Inspiring love & higher consciousness for the benefit of all.
Water Usage & Waste Water SystemsDepending on where you live, the idea of good water management is starting to come back into focus in a world which is now moving closer towards natural & sustainable living. In some countries, there is such a strong demand for this precious resource that there is barely enough water to satisfy it!
And did you know that in Sydney Australia, over 70% of water demand comes from residential homes? With all this combined, we feel that it is necessary to include water usage as a separate category here in our natural living section so we can help bring more light towards efficient and effective ways of managing the water in our homes. |
We have now looked at how we can help increase our water supply by catching rain and storing this for usage in certain areas of our house and the next logical step then is for us to look at how we can start to use our water resource more efficiently and more effectively within our home.
The EPA (USA) tells us that 70% of water is used within the home. And as you can see from the pie chart on the right, we seem to be flushing a lot of this water down the toilet (quite literally). And leaks at almost 14% of water usage means that billions of gallons are being wasted also! For some great water saving tips, please click on either of the below links: 100 ways to conserve water 25 ways to save water |