There is absolutely nothing that the recipient needs to do in an attunement except to relax and open up to receive the energies being transferred with love and gratitude. At the start of the attunement, we help you to set your intention appropriately and then that's it - you are now ready to receive your attunement. And although it is not necessary, some of you may wish to help this process along by silently repeating a number of affirmations during this 15 - 20 minutes (to keep your mind focused on receiving). Perhaps you wish to say something like:
“I open up to receive with love and gratitude” “I open up with love” “I open up to receive” “I open up to divine light, divine love and divine energy”
All of our attunements work with the energies of love, compassion, purity and understanding and each attunement will be invoking a number of higher energies into your consciousness . Because of this, the attunement is normally a very peaceful and calming experience, something which can be thought of as a divine blessing and something which is indeed very precious and sacred.