Why are the ebooks for the advanced levels of the Ascension Pathway not available for download?
As you look through the webpages of the higher levels of the Ascension Pathway, you may notice that the following ebooks are not available for download in the same way as the other books are:
Step 5 - The Emerald Pathway (all ebooks) Step 6 - The Golden-White Light Pathway (all ebooks) Step 7 - The Grand Ascension Pathway (all ebooks) We understand that some people may have questions about why these ebooks are not available to download at this time and therefore, we would now like to take a few moments to explain why this is the case.
Firstly, it is crucial to understand that the higher levels of the Ascension Pathway are reserved for those who have completed all of the required prerequisites & followed the prescribed timeframes. In this way, the Ascension Pathway offers each recipient a divinely uplifting set of energies, with each ebook & timeframe preparing them perfectly for the ebooks and energies that lie ahead. As people progress on this journey, we lovingly ask that they follow along with the divine instructions that have been received from Higher Consciousness, because this will be helping you to receive the maximum possible healing benefit from this beautiful Ascension Pathway healing system, for the infinite benefit of all beings.
So, in a perfect world, all of the ebooks would be offered on our website so that when people reach these levels, they can lovingly download these and move forwards on their pathway. However, in October 2021, Love Inspiration received the understanding from Higher Consciousness that the advanced level energies for the Ascension Pathway were being prematurely accessed & downloaded i.e. by those who had not completed the necessary prerequisites. In previous communications, Higher Consciousness has explained that when someone tries to access energies that they are not energetically ready for, it can actually be quite detrimental to their journey forwards (and also detrimental to the Love Inspiration community as a whole).
Therefore, with this in mind, Higher Consciousness has now asked us to remove the ebooks for these higher levels of the Ascension Pathway from our website (with much love), until such time as the main pool of the Love Inspiration Community starts to progress into these higher levels, at which point, we can put them back up online. Here are the messages we received from Higher Consciousness:
“Accessing advanced level energies before you are ripe to receive them can cause backward-sliding effects for not only oneself, but for the Love Inspiration Community & collective consciousness as a whole. Your premature acceleration is not recommended, with love, under any circumstances. Please take heed. “
"Each individual on these pathways will find some layers of healing and purification easier than others; this is due to your own karmic circumstances and is not a justified cause to skip timeframes or ‘accelerate’ yourself due to egoic justifications. Please Dear Ones we say it with love - be kind to yourself and follow the pathways as indicated, as best you can. There is no ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ on this journey, but there are circumstances that lead to a more complete journey. Please follow our guidance in the energies and know that you are being watched with great love and abundance.”
As of now, the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway ebooks for Steps 1 through to 4 are lovingly available so that everyone who wishes to receive these beautiful energies can open up these ebooks and follow along with the divine instructions (so that they can gain the highest possible benefit). And again, we wish to lovingly reiterate here that it is very important to follow the prescribed timeframes & complete all of the required prerequisites as you continue to progress on this beautiful Ascension Pathway journey.
The ebooks of Step 5 - The Emerald Pathway, Step 6 - The Golden-White Light Pathway and Step 7 - The Grand Ascension Pathway are no longer available online, simply because these are VERY advanced levels of learning and when completing these under normal conditions, they would take a great many years to complete. There will be some acceleration options that çan help you to dramatically accelerate through the Ascension Pathway ebooks but these will only become available once we have a basic Maitri Centre. Therefore, at this stage, it is not possibe to reach these very advanced levels if you are following along with the instructions within the ebooks, which is why these ebooks have been taken down. But again, as the Love Inspiration Community continues to evolve, and as the acceleration options start being utilised, then these ebooks will be lovingly put back, for all to benefit from.
Therefore, it is truly with a great deal of love, compassion and care that Higher Consciousness has asked us to remove these ebooks from the website and with this, we would like to take this opportunity to again encourage each recipient to complete all the required prerequisites and to follow the prescribed timeframes. This helps to ensure that your energy system is being adequately prepared for future energies, which in turn helps you to continue being guided through this truly phenomenal ascension process, in a truly magnificent way.
And again, if you are someone who is interested to accelerate their Ascension Pathway journey, we are delighted to share more information about these acceleration options here. These can help you to accelerate through the Ascension Pathway ebooks, in a way that is not only energetically beneficial but also karmically enriching. Therefore, for anyone who wises to 'speed up' their ascension process, we lovingly invite you to visit these Accelerate Your Pathway webpages so that you can see how to accelerate your pathway in a truly wonderful way.
Finally, we want to say how grateful we are to every single person who is moving through the Ascension Pathway. Please know that each step you take helps to bring SO MUCH benefit to the Love inspiration Community and to the collective consciousness as a whole. We understand that it is very natural that people want to progress as quickly as possible but it is also very important that we do this in the right way i.e. so that we can gain the highest possible benefit from these energies. This means that we should always try our best to follow along with the divine instructions that have been received, in a way that feels right for us in our hearts. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
As a further addition, it may be helpful to know that the advanced level ebooks of Usui Reiki Gold were also removed from the website (in January 2020). The following message was received from Higher Consciousness in January 2020, to lovingly explain why these ebooks were taken down from the website. Although this message was for the Usui Reiki Gold ebooks, the information is still very applicable here for the Ascension Pathway ebooks so we are happy to again share this here for more clarity & understanding:
We speak with you today Dear Ones with great love.
The removal of the highest (Gold) Usui Reiki ebooks has not been deceptive Dear Ones, but rather preservative. At this time on your Earth there are many new frequencies being scattered and radiated for the benefit of all beings in the Collective Consciousness and we do not wish to overburden or overweigh those receiving many new frequencies.
It is not that you are being ‘prevented’ from undertaking the Gold energies, but rather that it is better for your own highest interests to complete the required prerequisites prior to receiving them. This is a most important undertaking to allow your energy body to swell with the energetic light required to achieve the radiance at these highly demanding levels. Please do not mistake our temporary removal of the ebooks as a sign of punishment, or other negative purgatory, for this is an action steeped in love and well wishes.
Please do continue on your respective healing journeys and when the time becomes more appropriate we will reintroduce the Usui Gold energies. You have nothing to fear or worry or be concerned about with this Dear Ones, just know that we are lovingly looking out for each and every one of you.
Keep your focus on the immediate levels before you at this time, for these are the stepping stones for infinite light. Take care not to become wrapped or entangled in the egoic need to grab or cling on to the desired result of ‘reaching’ higher levels of advancement, but know that in essence you are being guided wholly and wholeheartedly, individually, to your truth awakening.
We take great honour in serving you all at this time and offer you our love & assistance, freely and with cherishment & deep hope. For those of you who feel swindled or mistreated in this decision (to remove the ebooks from the website), we ask that you lovingly re-centre your focus on light & compassion, for this is the only way forward.