May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
News & Announcements
We are delighted to announce that Higher Consciousness have brought through a very profound Ascension Pathway acceleration opportunity - The STAR Ascension Gateway Portals (STAR AGPs). ✨💕
The STAR AGPs offer truly amazing acceleration opportunities and they are available to anyone who: a) is receiving the Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway energies, b) has completed the required prerequisites, and c) makes a significant donation (in line with the guidance received from Higher Consciousness). Higher Consciousness have created two different STAR AGP opportunities - The Diamond STAR AGPs and The White Light STAR AGPs. 🌈🌸 Each STAR AGP gives you the ability to skip through nearly 20 years worth of Ascension Pathway ebooks/energies and if both of these are combined, they actually give you the ability to skip through almost 40 years worth of ascension based healing work, which really is just incredible! ✨🚀 When introducing these new offerings, Higher Consciousness explained that: "The Diamond & White Light Star Ascensions are ‘gateway portals’ allowing you to jump through several layers of consciousness by accelerating the dissolving of karmic debris. This requires a large sacrifice or very benevolent action to accumulate the extensive karmic merits for one to accelerate in such a profound way. [Thus the substantial–significant donation.] For those who are interested in such a great leap, there have been only eight Diamond and three White Light gateway portals created. These will remain open and available until they are each allocated. Only one person per portal may accelerate." So we are truly delighted to be officially launching these new acceleration opportunities today! 🥳💜 As many of you already know, Love Inspiration is a loving & benevolent vehicle for Higher Consciousness teachings, guidance & energies to flow through, for the highest possible good of all beings. We are truly delighted to have received such a powerful & profound opportunity, noting that all donations received will be put towards the continuing development of a Maitri Centre in NZ. We now lovingly & joyfully offer this to the Love Inspiration Community, in the hope that it can help all beings to achieve mukti-moskha transcendence. ✨🌺 Happy ascending to all! M&G 💙🙏
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With much love, we welcome you to our newly created news & announcements page. On this page, we will be sharing a variety of news, announcements & updates with the Love Inspiration Community as things continue to unfold & evolve. Archives