When defining the word ascension, it is quite common to think about ‘the raising of energetic vibration’ in order to describe this process i.e. as we ‘ascend’ to more love & light in our life. And of course, there will be many different techniques and methods that can help us to ascend into higher and more harmonious vibrations of love & light. In more recent times, the word ‘ascension’ has taken on new meaning with the understanding that our Earth is slowly being divinely guided towards what many channels, mediums and Gurus have described as a ‘Golden Age’ here on Earth.
As one example of this, with the establishment of Love Inspiration, we have been told on numerous occasions from a wide range of ‘Higher Consciousness’ entities, that the Earth (and her inhabitants) are currently moving through a very significant shift in their energetic vibration. This all seems to be part of a beautiful and divinely orchestrated plan to help us move from an egoic based consciousness into a unified consciousness, one which is filled with infinite love, kindness & compassion.
We understand that this concept is still very new to the world, however it is something that Love Inspiration has been working towards since it’s conception in 2011. During this time, we have received a wide variety of energetic upgrades, attunements and ascension based energies that have been brought together and divinely designed to form our Ascension Pathway. Here, you are given the beauty and divine opportunity to accelerate the process of ascension, for the ultimate benefit of all beings. As we understand it, a big part of the shift from our current egoic consciousness into a more love based consciousness seems to manifest as an organic shift from intentions like ‘how can I benefit myself’ into intentions which are based in altruism & love e.g. ‘how can I benefit all with love’. And of course the ultimate intention with all ascension is to move high enough to reach liberation - freedom from all suffering.