May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
Create your own symbols poster
Love Inspiration is delighted to share a variety of Higher Consciousness based healing systems in the hope that these beautiful healing energies can help people to feel more happiness, love, purity & truth in their life.
For those who may be learning multiple healing systems, you may find that you start to accumulate healing symbols quite quickly and therefore, for those who are already working with 10, 20, 30 or more symbols, it may be helpful to somehow present these symbols in a poster / collage format. For example, as we are moving through the learning process, many of us will keep some kind of symbols diary, which means that when we are giving healing sessions (or doing meditation) these symbols are more accessible to us. As an extension to this, it is also possible to create a symbols poster or collage for our wall, and there are lots of different ways that we can create a symbols poster or collage of symbols. So here on this page, we want to help you create a symbols poster / collage that works for you, in a simple & easy way. |
Usui Reiki
Usui Reiki - Level 1
No usable healing symbols
Usui Reiki - Level 2
Cho Ku Rei (without name)
Cho Ku Rei (with name) Sei Hei Ki (without name) Sei Hei Ki (with name) Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (without name) Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (with name) Usui Reiki - Level 3a
Dai Ko Myo (Usui) (without name)
Dai Ko Myo (Usui) (with name) Dai Ko Myo (Tibetan) (without name) Dai Ko Myo (Tibetan) (with name) Raku (without name) Raku (with name) Usui Reiki - Levels 4, 5 & 6
Ishyo (without name)
Ishyo (with name) Ikyo (without name) Ikyo (with name) Saikyo (without name) Saikyo (with name) Kotoko (without name) Kotoko (with name) Rokaito (without name) Rokaito (with name) Usui Reiki - Levels 7 & 8
No usable healing symbols
Usui Reiki - Level 9
Kohito (without name)
Kohito (with name) Kotoko-Shi (without name) Kotoko-Shi (with name) Kohito-Shi (without name) Kohito-Shi (with name) Sarpagini (without name) Sarpagini (with name) Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki - Levels 1 to 9
No healing symbols
Divine Light Meditation
Divine Light Meditation
Pure Existence (without name)
Pure Existence (with name) Golden Divinity (without name) Golden Divinity (with name) Heartfulness (without name) Heartfulness (with name) Universal Reiki
Animal Ascension Reiki
Ocroton (without name)
Ocroton (with name) Decroton (without name) Decroton (with name) Melloton (without name) Melloton (with name) Zolloton (without name) Zolloton (with name) Pellucon (without name) Pellucon (with name) Earth Balance Reiki
Solar Reiki
No usable healing symbols
Tranfusion Reiki
Universal Reiki Master I
Universal Reiki Master II
Pathway To Light
PTL - Volume 1
No usable healing symbols
PTL - Volume 2
PTL - Volume 3 - 8
No usable healing symbols
Divine Cleanses
The Harmonium Replenish
No usable healing symbols
The Harmoniser
No usable healing symbols
The Analgam Cleanse
No usable healing symbols
The Syon Cleanse
Master Symbols
The Eye Of Compassion
Maitrijusha & Maitrijusha-Ni
Maitrijusha (without name)
Maitrijusha (with name) Maitrijusha-Ni (without name) Maitrijusha-Ni (with name) The Unified Pathway
UPTL - Volumes 1 - 4
No usable healing symbols
UPTL - Volume 5 (Teacher)
Step 1 - Find The Symbol
1) Download the relevant PDF ebook
2) Find the symbol that you want to add |
Step 2 - Zoom to 400%
1) Use the PDF file ZOOM function and set it to 400%
** You should see a VERY big symbol ** |
Step 3 - Take A Screenshot (ON MAC)
1) Hold down SHIFT+COMMAND+4
2) Click the mouse and drag over the symbol 3) A PNG file will be saved to your desktop |
Step 3 - Take A Screenshot (ON PC)
1) Open up the SNIPPING TOOL
2) Choose MODE -> RECTANGULAR SNIP 3) Click the mouse and drag over the symbol 4) Save the newly created PNG file |
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