What other things should I be aware of when healing?
In addition to the symptoms caused by the healing crisis (of which there can be many different types!), there may also be other things to be aware of after doing any sort of healing work or attunement. The below items represent some of the things that may also occur as you move towards higher and more harmonious states of energetic vibration.
Sleep Disruption Waking up in early hours of the morning at the same time (usually between 2 and 5am) night after night. This is a sure sign that something deeply transformational is happening. Look out for the time on your clock - sometimes it is exactly the same time, to the minute every night.
Make a note of the numbers in the time if you wish to, as they may have numerological significance if you want to look further into it. It can last from just one night through to more than a week depending on what sort of transformation you're going through. When you wake up, try not to think "grrrrr I'm awake again". Rather try saying "cool, awake at the same time - must be something happening!".
Dreams Dreams are an incredibly amazing way for us to purge energy, particularly the yucky stuff. Often if we are working on releasing something - either consciously or subconsciously, we can have dreams that follow similar characteristics. For example, one of Gerry's intentions after High Ecliptine level was to try to reduce her attachment to chocolate! In her dream the next night, she over-ate way too much chocolate at Christmas - and subsequently she woke up feeling sick!
The universe works in wonderful ways and these 'dream releases' are a brilliant way to purge without physically having to go through all the release. In fact, sometimes you may wish to ask for more purging in your sleep - as in many ways it can be easier. If you wish to, keep a dream journal next to your bed where you can record whats happening if you remember a dream. You may find that there are repeating patterns or themes in your dreams or they may be simply be a one-off release.
There are many books on dream interpretation you can buy, or even just google what a dream means, but we often find that your overall FEELING in the dream is what best interprets it. Was it fear or happiness you were feeling; did you lose something or find it? And finally, one of the most common dreams is that of death. Death simply means "a new beginning", so don't worry if you see this for yourself or others. It is a transformational time!
Learning Lessons Revisiting the same "lesson" over again. The universe is very kind to us in that it provides us with ample opportunity to heal ourselves. If we don't "get it" the first time, it just keeps delivering until we do. You may feel that there is something specifically unjust in your life, something that keeps happening to you over and over again. This may be amplified in your healing crisis and is the universe's gift to you!
Remember also that healing occurs in layers. So although you may feel like you have addressed an issue previously, it may keep popping up for you to heal at a DEEPER level over and over again - until it is completely healed.
Tests or Challenges Tests or challenges in relationships, finances, home life and work. The universe can really "squeeze" us in order to ring out impurities for healing; like it is "pushing our buttons".
Note that the higher you go on your spiritual path, the deeper the healing is that occurs - so the squeezing can sometimes be heavily disguised and difficult to see at the time. Try to see that the person or situation pushing your buttons is actually offering you a gift to heal - and try not to blame them!
Loss of the Old It is important to note that as you move forward on your spiritual journey, your vibration increases. And as your vibration increases, things that no longer vibrate at the same level as you may begin to start dropping out of your life. For example friends, colleagues, your house or even your job / workplace.
But do not be alarmed, for as the universe closes one door, it always opens another. New people, situations or workplaces will begin to start manifesting in your life and these people and things will be vibrating at a level similar to the new you. You may feel uncomfortable throughout the transitional phase between doors, but as you become aligned with the new set of energies brought forth, you will soon begin to feel comfortable again at this new level.
This process can be very challenging and difficult as we feel that we are losing so much; but try to remember that in order to gain more - sometimes we have to "lose" or clear the old away first. If you feel these things happening in your life - it is a clear indicator that you are making progress on your spiritual path. Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge what is happening. And acknowledge how far you've come in order to presented with these new opportunities. This is your chance to step up further into the new love consciousness for the benefit of all.