Prerequisites: DIAMOND STAR AGP = The Unified Pathway To Transcending The Light Vol 4, or Pathway To Light Vol 8 WHITE LIGHT AGP = A Crystal Ascension Vol 10
The STAR Ascension Gateway Portals (STAR AGPs) offer very profound acceleration opportunities to those receiving the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway teachings & who have completed the required prerequisites. These Ascension Portals offer a truly incredible acceleration opportunity for those who make a significant donation, as they give donors the opportunity to: "jump through several layers of consciousness by accelerating the dissolving of karmic debris."
In simple terms, the STAR Ascension Gateway Portals provide a very powerful acceleration opportunity for donors to skip MANY Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway ebooks, thus enabling them to leap ahead on their ascension journey, for the benefit of all. Higher Consciousness have created two different STAR AGPs: The Diamond STAR AGP and The White Light STAR AGP.
1) The Diamond STAR AGP - This accelerates the donor from the end of Step 1 (Ascension Pathway) to the end of Step 3 (The Crystal Pathway), shaving approximately 19 years off their Ascension Pathway journey.
2) The White Light STAR AGP - This accelerates the donor from the end of Step 3 (The Crystal Pathway) to Step 6 The Golden-White Light Pathway - beginning of Volume 4, shaving approximately 16.5 years off their Ascension Pathway journey.
When bringing through these amazing acceleration opportunities, Higher Consciousness explained that these STAR AGPs would be assigned, opened & activated once a significant donation has been made, and also that:
"This requires a large sacrifice or very benevolent action to accumulate the extensive karmic merits for one to accelerate in such a profound way."
In simple terms, Higher Consciousness has explained that a STAR Ascension Gateway Portal will only be available to those who make donations to Love Inspiration for a 'net amount of over NZD$50,000 (giving them the opportunity to receive a Diamond STAR AGP) and a 'net amount of over NZD$150,000 (giving them the opportunity to receive a White Light STAR AGP). In total, Higher Consciousness have created 8 x Diamond STAR AGPs and 3 x White Light STAR AGPs and They explained the following:
"We understand that not everyone can financially afford such a significant sacrifice but rest assured that those who do accelerate via the portals will bring great, great benefit to all who are on the steps behind them on the Ascension Pathway. This giant leap forwards benefits all those on the Ascension Pathway and all beings in total. (Do not limit your thinking or belief to those just on Earth.) With great blessings we bring this new opportunity to you. And with great blessings we open the gateway portals for the benefit of all."
Donation = a net donation of over NZD$50,000 opens one of the eight Diamond portals*1
Prerequisite: The Unified Pathway To Transcending The Light - Volume 4, or Pathway To Light - Volume 8
Accelerates you through 19 years of the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway
*1 Higher Consciousness explained that a Diamond STAR AGP will be successfully activated once a donation of over NZD$50,000 (net) has arrived in the charity bank account. The best way to think about the STAR AGPs is to think of them as being a type of 'bonus', which is lovingly offered to those making large donations.
A 'Diamond' STAR AGP will give the donor the ability to accelerate from the end of Step 1 (The Ascension Pathway) to the end of Step 3 (The Crystal Pathway), which means that they can step straight into the beginning of Step 4 - The Diamond Pathway, A Diamond Ascension Volume 1. So for example, a donor who has completed Step 1 of the Ascension Pathway will be able to skip through:
The entire Step 2 Ascended Pathway (Blue Light Volumes 1-5 plus Crimson Horizon, A Blue Beginning, The Orange Pentalight, Purple Priah & The Green Garden of Light), including the compulsory 12 months of charitable work and the Blue Shield and Gateway Retreats. [approx. 9 years] PLUS
Thus shaving a total of approximately 19 years off their Ascension Pathway journey!
After receiving a DIAMOND STAR AGP, the following will become available to the donor:
✅ Step straight into Volume 1 of The Diamond Pathway
✅ You will be able to sign up for Tri-Ascension Healing (as soon as you commence Day 1 of Diamond Vol 1).
