Are there any similarities between your healing systems?
In energy based healing, there are some fundamental or foundational principles that are common to almost all systems. For example, the idea of working with love, being open, surrendering, working with gratitude and divine guidance are just a few. There are also other common elements which underpin most energy based healing systems such as the importance of purification, healing & doing personal growth work. In addition to this, many of Love Inspiration's teachings and healing systems highlight the benefits of cultivating benevolent and altruistic mindsets as a way of progressing yourself forwards into Higher Consciousness. And then finally, another similarity in our healing systems is that we like to encourage concepts like empowerment, divine truth, being loving and kind and helping others, with love.
The main difference then between our teachings and healing systems is the 'purpose' for which the energies and healing systems have been brought through. For example, the Ascension Pathway has been specifically designed so that the recipient can receive a very significant array of Higher Consciousness energies, energetic upgrades and ascension based energies. All of these energies, healing practices and attunements have been brought through to help each recipient move towards layers of 'The New Consciousness'. Therefore, these very significant healing energies have been brought through to this earthly realm with the purpose of helping us all to ascend into higher and higher consciousness.
If we compare this overall purpose (or intention for the energies) to one of our Divine Cleanses, we can see a significant difference. The Divine Cleanses have been brought through with the intention of helping recipients complete a short term energetic cleanse. Whilst these energies will surely help each recipient, they are more likely to clear away energetic impurities that have already starting coming to the surface and as such, the Divine Cleanses will not be able to help you in the same way as an Ascension Pathway would in the longer term.
So from this short explanation, we can see that whilst there are indeed many similarities here between each of these energy based healing systems, equally so, there are also some very important differences to be understood. As a not for profit organisation, Love Inspiration offers access to all of these energies and healing systems freely and with love. We offer all of our ebooks, video tutorials and other healing materials for free and we do this with much love in our hearts. We now invite you to choose the energy based healing systems that feels right for you so that you can move forwards on your own divinely unique journey into the light.