When will this shift in consciousness start to happen?
We have asked this question on many different occasions and have actually never received a straight or direct answer. Perhaps we are not ready to know just yet. However, what has become very clear is that the new consciousness is something that comes from within each of us. We each need to move into the new energies of love and perhaps this is why no timeframe has been given. It is individual, yet also on the grand scale, as we are all one. It seems that we are indeed all moving towards this new vibration of love.
Through our own experiences, the coming of this new vibration is something which should be thought of as an incremental, more gradual process. We believe that this process has already commenced. By very subtly shifting darker energies within us all, we are slowly but surely moving towards the new light. Again, from our own experiences we are starting to realise that there are many layers to this new light. For example, there have been many different occasions where we have pushed through some more of our darkness, reached a new level of love and vibration and then have been told:
"Welcome to the new consciousness"
Again and again this happens - it is a step by step process. It seems that as we move from A to B we reach a new layer of the new light. Then as we move from B to C, we reach another layer of the new light. Moving from C to D, same again; welcome to the new consciousness, and so the process continues.
There are of course, deeper feelings of love and understanding being felt as we move closer and closer to this infinite source of love in what is a truly blessed evolutionary growth for our consciousness. It is our personal belief that by evolving in this way, we are much more easily able to rid ourselves of that which no longer serves us on the path forward. During The Unified Pathway To Light healing system, we were told exactly this by our Guides.