May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Sending Tri-Ascension HealingWith much love, we welcome you to the webpage for sending Tri-Ascension Healing. If you are reading this page, it means that you have completed the The Emerald Pathway and are now starting to embark on your Golden-White Light Pathway journey. Congratulations!
As soon as you commence Day 1 of Chapter One - ‘Activation Of Energies’ in Volume 1 of The Golden-White Light Pathway, you are able to complete the Triple Activation process for sending Tri-Ascension Healing. After this is completed, you can then begin sending these divine Tri-Ascension Healing energies for the benefit of all. For further information on the Triple Activation and the sending of the Tri-Ascension Healing energies, you will find the copy of the Tri-Ascension Healing Handbook available for download at the bottom of this webpage. Again, we are truly & humbly delighted to welcome you here to the start of your 'sending Tri-Ascension Healing' journey. The Tri-Ascension Healing energies are a magnificent 'triple radiant' energetic aid to those on the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and also to yourself as a sender. May the benevolent action of helping to send these divine Tri-Ascension Healing energies bring infinite light to you and all beings. |
If you wish to, you can 'BOOST' the Ascension Healing energies with an Ascension Healing Booster. Enjoy!
After you have completed the Triple Activation (in the Handbook), you are then eligible to help send out the Love Inspiration Tri-Ascension Healing energies on the 1st of the month, should you wish to. (There is no requirement to have received any number of Tri-Ascension Healings prior to sending these energies as with sending Ascension & Di-Ascension Healing*). Each time you send out Tri-Ascension Healing, you will be channeling these divine healing energies and sharing them with all the people who have registered and are eligible to receive them (including yourself).
In the same way as sending Ascension Healing & Di-Ascension Healing, for those who do decide to send out the Tri-Ascension Healing energies, you will earn yourself a small acceleration opportunity for your own Ascension Pathway journey. And, for those who choose to send out the Ascension Healing (11th) AND the Di-Ascension Healing (21st) AND the Tri-Ascension Healing (1st) energies in one month, then you will be eligible to receive an even bigger acceleration opportunity, due to the delightful karmic merits that these actions generate. Wonderful! In summary then, at this stage of your journey, you are being offered the chance to access and share all three sets of the Ascension Healing, Di-Ascension Healing & Tri-Ascension Healing energies so that you can continue to help others on their journey forwards whilst also accelerating your own Ascension Pathway journey. All the information you need to start sending the Tri-Ascension Healing energies, as well as all the information about the acceleration opportunities, is lovingly outlined in the Tri-Ascension Healing Handbook. * If you have taken up the White Light STAR AGP opportunity and have accelerated forwards to the White Light Wisdom Volume 4 ebook, then you need to have received 12 Tri-Ascension healings before being able to help send the monthly Tri-Ascension Healing energies. |
Version 3 - 01.09.2024