Inspiring love & higher consciousness for the benefit of all.
Introducing Rife Machines
Rife Machines were introduced to the world through the work of Dr Raymond Rife who discovered that it was possible to kill micro-organisms such as bacteria, pathogens, viruses, fungi, parasites and other microbes from within the body through the use of 'radio frequencies' (i.e. those in the higher hertz ranges).
In today's world, almost a century after the initial work of Dr Rife, there are now a wide variety of 'Rife Machines' that offer a wide variety of treatment options for you. As you explore this category, you will no doubt realise that there are a great many complexities built into the idea of a Rife machine so we invite you to take whatever time you need to just digest this information, in a way that feels right for you. Also, there are some who believe that many of today's Rife Machines are not made to the same specifications as the original machines so please be sure to do your own research into Rife Machines if you are interested in these devices. |
Dr Raymond Rife
Over time, he discovered that harmful microbes could indeed be destroyed or killed by simply finding the right radio frequency. As he continued his research, he was able to identify and document a great many specific hertz frequencies that could be used to kill a wide variety of harmful microbes. With this newly discovered frequencies, the very first Rife Machine was born.
At the core of any true Rife Machine then lies a 'frequency generator' which applies and administers the required frequencies into the patient's body. As these frequencies are received, it is said that harmful microbes are killed (over time) and therefore health can be restored. Almost all Rife Machines offered today come with a wide variety of pre-set programs and pre-programmed frequencies (for any number of ailments). In this short video -> you can see an example of a Rife Machine being used to kill a parasite and this is a wonderful testament to the life's work of Dr Raymond Rife. |
In some of the modern Rife Machines though, the radio frequencies are administered through hand held cylinders or foot plates which might be good for clearing away harmful microbes within the bloodstream but they may lack the same deep penetrative effects as the higher powered plasma based machines.
Also, there are some manufacturers that seem to be using a 'sound card' at the core of their Rife frequencies rather than an actual frequency generator. This is likely to reduce the effectiveness of the frequencies being sent into the recipient's body which may therefore not produce the same results as the original did. |
As you open up to the research of Dr. Rife, you may come to the understanding that the Rife machines are simply a way to bring a wide variety of 'healing frequencies' into your body. And for those who are interested to expand their research a little more, there is another way that we can bring in a wide variety of 'healing frequencies' into our body and that is through a 'Multi Wave Oscillator' (MWO).
This style of therapy was made famous by Dr Lakhovsky during the 1930's as he set out to cure serious disease by providing a wide range of 'healthy frequencies' to the recipient. The original design of the oscillator was genius. It used a tesla coil and a spiral antenna which helped to create a very wide spectrum of healing energies for any patient to benefit from. By sitting between these two spiral antennas, a recipient could then slowly vibrate up to this 'healthy set of energies' for greater health. |