May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Welcome to Di-Ascension Healing!
With much love, we welcome you to Di-Ascension Healing. If you are reading this webpage, it means that you have completed one of the following:
a) The Unified Pathway To Light - Master Level, OR b) Pathway To Light - Volume 5 OR c) Have received your second Ascension Healing Booster For those who have finished The Unified Pathway To Light Master Level, you will now be entering into The Unified Pathway To Transcending The Light - Volume 1. As soon as you commence Day 1 of Phase One - The Blue Shield, you will be able to sign up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies. Congratulations! For those who have finished Pathway To Light - Volume 5, you will now be entering into Pathway To Light - Volume 6. As soon as you commence Day 1 of Level 1 - Blem, Part A, you will be able to sign up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies. Congratulations! And for those who have now received their second Ascension Healing Booster, as soon as it has been received, you are gifted the acceleration opportunity to sign up for Di-Ascension Healing (without necessarily having completed the Ascension Pathway prerequisites). *Note however that the prerequisites must be competed in order to send the Ascension Healing energies on the 11th of the month. We are truly and humbly delighted to welcome you here to these divine healing energies! The Di-Ascension Healing energies are a beautiful energetic aid on the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway and these deeply loving energies will help you to continue ascending into higher & higher frequencies more easily & smoothly. Prior to signing up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies, we lovingly ask that you please read through all of the information below, in its entirety, so that you understand all of the divine gifts that are being offered here. And of course, we lovingly invite you to use all of these divine gifts for the highest possible good of all beings. |
If you wish to, you can 'BOOST' the Ascension Healing energies with the Ascension Healing Boost. Enjoy!
After you have received THREE Di-Ascension Healings, you are then eligible to help send out the Love Inspiration Ascension Healing energies on the 11th of each month should you wish to. Each time you send out Ascension Healing, you will be channeling these divine healing energies and sharing them with all the people who have registered to receive them (including yourself).
Also, for those who do send out the Ascension Healing energies, you will earn yourself a small acceleration opportunity for your own Ascension Pathway journey. For example, each time you send out the Ascension Healing energies on the 11th of the month, you will be given the opportunity to accelerate through some of the resting times in the particular Ascension Pathway ebook that you are currently working through. Wonderful! In summary then, at this stage of your journey, you are being offered the chance to access and share the Love inspiration Ascension Healing energies (sent on the 11th of the month) so that you can continue to help others on their journey forwards - and yourself, on your own Ascension Pathway journey. All the information you need to start sending the Ascension Healing energies is lovingly outlined in the Ascension Healing Handbook. |
Version 4 - 22.09.24