Inspiring love & higher consciousness for the benefit of all.
Cooking From Scratch: (Vegan & GF)As we ourselves have moved through our various healing systems (available for free here) and as our vibration has raised closer towards love & light, we have also found that many kinds of processed foods have dropped out of our life.
Mostly, this is due to the fact that our supermarket and many kinds of 'foods' kept on the shelves are packed full of E somethings which are proven to cause imbalance and disruption to our bodily functions. Also, being vegan and gluten free means that we are now choosing to cook most of our food from scratch. So here in this section, we wish to share some of these techniques with you here so that you can start to make your own dinners from scratch. There are so many more delicious recipes to choose from but here are some of the basic ways that you can start on your vegan & gluten free cooking from scratch adventures. Click here for creating sauces from scratch |
Tofu DishesLearning how to make tofu is a great way to introduce protein and meat like alternatives into our cooking. On this page, you will learn how to make tofu from scratch and learn how to then use this tofu to create some truly delicious tofu dishes and tofu sides to complement any sort of meal.
Gluten Free PastaBeing vegan & gluten free means that we either pay a lot for packaged gluten free goods or make our own (for a much cheaper price). Here we share with you some of the ways that you can make your own gluten free vegan pasta that you can enjoy with your meal for a fraction of the cost.
Vegan Pizza
We just love the taste of pizza and we just couldn't be without making this once in a while. There are many different ways that you can create your own crust and flavourings so here we show you how you can do all of this from scratch.
Vegan Shepherds PieThis is one of our favourites and is a combination of a few different elements including the all important vegan gravy which is added to the base. Learn here how to make a delicious vegan shepherds pie from scratch for any occasion.
Yummy Vegan Pie
There are lots of different ways that we can make a vegan pie and of course, many different fillings that we can put in them. Learn here about some of the ways that we can do this so that you can wow your friends with a gorgeous and deliciously vegan pie or pastry.