May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
The Love Inspiration
Free Universal Reiki Courses
Universal Reiki is a higher vibrational healing system that is freely and lovingly offered to those who have completed or partially completed their Usui Reiki training. The Universal Reiki series is therefore another 'free Reiki certification' online option for you to consider and yes, this includes an online Reiki Master certification (for those who reach the Universal Reiki Master level).
Our free Universal Reiki courses include Animal Ascension Reiki, Earth Balance Reiki, Solar Reiki and Transfusion Reiki, as well as the Universal Reiki Master levels. (for those who advance into these elevated levels of consciousness). And for each of these free Universal Reiki courses, the recipient can enjoy receiving a free practitioner ebook (which covers everything you need to know), free attunements, free online support and a free completion certificate. We are truly delighted to offer another free Reiki certification online option to those who are wishing to further progress on their Reiki journey (i.e. after completing the Usui Reiki online certification process). Master Level SymbolsAfter completing any of our Reiki online certification courses (and especially for those who have completed one of our online Reiki Master certification courses) you will lovingly be invited to receive a the Master Level Symbols energies, which can now help to connect with very high vibrational energies, in your ongoing healing work.
These Master Level Symbols courses have all been received from Higher Consciousness and it is our great pleasure to share these energies, freely and with love, for all to benefit from. We understand that those who are seeking a 'Reiki online certification' may just be happy to learn Usui Reiki and stop there but for those who wish to continue developing their healing abilities, into higher and more advanced levels, these Master Level Symbols courses are a fantastic complement to the continuing journey forwards. |
Divine Light is a beautiful Reiki based meditation system which helps a recipient to connect with an array of Higher Consciousness based healing energies in a more meditative or self-healing format. For those who are interested to learn Divine Light, this is another one of Love Inspiration's free Reiki certification online options and this course can very easily be completed in just a few weeks.
During the Divine Light Meditation course, you will be lovingly guided to receive a number of high vibrational 'healing symbols' which you can then use in your meditation practices, to help bring about a deep sense of inner peace, love & healing. Again, we are truly delighted to share these wonderful teachings here in this 'free online' format and we hope that you will enjoy receiving these beautiful Higher Consciousness gifts, for the benefit of all. |