Do I need to receive your healing systems to move into the New Consciousness?
Any kind of healing & purification work will help to accelerate the process of coming into this new light however some practices come from purer sources of light than others. Our Guides have told us that the practices found here on this website are a great way to bring purification and healing to the surface and thus help to accelerate the process of ascension.
We currently offer our Ascension Pathway as our most effective system of healing & purification and again, these energies will be helping to accelerate the process of ascension from within. As we do this kind of healing work and receive this beautiful range of healing energies, we are therefore able to move closer towards more love & light in our life as we release many kinds of old or unwanted energies from within.
Having said this, there are of course many other ways in our life which can also help us to release old energies; and in many cases, this happens even without us knowing it. The key point to note, and something our Guides have consistently re-enforced to us is that these energies, attunements and teachings appear to 'accelerate' this ascension process to help you rid yourself of these impurities more quickly.
The more we melt and merge with these divine vibrations through our own self-healing practices, the closer our overall vibration becomes one with these higher frequencies. And with a higher vibration of love and light comes further release of darkness from within us and thus, we continue to evolve.
Our teachings are simply here to help you, if you wish to receive them. We offer these to you freely and with love in the hope that they help you move towards a more positive, happy and joyful way of life. May you release all of your impurities and imperfections and may you truly step into your infinitely loving potential, for the benefit of all.