May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Dearest all,
Today's Ascension Healing Booster II (17th February 2025) has now lovingly been sent. 🥰 We wish all recipients a truly magnificent & abundant level 2 Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 🌟 All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 😊 🌈 💗 Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these magnificent energies, once again, for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏 The next AHB II event is on the 17th June. 🥰 With much maitri joy & happiness, M & G 🙏💓🌸
We are delighted to share the fourth & final video in our little video series which talks about all of the different elements of this truly profound shift in our collective consciousness here on Earth. 🌟💗
Watch the video here Here in Part 4, we wanted to give you lots of different tips & techniques to help you transform yourself in very effective ways. And so, it brings us much joy to now bring you these 10 transformational tips, and we hope that these can help you to feel a deeper sense of love, joy, peace & happiness in your life! 💜🌸🙏 Dearest all, today's Ascension Healing Booster (7th January 2025) has now lovingly been sent. We wish all recipients a truly magnificent & abundant Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 💗
All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 🥰 Today's AHB was the last AHB in which Higher Consciousness added the two extra places (10->12), in order to help as many people as possible sign up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies before January 2025. We are not sure what the significance of this January timeline is exactly, as Higher Consciousness did not elaborate, but we are truly delighted for all those who have now reached the point of being able to sign-up, whether through the AHBs or through completing the required ebooks. 💕 Congratulations! ✨ Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these magnificent energies, once again, for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏💟🙏 With great joy & happiness, 🙏🌸🥰 M & G We are delighted to announce that the first Diamond STAR AGP has now been benevolently opened and aligned, for the benefit of all beings! 🌟
As this amazing new portal was being opened, Love Inspiration received new insights & information from Higher Consciousness about just how incredible these STAR AGP energies are and about how these new energies will be helping the Love Inspiration Community, in very profound ways. 🌈🎊 With much love, we want to share all of this exciting information with everyone and so, we have put together a new webpage which shares the channeled message and the additional insights that were received from Higher Consciousness: We will also update this new webpage, should any more STAR Acceleration Gateway Portals be opened in the future or should we receive any new energies, messages or insights from Higher Consciousness. 💜 For now, on behalf of all beings, we wish to offer our deepest thanks & gratitude to the Love Inspiration Community for their tremendous work on the Ascension Pathway which has manifested the STAR AGP opportunities, to the benevolent being who has opened the first Diamond STAR AGP and to Higher Consciousness who have created these unfathomable portals for the benefit of all! May everyone in the community now enjoy the profound energetic benefits that have come from this deeply benevolent action, for the infinite benefit of all! 💓🙏 Dear all, the Master Level Symbols ebook Maitrijusha & Maitrijusha-Ni has now been lovingly updated and the new version (V15: 03.01.25) is available for download on the website: This ebook has only had very minor updates, but includes the correction to the Ascension Pathway prerequisite required (which is only Phase Two Prophestine Reiki instead of the whole Celestine Series ebook). ☺️ If you are currently taking this course then you are welcome to download the new version. 👌 With happy thanks & gratitude for these amazing Master Level energies! May they benefit all beings! ❤️ Dearest all, today's Ascension Healing Booster (17th December 2024) has now lovingly been sent. We wish all 12 recipients a truly magnificent & abundant Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 🥰
All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 👌 Today's AHB was a special additional event, added by Higher Consciousness to help as many people as possible reach the point of being able to sign up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies before January 2025. We are not sure what the significance of the January timeline is exactly, as Higher Consciousness did not elaborate, but we are truly delighted for all those who have reached, or will reach, the sign-up by then. 😊 Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these magnificent energies, once again, for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏 With great joy & happiness, M & G ✨May today's 11th of the month Ascension Healing energies benefit all beings! ✨ And thankyou immensely to all those who are helping to send these most precious energies today. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! 🙏 With joy, the following Syon Cleanse ebooks have now been lovingly updated and the new versions are available for download on the website:
📘 The Advanced Syon Cleanse (V12 08.12.24) 📙 The Triple Advanced Syon Cleanse (V8 08.12.24) 📕 The Master Syon Cleanse (V8 08.12.24) These three ebooks have all had quite a few changes, including the expanded information in the prerequisites section on Page II (to help clarify the timeframes for starting each cleanse), a new summary table at the beginning of each ebook (to help give an outline of the timeframes for completion) plus several small additions like links & minor information. 🥰 The Master Syon Cleanse has also had a lot of reformatting so some of the pages have changed a fair bit. 👌 If you are taking any of these courses then we recommend downloading the new version. ❤️ [Please note that these advanced level ebooks are not available publicly on the website and can only be accessed once the required Ascension Pathway prerequisites have been completed.] With joyous thanks & gratitude for these beautiful cleansing energies. 🙏 May they benefit all beings! 💗 🙏🥰🙏