✅ Maitrijusha Complete - this is the final ebook in the Maitrijusha Master Level Symbols ebooks. [From Blue Light Vol 1]
✅ Master Syon Cleanse - this is the final ebook in the Syon Cleanse series of ebooks. [From Blue Light Vol 2]
✅ Shamro Gold - this is a Master Level Symbols ebook that will become available to you [From Blue Light Vol 3]
✅ The Compassion Ascension - this is another Master Level Symbols ebook that will become available to you[From Crimson Horizon]
▶️ And after completing Diamond Ascension Volume 1 (which takes about 2 ⅓ years), you will also become eligible for the Usui Reiki Gold Volumes 10, 11 & 12. Please note that the Usui Reiki Gold levels also require that you have completed Advanced Usui Reiki level 9.
Donation = a net donation of over NZD$150,000 opens one of the three White Light portals*1
Prerequisite: A Crystal Ascension Volume 10
Shaves approximately 19 years of your Ascension Pathway
*1 Higher Consciousness explained that a White Light STAR AGP will be successfully activated once a donation of over NZD$50,000 (net) has arrived in the charity bank account. The best way to think about the STAR AGPs is to think of them as being a type of 'bonus', which is lovingly offered to those making large donations.
A 'White Light' STAR AGP will give the donor the ability to accelerate from the end of Step 3 (The Crystal Pathway) to the end of Volume 3 on Step 6 The Golden-White Light Pathway, which means that they can step straight into Step 6 - The Golden-White Light Pathway, White Light Wisdom Volume 4. So for example, a donor who has completed Step 3 of the Ascension Pathway will be able to skip through:
The entire Step 4 - The Diamond Pathway (Volumes 1 - 8), including the compulsory Balance Retreat. [approx. 12 years] PLUS
The entire Step 5 - The Emerald Pathway (Suites 1 - 5), including the compulsory Emerald Retreat. [approx. 6 years] PLUS
Volumes 1, 2 & 3 of Step 6 - The Golden-White Light Pathway [approx. 3.5 years]
Thus shaving a total of approximately 16.5 years off their Ascension Pathway journey! After taking up this opportunity, this only leaves approximately 4.75 years of Step 6: The Golden-White Light Pathway (Volumes 4-8) and 6.5 years for Step 7: The Grand Ascension Pathway (Volumes 1-7). These timeframes don't include any of the other Love Inspiration Acceleration opportunities.
After receiving a WHITE LIGHT STAR AGP, the following will become available to the donor:
✅ Step straight into Volume 4 of The Golden White Light Pathway
✅ Usui Reiki Gold Volumes 10,11 & 12 - these ebooks will become available to you. [From Diamond Vol 1] **Please note that you will still need to complete the Advanced Usui Reiki Level 9 prerequisite in order to start receiving the Usui Reiki Gold levels.
✅ Sign up for Tri-Ascension Healing [From Diamond Vol 1]
▶️ After receiving six Tri-Ascension Healings (approx. 6 months) you can start helping to send the monthly Di-Ascension Healing energies on the 21st of each month.
▶️ After receiving twelve Tri-Ascension Healings (approx. 12 months) you can start helping to send the monthly Tri-Ascension Healing energies on the 1st of each month. [From Step 6 - Vol 1]
Chanelled Information
"The Diamond & White Light Star Ascensions are ‘gateway portals’ allowing you to jump through several layers of consciousness by accelerating the dissolving of karmic debris. This requires a large sacrifice or very benevolent action to accumulate the extensive karmic merits for one to accelerate in such a profound way. [Thus the substantial–significant donation.] For those who are interested in such a great leap, there have been only eight Diamond and three White Light gateway portals created. These will remain open and available until they are each allocated. Only one person per portal may accelerate. These portals have been generated due to the consistent and persistent determination of entities Marty and Gerry and their milestone healing and ascension work for the benefit of all. They underestimate the grand sacrifices they have made for the benefit of all beings. These portals have also manifested due to the diligent perseverance of all those on the Ascension Pathway and we do not speak lightly when we say that each and every one of you on the Pathway has had significant impact on the changes – and more importantly, the speed of said changes – on your Earth. The consciousness collective is growing & ascending, growing & ascending, growing & ascending. And your part in this has now opened enough divine merit (along with some help from ‘above’) to create such opportunities for acceleration.
