Inspiring love & higher consciousness for the benefit of all.
Make Your Own Beautiful Natural Soaps and Body WashesThere are so many different ways that you can create natural soaps, body washes & face washes. Some techniques are more natural than others and some will require slightly different levels of effort when making them. Here are some basic tips to help get you started:
1. If you haven't heard of using soap nuts before, these are a really great and totally natural way to help us create lots of different natural products. 2. Using organic castile soup is a great way to help us bring more natural into our personal hygiene products. Many different natural recipes will use castile soup to help them get the cleaning power. 3. When you are making your natural cleaning products, you can always add either xanthan gum or guar gum to your recipe to thicken it up. These are both food grade powders which come from plants and when mixed with water, they help to give you that silky, thick consistency that is needed sometimes. |
15 - 20 soap nuts 6 cups water (+ 3 more cups to add whilst boiling) 1/2 -1 tsp of guar gum (to your runny-ness preference) 2 - 3 tbsp of nourishing oil (e.g. almond oil, evening primrose etc) essential oils of your choosing Directions: Start by making your soap nut liquid (which the leftovers will be helpful for you in making lots of different natural recipes). Boil the soap nuts with the original 6 cups of water for around 40 minutes. At the 20 minute mark, add an additional cup of water. At the 30 minute mark, add another 2 cups of water. This can then be refrigerated for up to a week or two. Add the desired amount of soap nuts liquid into a blender and add the guar gum. Blend until it froths up and mixes together. Now remove and pour into container and add your essential oils and shake around to mix together. This mix will settle down over the next few days into a wonderful and super cheap hand soap. |
This recipe can be doubled, tripled etc as you require it 3/4 cup fresh distilled water a pinch of guar gum 1/5 - 1/4 cup liquid castile soap ** 1 - 3 tbsp of your favourite natural oils (almond oil, vitamin E etc) essential oils of your choosing ** Depending on how much you want it to froth up Directions: Add everything to your blender except for the castile soup and blend. Now stir through the castile soap into the mix (do not blend this together again!) and pour into your container. Use a looter for added frothing effect. |
Ingredients: 3 cups of distilled water 1/4 cup aloe vera gel 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 tbsp shea butter 1 tsp. guar gum 1 cup Lavender Castile Soap Directions: Combine all ingredients in the blender except for the castile soap and blend. Now mix through the castile soap and pour into your container. |