Inspiring love & higher consciousness for the benefit of all.
Understanding VeganismAs this earth starts to raise it's love vibration, the human species will very likely reach a point (eventually) where we gently and lovingly move away from the idea of killing animals for our food & produce. And this is a very natural and logical first step towards becoming vegan - to avoid killing another living being.
The second layer of being vegan lies in the idea that we are not wanting to ingest anything that has come from an animal, the most obvious examples of these being animal milks, cheese, yoghurts or eggs. With the growing popularity of processed foods, this has now also meant that many vegans are unable to eat things like biscuits, crisps and the like because manufacturers are now putting milk solids and other non-vegan friendly animal products into these types of 'foods'. Overall though (and perhaps most importantly of all) being vegan is not only about the food - it is a philosophy that means we do not want to create suffering, harm or pain for another living being. This is a choice to live our life in the most harmonious and loving way that we can so that we can share our love & loving kindness with one another for a healthier & happier world. |
Breakfast Ideas
- toast with jam - cereal with non-dairy milk - granola with non-dairy milk or smoothie - breakfast smoothie - tofu omelette, potatoes & tomato |
Lunch ideas
- toasted sandwich - lentil veggie soup - an easy stir fry - baked beans on toast - quinoa salad - nori sushi rolls - leftovers from the night before |
Snack Ideas
- freshly made dip with healthy veggie plate - raw vegan slice - fruit & vegetable smoothie - potato chips - chocolate cake - fruit & nut mix |
Dinner Ideas
- curry, dahl & rice - vegan burgers & chips - stir fry noodles or rice - vegetable risotto - vegan shepherds pie - pizza, pasta or lasagne - vegan satay or pad thai - tofu sausage & mash |
-Desert Ideas
- chocolate cake - rhubarb pie - chocolate pudding - vegan ice-cream - fresh fruit salad - apple crumble - vanilla chia - seeds pudding |