We understand that not everyone can financially afford such a significant sacrifice but rest assured that those who do accelerate via the portals will bring great, great benefit to all who are on the steps behind them on the Ascension Pathway. This giant leap forwards benefits all those on the Ascension Pathway and all beings in total. (Do not limit your thinking or belief to those just on Earth.) With great blessings we bring this new opportunity to you. And with great blessings we open the gateway portals for the benefit of all."
Who opens/activates the STAR Ascension Gateway Portals? Everything related to the opening & activation of the STAR AGPs is managed by Higher Consciousness. For example, once a large donation is received that aligns with these instructions, a STAR AGP will automatically be allocated, opened & activated for the donor. This is quite different to the other Love Inspiration offerings such as the Ascension Healing Boosters & monthly Ascension Healings, which are performed by Marty and Gerry (and other eligible Love Inspiration Community members) under the guidance, love & direction of Higher Consciousness. Instead, the STAR AGP acceleration opportunities are totally in the hands of Higher Consciousness. Love Inspiration / Marty & Gerry do not need to physically 'do anything’ other than send a confirmation email once the donation funds have been received. Higher Consciousness have explained this specifically - there is no ceremony, no meditation, no activation & no attunement necessary. Instead, Higher Consciousness will be doing, managing & overseeing everything! As such, once someone makes a significant donation and it aligns with the instructions provided by Higher Consciousness, everything after that will be successfully fulfilled by Higher Consciousness as a 'bonus' or 'thank you gift' for your immense benevolence, sacrifice & generosity. The entire process happens between you and Higher Consciousness. And there is no need to worry as Higher Consciousness has it all in hand and this portal will always work for your highest possible good and for the highest possible good of all beings. We understand that this is a considerable leap in faith but we also understand that the more you can surrender and the more you can trust, the better. And again, there is no need to worry or have any doubts, for it will all unfold magically, beautifully & with divine guidance.
How many people can use a STAR-AGP? Only one person can use each portal and accelerate accordingly. There are 8 Diamond STAR AGPs and so 8 people may accelerate through these. And there are 3 White Light STAR AGPs, giving 3 people the chance to accelerate through these portals.
Will there be more STAR-AGPs opened in the future? Higher Consciousness have not provided any information about this, so we simply don't know! We are always very surprised & joyfully delighted at the teachings, energies & healing opportunities that we receive from Higher Consciousness but we never have any real idea what will be 'brought through' in the future.
Can I donate now if I haven't yet reached the required ebook prerequisites? Yes, Higher Consciousness have explained that this is possible. If you wish to make a significant donation to the charity, then that is wonderful. Once the donation is received into the charity's bank account, the STAR AGP will be automatically ‘assigned’ to you and will remain so, in the background, until you have completed the required prerequisite (and the applicable resting timeframe). And then as soon as you complete the ebook prerequisites, your STAR AGP will automatically be opened/activated by Higher Consciousness and you will then be able to step straight into the ebook that you have accelerated to. We do lovingly recommend reading the FAQ about completing the ebook resting timeframes before being able to accelerate, as this is very important. And please also note that if you wish to make a donation in advance, Higher Consciousness have said that there will not be any refunds or returning of donations that are made. So please ensure that you are feeling certain that you do indeed want to make this donation in advance, that you will not change your mind and that you are feeling very sure that you will follow through and complete the necessary prerequisites, so that you can take advantage of this beautiful acceleration offering.
Can I still take up a STAR AGP acceleration opportunity if I have already passed the prerequisite ebook? Yes, absolutely. If you are currently working through a higher ebook (i.e. further up the Ascension Pathway than the prerequisite ebook) and you wish to make a significant donation, then you can still take up the STAR AGP opportunity. It just means that you will be accelerating from wherever you are at right now, to the destination point (rather than from the prerequisite ebook). So that may mean that you won't be skipping through as many ebooks but even so, the opportunity is still incredible for those wishing to make significant donations to the charity. Please note here that Higher Consciousness have explained that the donation amount will still be the same i.e. it is not reduced because you are further along the pathway. Again, this offering is best thought of as a 'bonus gift' that is lovingly offered to those who are willing & interested to help the charity move forwards.
Can I take up the White Light STAR AGP on its own (i.e without the Diamond STAR AGP first)? Yes. You do not need to have accessed the Diamond STAR AGP in order to be able to access the White Light STAR AGP. Both of these are standalone acceleration opportunities that are available to those wishing to make significant donations.
