For those official Love Inspiration translators wishing to create translated versions of the Monimo Light Meditations, we lovingly invite you to firstly prepare your voice recording of the meditation (using the transcribed version at the back of the Monimo Light ebook). Once this has been completed, we lovingly invite you to use the below 'backing music' so that the listener can enjoy the meditation in a very peaceful and relaxed way.
Please note that the below music is the same music that Love Inspiration uses for its own Monimo Light Meditations. This music was created by Marty Donnelly & Love Inspiration which means that we have full ownership of all copyrights. We lovingly give our permission for this music to be used to create a translated version of the six Monimo Light Meditations but we do humbly request that the music is not used for other purposes.
To download these music files onto your device, simply right click and save. After this, you can then add this music to your voice recordings, to create a beautiful meditation experience. When you are adding the music to your voice recording, please be mindful of the music volume that you decide on, simply because it is very important that the listener can easily hear and follow along with the voice recording that you have so lovingly created, as it guides them through a beautiful Monimo Light Meditation experience for all to benefit from. Wonderful! Audio 1 = 1 hour(USED FOR BLUE HORIZON MEDITATION & THE FUSION MEDITATION) Audio 2 = 1 hour(USED FOR LEADING LIGHT + REMOVING OBSTACLES MEDITATION) Audio 3 = 1 hour(USED FOR ORANGE TRUTH MEDITATION) Audio 4 = 1 hour(USED FOR REJUVINATIONMEDITATION)