Maitri Greetings all. 💙 With love, the following Divine Cleanse ebooks have now been joyfully updated and the new versions are available for download on the website. ◎ The Harmonium Replenish (V11 05.12.24) ◎ The Harmoniser (V12 05.12.24) ◎ The Analgam Cleanse (V12 05.12.24) ◎ The Syon Cleanse (V12 05.12.24) These four Divine Cleanse ebooks have all had quite a few changes, including the expanded information in the prerequisites section on Page II to help clarify the timeframes for starting each cleanse. As well as a new summary table at the beginning of each ebook to help give an outline of the timeframes for completion. Furthermore, they also have several small additions like links & minor information, such as the elaboration on ‘spot cleaning’ in the Analgam Cleanse ebook. 🌸 As always, a huge thankyou to those in the Love Inspiration Community who have asked questions or submitted the ‘Help Us Improve’ form so we can make amendments to the ebooks to make them clearer fore future readers. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏🥰🙏 With much love, today's Ascension Healing Booster III (27th November 2024) has now lovingly been sent. 🥰
This level 3 AHB event is the highest level of AHB to be given so far and as such, is very special. 💗 The energetic 'ceiling' lifted further during the ceremony, and a divine white light radiance followed - truly clearing a new level of energies for all the Love Inspiration Community to benefit from. As such, we offer our immense gratitude to all of today's recipients, the pioneers of the Ascension Healing Boosters, who have been receiving AHBs for more than 2 years in order to complete the required 5 AHB level 1's and 5 AHB level 2's, before being eligible to receive level 3. This is a tremendous commitment and we thank all recipients for their dedication to truly benefitting all. 🥰 We wish all of today's recipients a magnificent & abundant level 3 Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 🌟 All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 😊 Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these energies for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏 -------------------------------------------- You can find more information about the full Ascension Healing Booster system here👇 And about the new Golden Ascension Healing Boosters here👇 -------------------------------------------- With endless love & gratitude, M & G 🙏💓🌸 With love, the following new Ascension Healing Booster dates have now been added to to the website and are available for booking. 🥰
1️⃣ AHB - 7th July & 7th Oct 2026, 7th Jan 2027 2️⃣ AHB II - 17th June & 17th Sep 2026, 17th Feb 2027 3️⃣ AHB III - 27th May 2027 May these Ascension Healing Booster energies help all recipients by removing obstacles and blockages for their continued ascension, for the benefit of all beings. ❤️ 🙏🥰🙏 We have now published our third video in this 4 part video series about the shift in consciousness concept. ✨💕
Here in Part 3, we are doing a deep dive into the awakening process, as we talk about the kinds of things that you can expect to move through as you continue to move forwards, onwards & upwards on your own unique ascension & awakening journey. You can watch the newly released video here: Happy ascending to all 💙🌺🙏 Dearest all, today's Ascension Healing Booster (7th October 2024) has now lovingly been sent. We wish all 12 recipients a truly magnificent & abundant Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 🥰
All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 👌😊🌈 Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these magnificent energies, once again, for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏🙏🙏 With great joy & happiness, M & G 🌸🥰🙏 Dear all,
With much love we would like to announce the publishing of the updated versions of all the ebooks in Step 2 - the Ascended Pathway which are now available on the website. 📘 Blue Light Vol 1 = V12: 22.09.24 📘 Blue Light Vol 2 = V12: 22.09.24 📘 Blue Light Vol 3 = V11: 22.09.24 📘 Blue Light Vol 4 = V10: 22.09.24 📘 Blue Light Vol 5 = V10: 22.09.24 ♥️ Crimson Horizon = V10: 22.09.24 💙 Blue Beginning = V10: 22.09.24 🧡 Orange Pentalight = V9: 22.09.24 💜 Purple Priah = V10: 22.09.24 💚 Green Garden of Light = V10: 22.09.24 These ebooks all have lots of small changes and additions but no changes to the actual practices. If you are currently working through any of these ebooks then you are welcome to download the new version. ✨ May these energies benefit all infinite beings! 🙏🥰🙏 Wishing all those receiving today's Di-Ascension Healing energies much healing light & ascension!21/9/2024 Today's beautiful Di energies seem to be working from the very inner core outwards, focussing on any emotional pain, trauma, grief or sadness that is hiding, buried or hidden underneath. It is likely you may not even know it is there, or why it is there. The soothing Di-energies seem to be gently dissolving that pain and bringing new light into the void. It is a very gentle process. 🥰
❤️ Forgiveness of the self is an important theme today. ❤️ ▶️ For anyone wishing to start receiving the Di-Ascension Healing energies sent on the 21st of each month, they become available to you once you begin The Unified Pathway To Transcending The Light - Volume 1, or Pathway To Light - Volume 6. Or after receiving two Ascension Healing Boosters. There are still 4 places available in the upcoming AHB (level 1) on the 7th October if anyone would like one. May today's Di-Ascension Healing energies bring great healing and new light to all receiving them, for the infinite benefit of all beings! 🙏🥰✨