Can I take up both the Diamond and White Light STAR AGP acceleration opportunities? Yes. You can take up the Diamond, or White Light (or both) as you wish. If you are interested in both, then you can choose whether to donate for both at the same time, or perhaps you wish to donate for the Diamond STAR AGP first, then wait a while, and then donate for the White Light STAR AGP later on. Like always, please move forwards in a way that feels right for you. If you do wish to receive both AGPs, then this is a truly amazing opportunity that is being lovingly offered by Higher Consciousness and it can propel you nearly 40 years up the Ascension Pathway, from the end of Step 1 all the way to Volume 4 of Step 6, which really is just amazing!
B) Submission Form & Donation Questions
What is the process for accessing a STAR AGP? If you are interested in making a significant charitable donation, then we lovingly invite you to read all the information on this webpage, including all the FAQs, and then if you are feeling ready to move forwards, please complete the following:
When submitting the form in step 1, this registers your interest in this opportunity. Once you click submit, you will be redirected to a thank you page and you will be invited to make your donation.
You can now make your donation on the donation webpage. (If you have requested the charity bank details on your submission form, in order to make a bank transfer, we will just need send you those details and hopefully, we can send those to you within 24 - 48 hours).
After the charity has received your donation into its bank account, we will send you a confirmation email and at this point, you will then be ready to proceed on your STAR AGP acceleration journey.
Please note again that this opportunity is like receiving a 'bonus gift' for making a significant donation. The instructions that were received from Higher Consciousness were very clear - these STAR AGPs will only become available once the charity receives a net donation amount of over NZD$50,000 or NZD$150,000. We are not sure why this is such an important criteria for this Higher Consciousness offering but in order to help people receive this offer successfully, we have included some extra information on the relevant donate pages about the various payment processing fees. Therefore, if you wish to make a significant donation and benefit from these STAR AGP opportunities, then we lovingly suggest reading all of that information, so that you can successfully receive this divinely uplifting & powerful acceleration opportunity.
Is there anything I should do when I make the donation? Higher Consciousness have been very clear. Once someone makes a large donation to the charity that exceeds the specified amounts, the relevant STAR AGP will be allocated, opened & activated for that donor. So there is nothing that you need to do, other than fill in the submission form and then make your donation. Having said this, we understand that some donors might feel like incorporating some sort of ceremony or meditation prior to sending the donation, or for when they are actually ‘clicking’ the donate button / sending the donation. For example, you may wish to create a small ceremony for yourself, perhaps sitting in meditation whilst reiterating your intention, perhaps lighting a candle and then sending the money. After clicking the button, you may wish to return to your ceremony/meditation to offer your thanks for the acceleration opportunity, and to pray that this acceleration opportunity benefits all beings. This is by no means compulsory, but we understand that some people might like to do something, as a way to help you set your intention, as you fill in the form and then offer your donation, for the benefit of all. And as always, we lovingly invite you to expand your intention, as much as possible and to cultivate an 'attitude of gratitude' wherever possible.
What happens after I make the donation? As soon as the donation has 'cleared' into the charity's bank account, a STAR Ascension Gateway Portal will be automatically assigned to you by Higher Consciousness. At this point, there is nothing at all that you need to do to access or open the portal. Everything happens automatically and everything is managed by Higher Consciousness. In this way, it really is like an amazing bonus gift that is automatically unlocked once someone makes a donation of this magnitude. As soon as we see that a donation has cleared into the charity's bank account, we will send you a confirmation email and this can confirm for you that you may now leap or accelerate forwards. This confirmation email will also include some additional information & instructions e.g. to provide you with some further information & links to the various ebooks, retreats & Ascension Healing sign-ups that will now become available to you, in case you want to complete any or all of these. For more information about those ebooks & energies that will become available to you, please refer to the FAQ “What about all the ebooks, retreats, Treasure Chests & Ascension Healing sign-ups that I miss when I accelerate?”.
