Is it important to complete the prerequisites for an ebook?
Yes, absolutely!
All of the prerequisites for the Love Inspiration courses & ebooks have been divinely brought through by Higher Consciousness so yes, it is very important that each recipient completes the necessary prerequisites prior to starting each ebook / course.
To understand why this is so important, we can think about the Love Inspiration prerequisites as being 'divinely prescribed’ by Higher Consciousness. By prescribing the prerequisites for each ebook, Higher Consciousness wishes to ensure that each recipient will be 'energetically' ready to receive the energies of that course (i.e. by making sure that they have reached a necessary level of energetic vibration). In other words, the prerequisites help to ensure that you are ready to receive the energies of each ebook and because of this, the prerequisites will also help to ensure that you will get the most out of the energies received in that course as well.
If a person chooses to enter a course without doing the prerequisites, they will not be 'energetically ready’ to receive the energies of that ebook. In this scenario, the energies / attunements will either not activate within them or will only partially activate, meaning that this person will miss out on the maximum energetic benefit that is being offered to them through the course. In this way, the divinely designed prerequisites help to lovingly guide each recipient through the Love Inspiration courses so that they (and all beings) can benefit in the highest possible way.
Over the years, Higher Consciousness has lovingly reminded us about the importance of completing the prerequisites for each of the ebooks presented on the Love Inspiration website. And in the interests of helping everyone move forwards on their journey in the highest possible way, we now wish to share two 'analogies' from Higher Consciousness, which help to describe the energetic impact of ‘skipping’ over timeframes or ebooks, without completing the necessary prerequisites:
Analogy 1 Higher Consciousness showed Gerry an image of a set of childrens' building blocks in the shape of a 4-sided pyramid. On the foundational level, let’s say there are 100 blocks (10x10). The purpose of these 100 blocks is to hold up the next layer (say 9x9) and if any of those 100 blocks are missing from the bottom layer, then some of the next layer blocks wont stay up i.e. they will tumble down. And then the more layers you try to build on top of those crumbling layers, the more blocks that fall off. So instead of having a perfect & strong pyramid, the person ends up with a broken pile of tumbling blocks - and after all their time & effort, they will not have gained much.
Analogy 2 Higher Consciousness gave Gerry the understanding that in the first level (this applies to any set of teachings that you may be receiving) you are like a small two door car, with a small 1.2 litre engine. At this early stage of your journey, your little engine can drive your little car perfectly as it has just the right amount of power to move the 'shell' of the car. As you progress into the next level then, you are upgraded to a ‘sedan’. This is a larger car with four doors and a 2 litre engine. Here, the engine size is again proportionate to the size of the car ‘shell’ and so it drives perfectly, happily and within its capacity.
As you progress forwards into the higher levels, the 'shell' size will continue to get bigger and bigger and to accompany this, you therefore need to complete the practices and receive the attunements so that you can also continue to grow your engine size appropriately.
When you speed through the practices, without allowing the correct amount of time (either to do the practices OR to rest sufficiently) the ‘shell’ size of your car will increase, however your engine size will not. Therefore, if you continue to move forwards in this way, you will be sure to end up with a vehicle the size of a bus which is trying to be driven by a little 1.2 litre engine. In other words, your engine capacity is unable to power your car in an effective, stable or reliable way.
From both analogies, we can see that the divinely provided instructions, timeframes and prerequisites are here to guide us through each step of our journey in a way that brings about the highest possible benefit / the maximum possible amount of energetic uplift. And it is for all of these reasons that we lovingly ask each person to complete the prerequisites prior to commencing each ebook, and to also adhere to the required prescribed timeframes & practices at each step of the way. As Higher Consciousness explains here:
“Accessing advanced level energies before you are ripe to receive them can cause backward-sliding effects for not only oneself, but for the Love Inspiration Community & collective consciousness as a whole. Your premature acceleration is not recommended, with love, under any circumstances. Please take heed.“
So in summary, completing the prerequisites for each ebook is indeed very important. Prior to starting each ebook, it is vital that you have completed the necessary prerequisites so that you have the required energetic foundation in preparation for the next step of your journey. You can find more information about the specific prerequisites for each ebook at the very beginning of each ebook, usually on Page II or III and we lovingly ask that you please read all of this prerequisite information carefully, to ensure that all requirements are met prior to commencing each ebook. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!