There is certainly some interest in this area it seems, especially for people starting out on the energy based healing path. Often people like to hear about what you can ‘feel’ or ‘see’ during energy based healing practices.
Generally speaking, people can feel something from their practice pretty much straight away.’ This may be something slight to start off with but as we progress on this path, the feelings aspect of our practice grows and grows into something quite magical. But everyone is always very different and it really does depend on the person to what they may see, feel or experience during their practices.
A good illustration of this is often seen during the attunement process. If we give the same attunement to three people in a class format, we often have three completely different experiences. For some people, the attunement is something which is truly magical, it brings them all kinds of visions, colours or feelings that take them to another world. Then we have others who feel deeply relaxed and peaceful. They feel some energy moving, perhaps some tingling as some energy is being released and also they may feel a lot of heat during the attunement.
Then another person will feel next to nothing. They may feel relaxed and they might feel a small amount of heat during the attunement but apart from that - not so much. The attunement process has been the same, the types of energies being transferred have also been the same; but each person has experienced the attunement in very different ways.
The same applies to any type of personal practices. We always like to encourage people and re-assure them that whatever you can or cannot feel, there is almost always much divine love, light and healing energy being received by you during any type of healing or meditation session.