What country should I put on the form? The country you fill in on the form is simply a reference and most people will likely put the country they live in. But it does not matter if you are not in that specified country at the time of taking up the STAR AGP. For example, if you are travelling or have recently moved, you will still be accelerated no matter where you are. Or if you are someone who doesn't feel like you are from the country you are living in and would prefer to state your birth country, then this is also fine. Again, the country is more of a reference point and it will not have any affect on your portal acceleration.
Can I fill in the submission form for someone else (for example if they don’t have access to the website)? In a perfect scenario, it is best for the person who wishes to accelerate using a STAR AGP to personally make the donation and fill in the submission form themselves. However, if this person is not able to access the form, doesn't have an email address, or isn't able to do this themselves, then it is also ok for them to provide you with their personal details so that you can then fill in the form on their behalf.
C) Acceleration Questions
How do I know I’ll be able to cope with such a big step up in ascension? The step up in vibration that arises from a STAR AGP is indeed very profound, for it is truly a ginormous step! But Higher Consciousness have explained that only those who are divinely ready for this will be given this opportunity. This means that if it is meant to be, you will be able to make it happen (i.e. you will have the inclination, you will have completed the required prerequisites, you will be feeling interested in making such a large donation, you will be able to gather the funds etc). If you are not divinely ready, then this opportunity will simply not manifest for you. Also, Higher Consciousness have further explained that if you are feeling any worry or concern about this acceleration or step up, then please lovingly “check your fear”. In other words, you are warmly invited to look at where this fear may be coming from and why it is arising at this time. Higher Consciousness have reiterated that these accelerations are a "truly glorious opportunity", so no fear is needed! They are an extraordinary and magical opportunity for those who are interested in making large donations to the charity's charitable purposes. And it is good to try to see these divinely uplifting opportunities in this light.
What about all the ebooks, retreats, Treasure Chests & Ascension Healing sign-ups that I miss when I accelerate? When you take up a STAR AGP acceleration opportunity, you are quite literally stepping into a divine portal that gives you the ability to to skip all the Ascension Pathway ebooks that are listed on this page, including various energies, ebooks, retreats & Treasure Chest ebooks that would have normally opened up to you, if you were completing this in the traditional way. So, in order to help keep you informed, all recipients of the STAR AGPs will receive a list of ebooks/courses/retreats/Ascension Healing sign ups (along with links to each of them) in their confirmation email, after the charity receives the donated amount. This means that you will be given access to all of these ‘extra’ energies, should you wish to receive them or move through those ebooks at any stage. This means that you will then be able to access / read / take any of those courses, and/or sign up for the Di/Tri Ascension Healing if that has been skipped by this acceleration opportunity. Although it is not compulsory to take any of those courses (or to do the otherwise 'compulsory retreats' that are part of the Ascension Pathway) - we understand that many donors may still like to receive those additional energies. For example, if you receive a Diamond STAR AGT, then you will be given access to the Maitrijusha Complete and the Master Syon Cleanse ebooks (which are the fourth and final ebooks in each series) and again, that information will be provided to you in the confirmation email. If you have taken the previous levels of these courses, then it is likely that you will wish to take the final one to complete those mini-series. And in addition to this, most likely, donors will want to start accessing the Di and/or Tri-Ascension Healing energies if these have been skipped too - and we would definitely recommend that! So again, all of this information will be provided to you in your confirmation email, after one of these very significant donations has been received into the charity’s bank account. Information on the ebooks/retreats/sign-ups that you will be accelerating through can also be found in the Ascension Pathway Blueprint.
After accelerating, how can I access the Diamond Pathway, Emerald Pathway and Golden-White Light Pathway ebooks, as they are not currently on the website? A few years ago, Higher Consciousness asked to remove many of the very advanced Ascension Pathway ebooks from the Love Inspiration website, so that people weren't prematurely accessing these advanced energies. So, once your STAR AGP has been successfully activated, you will receive all of the relevant links to where you can download these ebooks in your confirmation email. This means that you will then be able to start accessing those ebooks and continue to move forwards, onwards & upwards on your Ascension Pathway journey.
