Can I take Usui / Kundalini Reiki alongside the Ascension Pathway ?
Yes, absolutely - and we highly recommend it! The advanced level ebooks of both Kundalini Reiki and Usui Reiki (Level 4 onwards) have Ascension Pathway prerequisites taking a minimum of 12-18 months to complete, so it is a good idea to start the Ascension Pathway as soon as possible.
For example, to commence Advanced Usui Reiki Level 4 or Advanced Kundalini Healing Level 4, you need to have completed The Unified Pathway To Light (Volume 2) OR The Pathway To Light (Volume 2).
So, to help guide you in running Usui Reiki alongside the Ascension Pathway, we have included a diagram entitled "The Quickest Usui Reiki Learning Pathway" in the Usui Reiki Level 1 ebook on Pages XIV-XV, which shows an outline of how to follow the Usui Reiki courses alongside The Unified Pathway To Light.
And "The Quickest Kundalini Reiki Pathway" diagram can be found in the Kundalini Reiki Level1-3 ebook, on Pages 51-52.
Wishing you infinite light on your Reiki & Ascension journey!
The first page of each of the diagrams are also shown below as an example, however please consult the diagrams in the ebooks to obtain the most up-to-date version (and to view the second page of each diagram).