I am concerned about 'less than light' energies, what can I do?
As one progresses on their spiritual pathway, it is likely that there may be questions arise about 'less than light' energies (spiritual darkness, black magic, spells & negative entities etc). Therefore, in the interests of helping, we would like to take some time here in the FAQ's to share some of our own thoughts, feelings and experiences about this issue.
To start with then, as many of you will know, the primary purpose of Love Inspiration is to help people transition into a new ascended state of being; a feeling which is filled with love, peace, compassion and an understanding of oneness (wisdom).
Having said this, as people progress on their pathway, they may come into contact with spiritual darkness and so, it can often be helpful to have some basic understanding about this as it relates to their own unique healing pathway. Also, there may be some healing channels who will be guided towards removing negativity & darkness through their healing sessions work and so, this information can also be helpful for their continuing service to others.
Before sharing this kind of information, we just want to remind everyone about the importance of staying in a pure and positive state of love, compassion and peace when discussing this topic. If possible, it is best to always try to resist the emotional urge to fall into states of fear, worry or stress because these emotional states do not serve the light in the highest possible way. We understand that this can be a little tricky so as always, we just try to do the best we can. ☺️
And finally, prior to sharing this kind of information, we also want to lovingly remind everyone that we are not alone on this journey. The God Beings that are watching over Love Inspiration are always with us, watching over us and guiding us forwards on our journey. There is never any need to worry that we will somehow be overrun by darkness or that we are alone on this journey because we are most certainly not. Therefore, when talking, discussing or even thinking about this topic, it can be very comforting and helpful to keep in mind that we are always being watched over, and cared for, by infinite love & light on our healing pathway.
With all this being said, let us (Marty and Gerry) now share some of our own thoughts & experiences on what some healing practitioners refer to as ‘less than light’ energies.
As we understand it, the infinite creation contains both light and darkness and it is up to each individual entity to choose between a 'service to the light' or a 'service to the darkness', in each and every moment. For example, when we have thoughts or feelings that are based around love, kindness, compassion, empathy, surrender, faith, gratitude, altruism, benevolence etc, we are opening up to a 'serve to light' pathway. However, when we choose thoughts and feelings that are based in fear, worry, stress, control, manipulation, anger, rage, hatred, greed and the like, we choosing a 'less than light' pathway in that moment.
Of course, there are times when we are being guided to release old energies, old hurts and old pains from within. During these times, whilst it might feel like we are shrouded in darkness, this is actually a great sign that we are purifying, purging and cleansing away past thought forms and past emotions from within. This is a very necessary part of our divine evolution at this time and it is an essential part of the Ascension Pathway that many of us are currently walking on.
It is also fair to say that within each of our energy systems lies darkness or darker energies. These energies have been brought into our consciousness through lifetimes and lifetimes of past thoughts, emotions, actions & experiences e.g. fear, anger, rage, hatred, grief, worry, frustration, stress etc. From these denser or darker thought forms (and the actions that are associated with these) we have created a great many karmic obstacles for ourselves.
These karmic obstacles (that have been created by our own past thoughts, emotions & past actions) will ultimately need to be purified for us to evolve. And here on Earth, right now, we are all being guided through a very intensive period of purification, as part of a very significant energetic shift that is currently taking place; one which we refer to as a shift into The New ‘Unified’ Consciousness.
As we move through this very significant period of purification, our karmic obstacles are being cleared away with extreme potency and with much divine assistance. As such, we will often feel a whirlwind of challenging emotions and difficult feelings arising from within (as these old, dense and dark energies are being released from our energy system through our various practices & ascension based healing work).
Whilst this is happening, it can often feel like we are entirely covered & cloaked in darkness and we may also reach the point where it feels like we have totally lost who we thought we were. This is again a very important part of the evolutionary process (to purify our old inner karmic obstacles) and we should understand that these difficult feelings (being a result of the old energies being released) are helping us move towards new insight & understanding as well as more love, light, peace & unity.
So this outlines darkness from an ‘intentions’ based perspective and to this, we will now add that bad intentions can also be sent outwards to others i.e. through spells, curses or black magic. This is basically the exact opposite of what we are doing with Love Inspiration.
At Love Inspiration, we are focusing our intention on sending love & light to all so that all can be happy and free from suffering. As we do this, we are creating wonderful karma which helps to bring happiness and peace to our journey. On the other hand, when working with dark intentions, this is done with the hope of bringing suffering to another living being and as such, these intentions incur negative karma for the individual which will only ever lead to suffering.
From another perspective, spiritual darkness can also include what some people refer to as negative entities, malevolent entities or demonic entities. These kinds of entities can sometimes disrupt the light based pathway and there may be times where we can become entangled with these kinds of entities. For most of us, we are not aware of this interplay or entanglement and like all things healing related, we are normally helped through these kinds of situations with the divine assistance of Higher Consciousness (and especially so for those doing Higher Consciousness based healing work).
Adding to this then, we have recently been told by Higher Consciousness that if a person is continually cultivating darker thoughts and darker intentions (e.g. anger, rage, hatred, greed, inflicting suffering on others etc) it not only affects their karma negatively but it also has the potential to attract these kinds of negative entities into their energy system, in what is likened to a law of attraction type philosophy (whereby like attracts like).
On our own personal journey, we (Marty and Gerry) have had experiences with both of these types of darkness i.e. those from our own karmic obstacles as well as experiences with negative entities. To start with, the Ascension Pathway has most certainly released a great many dense energies relating to our past thoughts & past emotions that have been less than light (karmic obstacles). Also, we have both had a number of experiences with negative entities being pulled out of our energy system as we have moved towards higher and higher frequencies. Again, most of this will not be seen, felt or understood by the spiritual practitioner because the Higher Consciousness energies that are watching over us will always take care of these kinds of issues for us (in line with our own karmic circumstances and our daily intentions).