If I am already passed the prerequisite ebook, do I need to finish the ebook I am currently working on before accelerating? If you have taken up a STAR AGP opportunity and you have already passed the prerequisite ebook (i.e. you are currently working through a higher ebook on the Ascension Pathway), then it may be a good idea to complete the section or chapter of that ebook, however this is not compulsory. This is entirely up to you and we invite you to do what feels right for you in your heart. Once you have made your donation, some people may like to finish the whole ebook, some may like to finish that section or chapter, whilst others might feel totally happy to leap from exactly where they are, without even finishing the sequence of symbols or energies they are currently working with. So again, this is entirely up to you. Please note however that Higher Consciousness have explained that in the case where you are not finishing a chapter, before you start the ebook that you have accelerated to, then it is best to wait at least 3 weeks from any previous attunement or set of energies you have taken. Note also that some donors, after moving through their STAR AGP acceleration step, may wish to wait up to 6 months (after the Diamond STAR AGP) or 18 months (after the White Light STAR AGP) to begin the ebook they have accelerated to. This is not compulsory but again, it is a suggestion from Higher Consciousness. Above all, each recipient is lovingly invited to move forwards in a way that feels right for them at the time.
Do I need to complete the ebook resting timeframes before accelerating? Yes, you do need to complete the resting timeframe at the end of the prerequisite ebook. This is very important.* But after accelerating, you do not need to complete the resting time prior to the first ebook after the acceleration. We will now provide some examples to clarify this. For example, for the Diamond STAR AGP: You need to complete the prerequisite ebook and that ebook's resting timeframe. For example:
TUPTTTL Volume 4 + the resting timeframe afterwards which is “the twelve weeks rest reaching Completion & A New Beginning”. Once that 12 weeks is completed, you can then start straight into Diamond Ascension Volume 1.
Pathway To Light Volume 8 + the resting timeframe afterwards which is “the 8 week period of Illumination - the final stage of renunciation”. Once that 8 weeks is completed, you can then start straight into Diamond Ascension Volume 1.
After accelerating, there is no need to complete the resting timeframe prior to Diamond Ascension Volume 1 i.e. you do not need to complete the six week resting period at the end of A Crystal Ascension 10. **
For the White Light STAR AGP: You need to complete the prerequisite ebook (A Crystal Ascension - Volume 10) and that ebook's resting timeframe (e.g. six weeks). After accelerating, there is no need to complete the resting timeframe prior to White Light Wisdom Volume 4 i.e. there is no need to complete the 18 week resting timeframe at the end of Volume 3. **
* Note that if you are accelerating through BOTH the Diamond and White Light STAR AGPs, you do not need to complete the six week resting period at the end of A Crystal Ascension 10. This is because the accelerations will take you all the way from the end of Step 1 to Volume 4 of Step 6. However you may wish to consider the 6 month resting period outlined in the next note below.
** Note that Higher Consciousness have explained that some donors, after making their donation, may wish to wait up to 6 months (after the Diamond STAR AGP) or 18 months (after the White Light STAR AGP) to begin the ebook they have accelerated to. This is not compulsory and is just a suggestion from Higher Consciousness to allow people to adjust to their new frequency. Above all, we lovingly invite you to feel this for yourself and as always, do what feels right for you.
If I take up both the Diamond and White Light STAR AGPs, is there anything I need to do inbetween them? If you take up both STAR AGPs, there is nothing you need to do in-between them in terms of ebooks or ebook resting timeframes. The Diamond AGP propels you from the end of Step 1 to the end of The Crystal Pathway (Step 3) and then the White Light AGP continues your acceleration, from that exact point, to the beginning of White Light Wisdom Volume 4. In other words, you go all the way and they link up perfectly! If using both STAR AGPs, there is no need to complete the six week resting period at the end of A Crystal Ascension 10, however again, please note that Higher Consciousness have explained that some donors may wish to wait up to six months after the Diamond AGP before moving forwards. But again, this is not at all compulsory so just see how you feel and do what feels right for you.
D) Money Questions
Why are the STAR AGPs accessed only by donation rather than payment? We are not sure why this is such an important point, however Higher Consciousness brought through this information very clearly, explaining that the STAR AGPs are lovingly offered to those who are making significant donations. They are absolutely not a payment based service. At a guess, we would say this is because of the incredibly positive karmic merit that one attains by making a donation and because these STAR AGP are such phenomenal acceleration opportunities, we would surmise that each recipient needs significant amounts of merit, in order for the acceleration to take place, and that this is best achieved by making a donation rather than making any kind of payment for a service. In addition to this, all aspects of the STAR AGP acceleration opportunities have been divinely created by Higher Consciousness, right down to the exact donation amount for each STAR AGP. Higher Consciousness will also been doing, managing & overseeing everything related to these portals, which means that you can just make a donation and then enjoy all the beautiful benefits of your benevolence & generosity. As always, Love Inspiration is simply a vehicle for Higher Consciousness to flow through, for the highest possible good of all beings, and we are truly delighted that we can be a conduit for these STAR AGPs to unfold, for the highest possible good of all.
