathway To Light ebooks can help you to raise your energetic vibration very beautifully as you move steadily into the vibration of The New Consciousness.
We wish to point out here that no one pathway is better than the other, but rather these energies, practices and intentions will appeal differently for different types of people. Additionally, it may help to understand that no matter whether you choose to begin through The Unified Pathway To Light or the Pathway To Light, you will be lead to the same destination (Step 2) so that you can continue to be guided into higher and higher energies.
At this early stage of your Ascension Pathway journey, we do lovingly suggest that you take whatever time you need to carefully consider your personal preferences, perhaps taking some time to meditate on this concept. Once ready, you can then choose the Ascension Pathway that feels best and start working through the ebooks. If you are still unsure about which pathway suits you best, please feel free to use any of the following ideas for some additional insight & clarification:
Meditate on the two pathways and see which one you are drawn to.
Write the name of each pathway on a piece of paper and hold one in each hand (or place them on the floor in front of you) and feel which one you are drawn to.
Many people have said that their pathway “chose them”, so look out for signs or feelings that a pathway is 'pulling' you or drawing you in.
Start reading each of the Volume 1 ebooks and see which one you are more drawn to.
Ask for guidance from Higher Consciousness for which pathway will suit you best (through meditation, ceremony etc).
Place two candles in front of you with the name of each pathway written beside each. Feel which one you are drawn to light, then light it with the intention for your journey on it to benefit all.
Print the title page (cover page) of each volume 1 ebook and sit with the papers to see which you are drawn to. You could meditate here or try hovering your hands over the pages to feel energetically which one is ‘pulling’ or drawing you.
Overall it is most important to trust your intuition. With love, we wish you infinite light on whichever pathway you choose!