May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Step 8) The Maitri
Welcome to this first volume of Maitri Infinite and the first ebook in Phase II of the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway! What an incredible journey you have been on so far and we offer our joyous congratulations to you for reaching this epic milestone on your Ascension Pathway journey!
During this next 20 months, you will be undertaking four sets of daily practices which will be opening you to the Maitri Infinite energies through a series of mantra recitations, Maitri Infinite invocations and a 36 week period of punya / karmic merit accumulation. These "acts of meritorious attainment" as Higher Consciousness call them are a profound way to step forwards on your pathway and as such, you can reduce the practice timeframe from 36 weeks down to 12 weeks by undertaking more merit each day. Wonderful! “In order to ensure you gain the most merit possible, always perform actions that benefit the infinite all.” |
Having now completed the introductory energies in Volume One, you are welcomed here to Volume Two, aptly named "The Golden Light Of Truth" which helps us to step further into the Maitri Light by helping us to purify and heal in order to realise Truth from untruth.
Throughout a period of approximately12 months, we embark on a journey with Maitri Infinite Gold energies to help us to further expand our Maitri healing light into deeper layers of old hurts, as well as to help us to dispel untruth - and untangle where Truth and untruth are seemingly joined. We also return to symbol practices, which in Chapter Two are in search of more impurities within us, (untruths, old wounds, defilements, fears, anxieties, past unskilful actions & their karma etc), bringing forth more deep purification as we uncover more Truth and light. "As your darkness shifts, your Maitri light grows and your infinite self develops and ascends. The ascension process takes you step-by-step, closer to purity and infinite wisdom & truth." |
With much love we welcome you here to Maitri Infinite Volume Three and The Maitri Star Of Light. This entire ebook is undertaken by completing a six week stay in a Maitri Centre (unless you have accelerated the ebook with Ascension Healing Boosters) in order to facilitate the energies at this level of ascension. Further explanation is below:
“The Maitri Star Of Light is in fact a tunnel of white light, creating a passageway through your heart to ‘The Transition Point’. The Transition Point is the place on your ascension journey where light fully outweighs the dark within you. This is an exceptional and monumentous transition, characterised by deep, deep purging and healing. Once The Transition Point is reached, an ‘umbilical cord’ of white light is manifested, connecting you uninterruptedly to the Source, the Creator..." |
Having completed the immense energies and purification in Volume Three to reach the tremendous milestone of the Transition Point, you are now welcomed to Volume Four "The Birth Into Infinite (Maitri) Light". Very precisely named, you have entered a whole new 'octave' of energies and throughout the period of around 23 months you will receive four chapters of incredible blessings to divinely move you higher and higher on your Ascension Pathway.
These include light influx blessings to upgrade your energy flow rate, The White Light Of Jopiah; a progressive extension of energy which allows a growth in energy ‘band width’, The 39 Pink Lotus Blessings; each one being a series of new awakenings or more precisely, new understandings / wisdom, and The Four White Lotus Blessings Of Infinite Light; helping you to open infinitely to the light you are gifted. A tremendous journey deeper into the Maitri Light! |
Having reached this point, you have moved through much growth & transformation through the first four volumes of Maitri Infinite energies and with this, you are now ready to glide forwards once again as you step into The Chariot Of Golden Light Awakening over the next 28 months.
Throughout the first four chapters in this ebook, you will progressively 'build' your 'Chariot', one 'wheel' at a time, with each chapter building on the previous energies and compounding them. Upon reaching Chapter Five you will undergo two intensive symbol practices which will firstly install The Chariot Of Golden Light energies and then secondly activate them within you. Upon completion you will then undertake the 11 week rest period, where great golden light will pour into your body, unveiling much healing and of course the culminating divine Chariot Of Golden Light Awakening. |
Welcome to the Volume Six ebook and to the final set of energies (and our deepest trenches) in Maitri Infinite Phase One - Healing:
“With infinite light blessings we open our arms warmly to greet you at this precious and monumentous level of awakening. After a full delve into the trenches of your inner darkness, gradually moving deeper and deeper through Volumes 1 - 5, you have now reached the depth of healing where great obstacles are to be removed and great accomplishments achieved. The Volume 6 frequencies involve an intensive ‘deep clean’ of traumas both past and present, including the deep self-worth and self-annihilation darknesses that lie at the root of all separation and thus darkness....." The Volume Six journey of approximately 23 months dives us down into immense depths of healing preparing us for the upward ascension taking place from Volume 7: Phase Two: 'Growth' on the Maitri Infinite Pathway. |
Having taken a literal 'step up' from the calamity and trenches in Volume Six, we warmly and enthusiastically welcome you to Volume Seven which begins Phase Two of the Maitri Infinite ebooks - GROWTH. Over a period of approximately 16 months you will move through a series of three chapters of symbol practices which will gently open you up to the new growth energies:
“Volume Seven - Growth Independent is a simple series of frequencies to gently introduce the new growth energies. Here in these three chapters there is insignificance in explanation other than to say they are entry-level frequencies aimed at realigning a new dimension of energy within you. Be peaceful and allow the growth to unfold, gently and calmly. Watch all that happens and simply let go - do not become attached, in any way. These platform adjustment energies are a warm blanket in front of the fire, before you start the growth climb, beginning with the Pure Scrolls in Volume 8. Now is the time for significant congratulations for your period of Volume Six ‘trench’ healing time is now complete. You have done well dear Light Ones. Continue on with peace in your heart and love fully encompassing.” |
With love we welcome you to Volume Eight - Divine Intervention! Here you will move through three chapters of energies in a period of approximately 17 months. You will undertake deep purification in Chapters One and Two by firstly opening up to The Scrolls Of The New Pure (Maitri) Consciousness and secondly completing symbol practices. These chapters intensively lay the foundation for the highly evolved and steep step up in the third chapter of very special initiations - called The Tri Maitri Pala Beywa Initiations:
"...It is our great honour and guided pleasure to bring you the Tri Maitri Pala Beywa initiations from which extraordinary and multi-dimensional expanses in consciousness can be achieved. Your Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras are the targeted areas here as you evolve the feelings and confidence sectors of your being capable of turning old DNA and habitual patterns into dust, reformed by light and a new heightened sense of tranquility...." |
Welcome to Volume Nine and to the final ebook in the Maitri Infinite series of energies, leading us into the Maitri Diamond Infinite level of consciousness! Here we begin the energies at this level with a special teaching from the Maitri Infinite Gurus:
“All beings have gifts to offer, regardless of level [of spiritual development]. It is therefore paramount to treat all beings equally and in doing so, treat all beings in the highest regard as you would a Paramatma Guru (the highest Gurus). This is the teaching at Volume 9.” Volume Nine comprises three chapters received over approximately 12 months, during which time we receive the Blue Diamond Opulence (a blue diamond above our Crown Chakra), the White Diamond Opulence (a white diamond around the blue diamond above our Crown Chakra) and then a full ‘body’ Diamond Opulence, clear in colour, all around the outside of our body. This transition into the full body, Pure Diamond Opulence is a significant milestone on our ascension journey as it represents our shift into the Maitri Diamond level of consciousness. Wonderful! |