What if I have received the Tri-Ascension Healing Offer? If you have received the Tri-Ascension Healing Offer (where you made a donation-payment of NZD$8,500 to start receiving the Tri-Ascension Healing energies early on in your pathway) then firstly congratulations! Secondly, Higher Consciousness have benevolently explained that this amount (NZD$8,500) may be deducted from your donation for the Diamond STAR Ascension Gateway Portal acceleration, which is just wonderful! (I.e. your donation will be over NZD$41,500 net). This is just another way of saying thank you for your generosity and for your trust in Love Inspiration & in the Higher Consciousness offering of the Tri-Ascension Healing energies. Please note here though that Higher Consciousness have also explained that this amount cannot be deducted from the White Light STAR AGP, so please keep that in mind when considering this opportunity.
What does a donation of over NZD$50,000 or $150,000 mean? Higher Consciousness have explained that these STAR AGPs will be assigned, opened & activated to those who are making a net donation amount (i.e. the amount that ends up in the charity bank account) of at least NZD$50,000 or $150,000. We are not sure why this has been brought through the way it has been but like always, we trust that there is an important & divine reason. By structuring the offerings in this way, it means that donors may wish to be a little mindful about any bank fees, payment processing fees and exchange rates on their donation. For example, if you wanted to make a significant donation and you wanted to receive one of these wonderful acceleration opportunities and you were interested in donating by credit card or by paypal, then it may be helpful to know that payment processing fees on these transactions are somewhere between 4-5%. You already know that these acceleration opportunities open up to those who make a net donation amount of above NZD$50,000 or $150,000 and so, one option would be to work backwards from there. Or maybe you would prefer to make a donation by bank transfer. In that case, you may again wish to consider bank fees (including an additional bank fee of around NZD$15 that is charged by our bank here in NZ to process international transfers). And there may also be some exchange rate considerations when doing bank transfers as well. Again, these opportunities are lovingly offered to those making a net donation of over NZD$50,000 / $150,000. In cases where the donation received is less than the required net amount, and we have received a submission form from you, then we will contact you and lovingly help you to organise a 'top up donation' so that the final donated amount aligns with the instructions of Higher Consciousness. Again, we are not sure why Higher Consciousness have structured this opportunity in this way but for those wishing to take advantage of these opportunities, then with much love, we will do our very best to help. In other words, no matter how you make the donation or what happens along the way, we will always be there to assist you in successfully qualifying for these wonderful opportunities, for the highest possible benefit of all.
Can my friends and family help me to come up with the donation money? Yes. Higher Consciousness have explained that although only one person may accelerate through each portal, others helping you financially is perfectly ok. For example your friends/family will be able to help you come up with the donation amount, should they wish to. But again, only one person may accelerate through one portal.