Maitri Greetings all,
Today's Ascension Healing Booster II (17th September 2024) has now lovingly been sent. We wish all recipients a magnificent & abundant Level 2 Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 🌟 And a very special congratulations to those who are receiving their fifth & final AHB II today! 🚀 All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 😊 Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these magnificent energies for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. With immense gratitude, 🙏💗🙏 M & G Maitri Greetings all,
With much love we would like to announce the publishing of the updated versions of The Unified Pathway To Light Ebooks which are now available on the website: 🌟 Vol 1 = V14: 15.09.24 🌟 Vol 2 = V14: 15.09.24 🌟 Vol 3 = V12: 15.09.24 🌟 Vol 4 = V13: 15.09.24 🌟 Master = V15: 15.09.24 These ebooks have many small changes and additions but no changes to the actual practices. If you are currently working through any of these ebooks then we would lovingly recommend downloading the new version. ✨ And lastly, we offer our immense gratitude to all those in the Community who have offered corrections and additions for these ebooks. We deeply appreciate you helping us improve! 🙏🥰🙏 With love, the Crystal Pathway ebooks from Volumes 1 - 5 have now been joyfully updated. The new versions are now published and available for download on the Crystal Pathway webpage. ☺️
Volume 1 - Version 7 (14.09.24) Volume 2 - Version 7 (14.09.24) Volume 3 - Version 7 (14.09.24) Volume 4 - Version 7 (14.09.24) Volume 5 - Version 6 (14.09.24) The Crystal Pathway is the third step on the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and can be commenced after completing Step 2 - the Ascended Pathway. May all beings be happy and free from suffering! 🙏💓✨ With much love we are delighted to announce the newest addition to the Love Inspiration acceleration options: Golden Ascension Healing Boosters
For those who are already familiar with the Ascension Healing Boosters, you will understand that these are extremely precious and amazing energies, providing intensive healing & uplift - along with acceleration opportunities for the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway. And now, Higher Consciousness have brought through a GOLDEN extension to this wonderful system.....! 🥰✨ A GOLDEN Ascension Healing Booster is essentially your very own Ascension Healing Booster, where the whole AHB ceremony is dedicated entirely to you (for the benefit of all). This is quite different to a traditional AHB ceremony which is shared between 10 participants. A Golden AHB is around 10-100 times more energetically intensive than a traditional AHB, for that same level. 🌟 "The Golden AHBs bring a multi–faceted or ‘pronged’ star of energies to the recipient, lifting their vibration through a seemingly magical array of clearings, manifestations, awakenings & mini-ascensions, repeatedly in cycles, thus propelling the recipient through an unfathomable amount of karmic debris and bringing great light to their consciousness. This is not a small undertaking – there are countless numbers of energies at work in one single Golden AHB." There are 8 levels of GOLDEN AHBs and along with the extraordinary healing 'boost' that a GOLDEN AHB brings, it can also be used in place of one of the traditional AHBs (per level) allowing you to reach the acceleration options or next level of AHB much faster. And.... the GOLDEN AHBS also have their own acceleration rewards as well. For more information or to book, please visit the new GOLDEN AHB webpage. May these GOLDEN AHBs bring infinite acceleration & uplift for the benefit of all beings! 🥰 With love, 🙏💓🙏 M & G We are delighted to share part 2 of our 'shift in consciousness' video series. 💕🙏
You can watch it here: In this video, we go into more detail about all of the amazing new light frequencies that are being received at the moment. We talk about how these amazing new energies are impacting our Earth and we also talk about how you can accelerate & smoothen out your ascension process with the Love Inspiration free teachings. ✨🌸 We hope you enjoy the new video. We hope that it can help you on your journey and please stay tuned for part 3, where we'll be going into more detail about the actual process of awakening & ascension in more detail! 💙🙏
A while ago, we announced that we would be putting together a short video series to help explain what the shift in consciousness is all about and what it means for us as a planet.
One of the main reasons for this was because we want to play our small part in helping to raise awareness about this super important concept, as things continue to unfold. By understanding this one simple concept, it can help to bring about so many different benefits and it can also help to make the journey a little smoother as well. With this in mind, we are delighted to now be sharing the first video in this series, which offers a comprehensive introduction about the shift in consciousness whilst also giving people some understanding about where we're currently at in the overall process. So for anyone who wishes to learn more about this shift in consciousness concept or for anyone who wants a nice overview of the Higher Consciousness information that we've received about this over the past 10 or so years, then you can watch the full video below: And hopefully, in the coming weeks ahead, we can lovingly create the second part in this video series, in the hope that these short videos can help people to progress on their journey, for the benefit of all beings. Much love to all 💕🙏 |
With much love, we welcome you to our newly created news & announcements page. On this page, we will be sharing a variety of news, announcements & updates with the Love Inspiration Community as things continue to unfold & evolve. Archives
January 2025