In summary then, it is fair to say that dark energies do exist and they can often be brought to the surface for ‘healing’ as we continue to progress forwards on this pathway to ascension. This releasing of dark energies or negative entities will often happen very naturally and in most cases, it will be happening without you even knowing about it.
This is the true beauty of Higher Consciousness based healing. As you open yourself up to being a channel for divine healing energy to flow through you, it will indeed do this and wash away your karmic debris, impurities and anything else that is lodged internally within your consciousness. You will begin to heal, you will be loved and you will be nurtured from above as you are guided towards blossoming, transforming and expanding into higher and higher consciousness.
To keep things simple, easy and digestible for everyone, we normally try to use the word ‘impurities’ to encapsulate the concept of spiritual darkness. We like to reinforce the idea that our impurities will always be cleared away when we accumulate karmic merits and of course, one of the fastest way to accumulate karmic merits is to do this kind of personal healing & ascension work.
Because of the intangible nature of energy based healing work, we understand that it will be quite common and very natural for people to become confused about whether they are encountering a deep purification of their own karma or whether they are indeed facing some sort of entanglement with less than light energies (keeping in mind that any interaction we are having always arises because of our own karmic circumstances).
Adding to this, it is important to realise that the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway is helping to bring about such immense healing, almost all the time, that it can sometimes feel like we are shrouded in darkness. Quite naturally, we will often start to think that we are somehow being attacked or affected by less than light energies. This certainly does get a little tricky and as such, it can often be a point of confusion for a lot of people.
This is not to say that we are disregarding what people are commenting on or feeling. As we’ve discussed here, darker intentions can indeed be cultivated and they can have an affect on our journey forwards (in the same way as sending healing can help someone). Therefore, for those who feel that they are being negatively impacted by the intentions of another, we would like to suggest a few different remedies to help you to move forwards on your journey.
Firstly, we lovingly suggest that people begin, or continue to move forwards on, the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway. In our experiences, we have found that by continuing to receive the various attunements of the Ascension Pathway, it helps to purify your karma and transforms your inner world so that it is not suitable for any spell, curse or negative entity to abide in. This is truly the best long term remedy for dealing with spiritual darkness.
Secondly, to assist in the cleansing of karma, we lovingly suggest that people work with any healing practices or mantras that feel right for them. These can help to cleanse our karma but these practices can also be used to protect ourselves, release darkness or transmute any dark energies. A couple of examples of these are the 'white light egg practice' which is taught in Reiki or the Maitri Dharma mantras that are available on the Free Music & Relaxation Tools webpage (under Healing Mantra Music).
Adding to this, it is important to realise just how powerful your intention can be. Therefore, when you are working with Higher Consciousness healing practices, we invite you to call in whatever energies you wish, including Gods or other God Beings that feel intuitively right for you to work with. (For Marty & Gerry, this means that they call on the energies of Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru). When you are feeling connected to Higher Consciousness, you can use your intention to guide the energies to where you wish them to flow, keeping in mind that you will also want to set your intention for the highest possible good of all beings.
Thirdly, for those who feel guided to, it is also possible to seek help from someone who is qualified to help out with these kinds of spiritual matters e.g. a Guru, a psychic, a medium/clairvoyant, a spiritual healer etc. There are many people who are offering these kinds of services so if you are feeling drawn to this kind of service, then this can also help to give you some added peace of mind.
For those who wish to know how they can help someone in these situations, we can of course offer our healing energies for the specific issues that they may be facing. What a wonderful way to help someone in their time of need (remembering that you are also helping your own journey as well by accruing beautiful karmic merits through this loving intention). You can send distance healing and you can call on any form of Higher Consciousness based, light based or love based healing. This healing can be sent into the person, the situation or the darkness itself, as you feel guided to.
Adding to this, you can offer people a loving, kind and sympathetic listening ear. In cases where there are also some physical needs, you can offer a helpful hand or anything else that feels right for you at the time. Also, when people are facing these kinds of situations, it can be helpful to lovingly & gently remind them that there are a great many beings watching over them at this time. They can harness this through their own intention and bring light to the darkness. As they say in Reiki, ‘intention, intention, intention!'
It is very easy to think about the energies of Love Inspiration as being just energy based but in fact, all of the Love Inspiration energies have come from Higher Consciousness Beings, Ascended Beings, Ascended Masters, Advanced Civilisations and at the highest level, God Beings. All of these Great Beings are all watching over us and caring for us and without doubt, if there is anything in our consciousness that is less than light, they already know about it and they will be already helping us to release this from our energy system in the easiest possible way, at the divinely perfect time and in alignment with our own individual karma. And we can also kickstart the process ourselves through our own intention and through our own practices. Wonderful!
We hope that this information has helped to bring some clarity and new understanding about how we approach this topic of less than light energies. And we also hope that it has helped to provide some bigger picture perspective, as well as some easy to use remedies that can help with these kinds of issues. Finally, we just wanted to share that we did receive a message from Higher Consciousness about this issue as we prepared this FAQ. In this message, we were reminded that we shouldn’t be focusing our energy too much on the ‘darkness’ itself. When we are facing darkness, it can be helpful to just keep our eye on the horizon i.e. to focus our minds on why we are doing this important work in the first place.
For Marty & Gerry, this means that they focus their intentions on radiating their love & light outwards, infinitely, for the benefit of all beings wherever possible. By focusing on this bigger picture intention, it helps to remind us of what we are trying to achieve and it can also help to keep us out of the 'mud' that might be surrounding us in the present moment. May we all remember that these kinds of issues are impermanent & temporary and that they will pass, once our karma has been appropriately purified. May all beings be eternally happy and free from all suffering.