May all beings be infinitely happy and free from suffering.
We are delighted to share the fourth & final video in our little video series which talks about all of the different elements of this truly profound shift in our collective consciousness here on Earth. 🌟💗
Watch the video here Here in Part 4, we wanted to give you lots of different tips & techniques to help you transform yourself in very effective ways. And so, it brings us much joy to now bring you these 10 transformational tips, and we hope that these can help you to feel a deeper sense of love, joy, peace & happiness in your life! 💜🌸🙏
Dearest all, today's Ascension Healing Booster (7th January 2025) has now lovingly been sent. We wish all recipients a truly magnificent & abundant Booster for the infinite benefit of all beings! 💗
All recipients will now have an email in their inbox with information on what to do / expect over the next couple of days. 🥰 Today's AHB was the last AHB in which Higher Consciousness added the two extra places (10->12), in order to help as many people as possible sign up for the Di-Ascension Healing energies before January 2025. We are not sure what the significance of this January timeline is exactly, as Higher Consciousness did not elaborate, but we are truly delighted for all those who have now reached the point of being able to sign-up, whether through the AHBs or through completing the required ebooks. 💕 Congratulations! ✨ Our deepest thanks to Higher Consciousness Who have benevolently offered these magnificent energies, once again, for the benefit of all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. 🙏💟🙏 With great joy & happiness, 🙏🌸🥰 M & G We are delighted to announce that the first Diamond STAR AGP has now been benevolently opened and aligned, for the benefit of all beings! 🌟
As this amazing new portal was being opened, Love Inspiration received new insights & information from Higher Consciousness about just how incredible these STAR AGP energies are and about how these new energies will be helping the Love Inspiration Community, in very profound ways. 🌈🎊 With much love, we want to share all of this exciting information with everyone and so, we have put together a new webpage which shares the channeled message and the additional insights that were received from Higher Consciousness: We will also update this new webpage, should any more STAR Acceleration Gateway Portals be opened in the future or should we receive any new energies, messages or insights from Higher Consciousness. 💜 For now, on behalf of all beings, we wish to offer our deepest thanks & gratitude to the Love Inspiration Community for their tremendous work on the Ascension Pathway which has manifested the STAR AGP opportunities, to the benevolent being who has opened the first Diamond STAR AGP and to Higher Consciousness who have created these unfathomable portals for the benefit of all! May everyone in the community now enjoy the profound energetic benefits that have come from this deeply benevolent action, for the infinite benefit of all! 💓🙏 Dear all, the Master Level Symbols ebook Maitrijusha & Maitrijusha-Ni has now been lovingly updated and the new version (V15: 03.01.25) is available for download on the website: This ebook has only had very minor updates, but includes the correction to the Ascension Pathway prerequisite required (which is only Phase Two Prophestine Reiki instead of the whole Celestine Series ebook). ☺️ If you are currently taking this course then you are welcome to download the new version. 👌 With happy thanks & gratitude for these amazing Master Level energies! May they benefit all beings! ❤️ |
With much love, we welcome you to our newly created news & announcements page. On this page, we will be sharing a variety of news, announcements & updates with the Love Inspiration Community as things continue to unfold & evolve. Archives
January 2025