How will the STAR AGP donation money be spent? Each donation that is received for a STAR AGP acceleration opportunity will be put towards advancing our 'charitable purposes'. For the foreseeable future, this means that almost all of the funds that we receive into the charity will be allocated towards the development and creation of a Maitri Centre in New Zealand, simply because this is what is being divinely guided at this time. For example, ever since the inception of Love Inspiration, Higher Consciousness has been guiding us towards a deeper understanding about the significance of the Maitri energies and in more recent years, the significance of creating a Maitri Centre in New Zealand. As we understand it, there are a great many benefits that are received by the Love Inspiration Community (and by the whole world) with the continuing development of a Maitri Centre and it is with this kind of benevolent mindset that this project continues to be lovingly undertaken, in a 'step by step' way, for the highest possible benefit of all beings. (You can read our progress updates for the Maitri Centre project here). In addition to this, Higher Consciousness have also explained that the act of making such a large donation and therefore, qualifying for one of these STAR AGPs, will help to bring unfathomable benefits to the Love Inspiration Community as a whole, thereby making the Ascension Pathway easier & smoother for those walking on this pathway. How will the STAR AGP donations benefit others? In the previous FAQ, we explained that the STAR AGPs have been divinely brought through by Higher Consciousness and that the donation moneys will be used for the continuing development and creation of a Maitri Centre in New Zealand. And for some people, it may be helpful to understand how a Maitri Centre actually benefits the Love Inspiration Community. To start with, Higher Consciousness has indicated that the step-by-step creation of a Maitri Centre helps to deepen and expand the energies that are available to the Love Inspiration Community as a whole, whether this be through the Ascension Healing energies that are sent out each month, through the continuing expansion of the Ascension Pathway energies or through the creation of new healing systems (in the future). In addition to this, a Maitri Centre will give an Ascension Pathway recipient the opportunity to accelerate (fast track) through an Ascension Pathway ebook in around 10% of the time by staying in the Centre. And this in itself has the ability to shave off many years of spiritual growth work & ascension based healing work. Overall, any kind of donation for a Maitri Centre is essentially helping the Love Inspiration community (and the whole world) in a myriad of different ways. And again, Higher Consciousness have explained that the mere act of making such a large donation helps to bring immense benefits to those who are still receiving the Ascension Pathway energies and those still to come.
E) Refunds
What is the refund policy for the STAR AGPs? Because the STAR AGP opportunity centres around the idea of donations being offered, which then opens up the ability to receive a STAR AGP, Higher Consciousness have explained that refunds will not be available. Higher Consciousness have also explained that the STAR Acceleration Gateway Portal will automatically be assigned and opened/activated by Higher Consciousness as soon as your donation clears into the charity’s bank account and as such, refunds are unfortunately not able to be given.
We do humbly apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but it is important to understand that Higher Consciousness is asking each person to carefully think of their donation as being for the benefit of all, rather than a ‘payment' for a 'service’ (noting that you will always receive the associated karmic merit of your benevolent action regardless of whether you receive a STAR AGP or not). When making a donation, it is best to make it consciously and with the highest possible altruistic intention i.e. for the infinite benefit of all beings.
Please also note that in addition to making a significant donation, you must have completed the necessary ebook prerequisites, in order to receive a STAR AGP. Therefore, if you donate now and have not yet reached the prerequisite ebook (which is perfectly ok), then please just be sure that you intend to meet those prerequisite requirements in the future, as the STAR AGP will only be activated for you when you reach that level. And again, Higher Consciousness has explained that no refunds will be available, even to those who do not make it to the prerequisite ebook. For example, if you give up the Ascension Pathway and you do not reach that level, then even in this case, Higher Consciousness have explained that no refunds will be given. Again, these are donations that are benevolently offered for the charity's charitable purposes and for the highest possible good of all beings. We do humbly apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but as always, Love Inspiration is a vehicle for Higher Consciousness to flow through and we are always trying our very best to adhere to the instructions & guidance of Higher Consciousness. What happens if I donate and then change my mind? Higher Consciousness have explained that the STAR AGP will be assigned and opened/activated by Higher Consciousness as soon as the donation enters the charity’s bank account. As such, if you change your mind after receiving one of these STAR AGPs, then refunds are unfortunately not able to be given. All donations will be offered towards our charitable purposes, for the benefit of all beings, and will undoubtedly bring a tremendous amount of karmic merit into the donor's life, as you will always receive the associated karmic merit of your benevolent action, regardless of the STAR AGP opportunity.
What happens if someone donates now but they die before they reach the required prerequisite ebook and thus do not receive the STAR AGP? If the person who is to receive the STAR AGP dies before it is received, then the great merit accumulation from their benevolent donation towards the charity's charitable purposes for the benefit of all beings, will undoubtedly help them in their transition from Earth, as you will always receive the associated karmic merit of your benevolent action regardless of whether you receive a STAR AGP or not. However again, Higher Consciousness have explained that no refunds can be given in such a circumstance. We do humbly apologise again for any inconveniences this may cause however Love Inspiration is a vehicle for Higher Consciousness to flow through and we always try our very best to adhere to the instructions & guidance of Higher Consciousness.