Throughout the Love Inspiration courses you will be offered a great many symbols to use in your various practices. Each symbol will be helping you to call on the energies of Higher Consciousness and will offer you some very profound healing, learning & ascension experiences.
Before we move into some ideas for remembering symbols, it is firstly important to understand that there are two main types of symbols that you will learn throughout the Love Inspiration courses:
* A. 'Ongoing Usage' symbols (these symbols are good to remember as you will use them on an ongoing basis)
* B. 'Temporary Usage' symbols (these symbols only need to be used temporarily and therefore are not necessary to remember)
******* 'Ongoing Usage' symbols:In some cases, the symbols that you learn will be important to remember. For example, in the Usui Reiki training you will be introduced to a number of symbols that you can use for your continued healing and meditation work. These kinds of symbols can be called on regularly & repeatedly to help you (or your recipient(s)) to heal any issues that arise when moving forwards on your/their pathway. These ongoing usage symbols can be called on whenever you wish to, for the duration of your pathway.
'Temporary Usage' symbols:These are symbols that only need to be used temporarily, perhaps for a number of days only. For example, many symbols in the Ascension Pathway are temporary usage symbols. These kinds of symbols are here to help you bring in new energies, bring about healing within and help you ascend to a new level of love, light and purity. For these symbols, it is not necessary to use them over and over again like you would with the Usui Reiki symbols but rather, they are 'stepping stone’ symbols that help to introduce a series of new energetic frequencies into your consciousness so that you can heal, purify and ascend into a new layer of love & light.
Techniques For Remembering Symbols: So now, we can understand that there are basically two categories of symbols that are worked with through the Love Inspiration courses. For the ‘ongoing usage’ symbols, we are often asked about some of the best ways to learn and remember these. So here in this FAQ, we would like to take a few moments to outline some of the simple techniques that can be used to help learn symbols and remember them so that we can more easily call on these when we need to.
When reading through the below techniques, we lovingly suggest that you use the technique or techniques that resonate with you the most. And above all, we hope that you will enjoy the learning process!
* Note that the below techniques are possibly more relevant for ‘ongoing usage’ symbols that you will be learning and then adding to your divine healing toolkit however equally so, there may be some 'temporary usage' symbols that you are needing to work with for a number of days or weeks, perhaps, for example, in the Ascension Pathway. In these cases, you may wish to use some of the below techniques in order for you to remember the symbol for your short term connection, digestion and assimilation period.
Copy the symbol repeatedly by drawing it on paper 5 - 10 times (and then repeat this process over a number of days or until you feel happy with what you’ve learnt).
Draw the symbol out on a piece of paper and put it somewhere where you will see it regularly (such as on the kitchen table or on the refrigerator door).
A few times each day, take the time to close your eyes and take a few moments to visualise the symbol (i.e. draw the symbol out in your mind and visualise it clearly).
Look at the symbol for some time and then close your eyes and draw it out with your hand in the air. Repeat this process for as long as you wish to.
Look at the symbol and try to associate it with something in order to help you remember it. (I.e. something that comes to mind when you look at the symbol).
If the symbol is long and complicated, feel free to break it down into sections or parts and try remembering each section, one at a time.
Try to make the learning process as enjoyable as possible (this can often help and you will probably want to learn more often as well).
Remove any pressure of needing to learn the symbol quickly or immediately - you will always be divinely guided through this process. Please be patient with yourself and take whatever time you need to learn each symbol, in your own time.
Draw the symbol in your mind's eye and then take a few moments to feel the energies of that symbol. You can just sit with the energy for a few minutes whilst examining each piece of the symbol’s structure and feeling the energies that flow from it, in a meditative way.
Keep a journal or book of the symbols you have learned, perhaps even writing a small summary of information about each symbol with the picture of it. This can be your ‘quick’ reference guide for future use and it can often help to offer a quick refresher if you are in a meditation session or a healing-others type environment.
Learn each symbol one at a time and again, just take your time to master it. Slowly, slowly is fine!
Focus on learning the symbol that you feel drawn to at any given time. There is normally divine guidance happening during this time.
If a symbol is proving to be very difficult to learn, ask for help intuitively. Perhaps there is a blockage within you or some hindrance that is preventing you from fully learning / remembering it.
Read the information that is provided in the ebook about the symbol. Sometimes there is extra information given about what the strokes of the symbol represent. These additional insights may help you to remember more easily. (For example some Reiki Masters say that drawing the symbol Sei-Hei-Ki represents the left and right hemispheres of the brain coming together).
When you first receive a symbol, it is normally a good idea to use it as often as you can. This can help you to not only remember how to draw it, but also to digest these new energies into your consciousness.
Use the symbol repeatedly! Draw the symbol out and tap it into your body again and again and again, until you no longer need to look at the image to remember it.
Please know also that when learning a new symbol, it is quite common for the learning to take a number of days and even up to a few weeks. Symbols can often be very complicated and entirely foreign to us at the beginning of our journey, but over time, as the connection with each symbol and its frequency tends to build, we naturally become more acquainted with the energies. So the early stages of learning are by far the hardest! Once you have learnt the symbol properly and you have used it for some time, the feelings that come from your practice with it will start to blossom and grow. Also, once you have learnt these ‘ongoing usage’ symbols, they will be available and ready for you to call on regularly and repeatedly, whenever you wish.
Lastly, when we connect with symbols, it is important to point out that it is normally the feelings of surrender, opening up, letting go, gratitude, love, compassion and altruism that can help us to access the full potential of the energies within these symbols. When we can cultivate these kinds of loving, caring and altruistic intentions & feelings, we are often better able to connect with the symbols in the highest possible way. This then helps us to feel a deepened sense of love, peace and unity in our meditation and healing work.
We wish you infinite light on your symbol-learning journey and may each and every symbol that you learn be used for the infinite benefit of all beings.