Inspiring love & higher consciousness for the benefit of all.
The Bob Beck Protocol
The Bob Beck Protocol was developed gradually from 1991 through to 1997. In its early stages, this protocol was based on the notion that applying small micro-currents of electricity to the body can stun, disarm and even kill harmful microbes like parasites, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. From this basic concept, a four-step program or 'protocol' was developed so that everyone could follow four simple steps for better health & wellbeing in their life.
Step 1 of the protocol helps to apply 'electrification' into the bloodstream which is said to help stun and kill harmful microbes residing in our blood. Step 2 administers a series of pulsed electro-magnetic fields into key areas of the body i.e. lymph glands, major organs, intestines etc. so that harmful microbes can also be eliminated from within these key areas. Step 3 helps to strengthen this 'microbe killing' process through the ingestion of ionic colloidal silver and then Step 4 helps to boost oxygen levels within our body by creating & drinking ozonated water. There is also an 'unofficial' Step 5 which relates to sending peaceful frequencies into the brain for relaxation and improved functioning however this is often omitted from the 'official' protocol. |
Dr Bob Beck
With his new discovery, the first 'micro-pulser' was born and Dr Bob Beck referred to this process as 'blood electrification'. This then became the first step of 'The Bob Beck Protocol' as a way to cleanse and purify the bloodstream. Our blood circulates around our body approximately every 9 minutes and therefore, by applying the micro-pulser device to the radial and ulnar arteries, we are able to apply these gentle micro-currents of electricity into the bloodstream in a way that is simple, effective and non-invasive.
Typically, it is recommended that a person micro-pulses for up to 2 hours a day. When starting out, it is recommended to gently work up to this 2 hour timeframe because there may be a 'dying off' effect as you start out with using the pulser (i.e. as harmful micro-organisms are being killed and released from your system). As this process continues, you can reduce the harmfiul microbes living within your bloodstream and as such, your immune system can function more effectively and fight off illness and disease with more success. |
The general idea here is that you will be introducing high intensity magnetic pulses which can help to disarm, stun and even kill harmful micro-organisms which reside within these key areas. According to Dr Beck, this pulsed electro-magentic frequency will help to kill off harmful microbes and release these back into the bloodstream where they can be cleansed and purified by your ongoing micro-pulsing treatment. In this way, we can see that this second step of the protocol helps to complement and assist the first step so that a better healing result can be gained overall.
Over the past 10 years or so, we have started to see a wide variety of Magnetic Pulsers hitting the market with some of these claiming to have more gauss strength than others whilst other models claim a faster pulsing speed. Above all, when choosing a Magnetic Pulser, we lovingly suggest that you do your own research and simply choose something that feels right for you. |
Having now read through the first two steps of The Bob Beck Protocol, you will understand that Step 1 helps to cleanse your blood of harmful microbes (by applying gentle micro-currents) and that Step 2 helps you to cleanse into deeper areas of your body (through pulsed electro-magnetic fields). These are the two most fundamental steps of The Bob Beck Protocol and it is recommended that you work with these two steps continually, regularly and in conjunction with one another in order to maximise your overall healing result.
From this basic platform, we can now add the third step here which is to create and ingest ionic colloidal silver on a regular basis. Dr Bob Beck believed that ionic colloidal silver was a very powerful killer of harmful microbes within. Therefore, by regularly consuming ionic colloidal silver, he saw it as adding additional power and effectiveness to the overall cleansing process. For once we are able to remove and eliminate all of these harmful micro-organisms from within our system, our immune system is then able to fight illness and disease and we are more likely to achieve health. |
The idea of drinking ozonated water to boost our internal oxygen levels really does make a lot of sense. Oxygen helps us is so many different ways and can have a profound impact on our overall health. For example, increased oxygenation can lead to increased detoxification, a stronger immune system, a reduction of bacteria & viruses, enhanced cellular performance, reduced inflammation, increased energy levels and so much more.
In simple terms, increasing your oxygen levels is truly a must for anyone wishing to 'cure themselves' of serious illness or disease. Therefore, it is no surprise that a regular drinking of ozonated water was added to The Bob Beck Protocol so that everyone could benefit from this increased oxygenation effect and could create a better functioning body and a better healing result overall. |
The first important point to remember is that the blood electrification should be done for around 2 hours each day for a period of around 2 - 3 months (whilst building up to this slowly). During this time, it is also suggested that you use the magnetic pulser twice daily (for 20 minutes each time) over the key areas of your body (i.e. lymph nodes, major organs or other painful areas).
After completing a 2 - 3 month intensive period of blood cleansing / magnetic pulsing, you can continue to use the micro-pulser on an 'ongoing basis'. So for example, you might like to do 2 hours per day for 2 days a week, 2 hours per day for 1 week per month or 2 hours per day for 1 month per year. This is a good general guideline for using the micro-pulser on an ongoing basis and of course, you can do intensive cleansing whenever you wish. For magnetic pulsing, it is suggested that you continue treating yourself as you feel necessary. When drinking colloidal silver, it is normally advisable to drink smaller amounts each day rather than consuming large amounts over a long period of time. For example, drinking 1 - 2 ounces (30 - 60ml) per day is a good guideline here but it is also important to take regular breaks from drinking colloidal silver from time to time. Finally, it is advised to drink about 2 - 3 cups of ozonated water each day to continue uplifting your internal oxygenation levels and again, you are encouraged to take breaks from time to time. |