This is a very common question and also a very good one. There are many ways that we can work more effectively with any kind of energy based healing or meditation and here are a few main points that will help to enhance your practice:
Surrender: By being open to receiving the energies with love and gratitude we are helping the divine frequencies to merge more effectively with our consciousness. Surrendering is one of the most powerful assets that an energy based healing practitioner has in their toolbox.
Faith:As your practice starts to progress, you may feel more and more peace, inner stillness and loving vibrations. As this happens, your faith, through your own meditative and healing experiences, will also naturally increase. To have faith is another very important part of any energy based healing practice. The stronger our faith, the more light we receive.
Love:Many Reiki healers will often say that when they do a hands-on healing session, they always make sure to send the light from their sacred heart space. More love equals more light sent. There are many ways to work with love in our practices. Our teachings seem to focus on cultivating mindsets throughout the energy based healing practices that extend this concept of love outward so that our healing light can shine for all beings. This type of love vibration creates a very pure intention, something which is rewarded by the universe sending us a much stronger intensity of energy.
Gratitude:The feelings of gratitude are also extremely important. Most commonly, when closing any session, the 'attitude of gratitude' is essential however we can also experiment with gratitude during our meditation as well for some very interesting vibrationary results.
Affirmations: One of the best ways to control our busy minds when we are working with divinely guided energies is through affirmations. When designed correctly, these are able to firmly plant our meditative or healing intent so that our vibration can be uplifted accordingly. Affirmations also help us to retrain the sub-conscious 'mind-tapes' making us able to free ourselves from limiting beliefs and old conditioned patterns.
Visualisation:Another great tool for any healing and meditation when working with energy based healing is to work with visualisation. This can help us in many different ways to really boost the healing light and to expand our minds. Visualisations can be a really fun practice as they work with the creative aspect of our mind. They are also very powerful when combined with strong affirmations.
Altruistic Mindset:Another great way to bring about a significant improvement in our daily practice is to start cultivating benevolent, altruistic and expansive intentions and mindsets. For example, when connecting with any kind of Higher Consciousness healing energies, we can lovingly intend that the energies radiate outwards, for all beings to benefit from and very often, we can start to feel more and more from our practice.